Is it normal to want to get attacked

I know everyone thinks pitbulls are vicious killers but in all honesty I cant help but to sometimes want to be viciously mauled by a pitbull PUPPY. Please note. A puppy, not a grown ass adult. I want to later on reminisce about the adorable attack by this puppy.

Its the mixture of their soft fur their licking playing with me then feeling their small sharp teeth munch on my skin. It always tickles me but the bite doesnt actually hurt. I want the puppy to lunge at me with its tiny claws:)

IS this normal or is it kinda sadistic?

Voting Results
37% Normal
Based on 46 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • DannyKanes

    I'll have whatever he's smoking

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  • creampawf

    WHY? Life is so precious. You could die. But I guess a little excitement is always wanted. (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆

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  • ihatenigga's

    You don't want it to bite mine did that when he was younger but he's a staffy our family pet now he's very over protective and tries hurting everything apart from family and our dopey mastiff

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  • DarthLupine666

    If you don't intend it to hurt, I'd say it's normal as it seems that basically you just want to roughhouse with the puppy; however if you end up getting a puppy of any breed and do this, please - for the dog's sake as well as yours and others' - be sure to teach it a command to stop playing rough, and enforce this command positively; otherwise when the puppy grows up it will not know when to stop and may end up hurting you as it will not realize on its own that just because it's bigger now means it has to be more careful.

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  • Haxy

    I'd say it's the opposite of sadistic.

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  • littleangel217

    LOL, now THAT'S weird .... lol

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  • crimson_mamba

    They actually have some pretty sharp claws, so be careful, if you do let one attack you, make sure the claws stay away from that face of yours.

    Hmmm no it sounds pretty normal nothing sadistic about it, its like when people giggle when dogs/puppies play wrestle with them and paw their face and wag their tails...etc

    Id say normal:)

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