Is it normal to want to die but fear death?

I want to be finished wih life and just die somewhere alone. When I think about myself dying I feel fear and anxiety.. I really can't explain this...

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Comments ( 10 )
  • nommy

    I feel the same way but its that im afraid of the pain

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  • Holzman67

    Yeah I think that's pretty normal. If only there was an alternative hey. I'd be quite happy just to sleep and dream for the rest of eternity

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    • chocolate21

      I would LOVE to do that.

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  • I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of fucking up and becoming an invalid for the rest of my life.

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  • alone?

    that means you dont really want to die (been there to often myself), yoou and some oter comentors here seem to be romanticizing death as people tend to, u need to forget about what you think death is and look into reality, u can definatly trust me on this im 23 this kind of thing hapens and if u work for it it will be better, u feel fear becase you arent sure what hapens after,or ur afraid of the pain (doubt u could avoid it completly if atall)

    for some people wjat helps is to think of what/ who they would leave behind but if you dont care u just need a reality check, i sugest thinking alloton death in realistic terms,what hapens, w=how it would feel,its negatives,(there are no positives with suacide trust me ive thought about it noting good can come with it, theres no piece just pain and fear and thats before you die) u should definalty talk to someoone i garantee theres someone, reply to this ill listen for a bit,face o face works better so i recomend a profecional there easy to find

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  • seankessinger

    Yeah. You seem suicidal. It's fairly common to be depressed. Suicide is what happens if this depression doesn't get helped. Talk to someone. I know it sounds corny, but just having someone listen to you, makes everything seem better.

    You're fear of death might just be natural instinct to not want to die. It might also be a combination of fear of the unknown. It's like that fear that you feel the moment you jump off the cliff. What's next? Nothing? Heaven? Hell? You're about to find out as soon as you reach the bottom. Only a few more seconds. Wait! I'm not ready yet! I Don't want this yet! SPLAT!

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  • EdWall234

    Become an actor, that way you can act out dying and avoid death.

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  • MIHanako

    yeah. i always want to die,but i'm afraid with what will happen next. like my next "world"

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  • thr

    I think it is natural, that you have instincts that make you fear death. I do.

    Why do you want to die somewhere alone?

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  • youareaghost

    I can explain it. You don't really want to die.

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