Is it normal to want to feed goose edibles
I procured some edibles and I was wondering is it ok to feed a goose some edibles to see what it looks like for a goose to be high.
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I procured some edibles and I was wondering is it ok to feed a goose some edibles to see what it looks like for a goose to be high.
Yes because you get to see a goose overdose and how many people get to see that on a given day?
Chances are that it's just edible weed and its very hard to overdose to death with weed, I imagine the same is true for a goose. It just might hit car or something.
I just want to say that I'm quite fond of geese, and I prefer that no geese related mishaps occur.
But common wouldnt that be funny if all it did was walk around and honk at a tree or something that it thinks is moving closer to it?
I wonder if scientist just give random drugs to animals to see what they do. Just to know what happens if you give an elephant acid or something. How higher cognitive creatures deal with hallucinations vs lower cognitive creatures.
All for science (also I'm pretty sure you can make a mint for selling the videos online)
I once pissed off a friend of mine really badly, because I said I was gonna try to make money selling used diabetic doggie needles to heroin addicts. I still maintain that used, diabetic doggie needles are probably hella cleaner than the dirty needles junkies share with each other. *I was joking of course.*
I guess when it comes right down to it I like dogs, and cats better than a lot of people. Geese are pretty cool too!
I wouldn't want to see an elephant overdose on anything, but I probably like elephants better than much of the human race.
We wouldn't be in this pandemic mess if it were for those Chinese with their damn wet markets. I'll always choose dogs, and cats over the sort of humans who would care to eat them when it comes down to life, or death!
I will NEVER understand, nor ever be one of those people who puts all humans above all animals, simply because humans are supposed to be somehow better, or more important than animals. In fact I will probably always prefer a lot of animals over many humans.
It's harder for an elephant to overdose then you but a goose a cat or a dog? Much easier.
Some humans arent worth the value of animals but most are. It has to be an exceedingly rare animal to get away with harming or killing a person. Crocodiles are hunted if they kill a man. Most animals in custody are put down if they even harm a human.
Animals are lesser than humans. Some humans are worthless. Most arent. Animals have worth, just not as much as humans at this point in time.
Please don't get geese high. I had a legally blind friend who thought it would be funny to get my cat high and did so when I was in another room. My cat became very frightened and went into a seizure. I didnt find it a bit funny as my little friend meowed to me for help. I wanted to break the fuckers jaw.
Animals don't always react to drugs the same way as humans and they can be seriously harmed or even killed by certain ones. How funny would it be to see the goose fly off into a tree or something and break his neck?
No, I wouldn't give anything like that to an animal. It doesn't seem right to me.
That does not sound like a normal thing that a normal human being should do.
Animals don't necessarily deal with a particular drug in the same way as people do. For example, relatively low doses of acetaminophen (US=Tylenol, UK=Paracetamol) can kill cats and and make dogs very ill.
True herbal ganga might not do any lasting harm to the goose, but my understanding is that a lot of stuff these days is laced with synthetic drugs to give an extra kick, and that might be a serious issue.
Alcohol is one psychoactive drug that seems to have the same effect on birds and humans. One of my mother's stories from her childhood was watching the chickens get let out of their run after being kept in for a week or so, wandering around the yard eating the over-ripe cherries that had fallen from the tree and lain on the ground for a few days, and then starting to stagger and fall over.
Not all geese! I've met some perfectly lovely geese. If you want to get to know some real assholes go out to a park, and meet some Swans. My dad told me that one of his earliest memories as a tiny child was seeing a swan attack a motorcycle cop at a park.
Swans are crazy, they will throw down just because they can.
What about bad drugs? If you think a normal goose is bad, just imagine a goose on crystal meth!
Let’s make it less glum and all, I made an ig for goose pics in my neighbourhood, feel free to check it out