Is it normal to want to give up a puppy after a few days?

She's very adorable and loyal but she's demanding a lot of attention. Yes I've been told this before adopting her but I didn't realize how much she would require. I haven't yelled at her or pushed her away yet but the dog is stressing me out(also because she's ruining the carpet in my apartment).

I've been struggling with depression so my mom kept encouraging me to get a dog because it would help me meet girls. I will admit the dog is a babe magnet because I've already had a short convo with a girl the other day while walking my puppy but the puppy is taking up a lot of my time. I'm still stressed about my career and want to succeed in the field I am in. I really need to get stuff done around my apartment and apply for a new job. She's a German Shepherd pure breed so I'm also concerned with the cost when she gets older, she's going to weigh about 75 pounds. I'm not sure I want to live in an apartment and own a big dog at the same time. I did tell my mom in the past that I wanted a dog because A.) my cat was knocking over too many things and damaging too much stuff in my apartment (only because he wanted more attention) B.) I keep hearing that girls think guys with cats are weird and not attractive. I am planning on giving my cat up for adoption as well to a disabled guy near by (who lost his cat recently, my cat looks like his).

Lastly, I feel like an irresponsible douchebag for wanting to give my puppy up for adoption so quickly. It was my decision to adopt her and signed the papers for her but I let my mom encourage me to get a dog way too often when I wasn't sure about getting one. She is right though, it will help me meet girls but I have a hard time being a conversationalist in the first place. I'm afraid that I will be giving up a good thing. Does anyone have a similar story?

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Comments ( 22 )
  • KlondikeSam

    You did the right thing -- for yourself and the dog. And I hope you decide to keep the cat.

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  • blondie28

    U should"be done ur research on the type of dog breed before u got one, German shepards require alot of exercise and attention! Big mistake! Now the only one who will suffer is the dog!

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    • Not true. The guy will suffer because instead of all those girls he thinks the dog is going to attract, the only "girl" he's going to end up with is his friggin' dog. Nobody cares if the damned dog suffers!

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  • Moonbow

    First, girls do NOT think guys who own cats are "weird and not attractive." Also, there is nothing un-manly about a guy who owns or likes cats. Ernest Hemingway, the author, was also a big-game hunter and he loved and owned many cats, so there is nothing un-manly about a guy having a cat.

    But what I can't understand is that if you have a cat and you say he is knocking over things because he wanted attention, then you go out and get a dog that is a hundred times more needy than a cat? That doesn't make any sense at all. Take my advice, get rid of the dog and keep the cat. As the dog grows, she will eat you out of house and home and the vet bills for a dog are a LOT more than for a cat, and if you're already having financial problems, how are you going to afford the dog?

    One other thing, while the dog might help you meet girls, if you are having problems keeping a girl, there is something else going on. You need to have more in common with a girl than just that you both like or own dogs and if you're really a closet cat-person, how long is a relationship with a dog-person going to last?

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  • TheGuruOfTheSauce

    give up trying to find girls, if you can't deal with a small puppy for more than a few days how do you expect a relationship would be? You're too desperate and you're falling into pathetic. I think you should focus on your career instead of chasing ass with dogs as bait

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  • Wolverine22

    Puppies are a lot of work! I've raised two of my own and my dogs are my kids. They're worth it.

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  • assdfghjkl

    It's okay, man. Don't feel TOO bad about it. Yess, people probably told you it was a bunch of responsibility and stuff before you got the puppy but until you actually experience it you can't REALLY know.

    It's like - people tell me childbirth is painful and I believe them but I don't really KNOW just HOW painful it is because I've never had a baby...

    But I am a major depressive and I do have a puppy and it is really fucking hard and it sucks. The dog is crazy energetic, demands attention, craps on the floor, destroys the trash, eats cat poo ... the list goes on and on and then when I yell at it for doing awful things it PISSES all over. I have wanted to give up on it many many times. She is almost 8 months old now. It is the longest I've ever managed to keep a puppy - I think she has lasted this long because we do not have carpet anywhere in the house. .. but I've given up puppies in the past. I kept thinking they would fill some sort of hole in my heart but I was wrong . . . sooooooooo if my experience is worth anything - just find the puppy a new home with someone who has the emotional energy to keep up with the little fucker and don't get another puppy....maybe get a house broken dog?

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  • randomjelly

    I think you did a wonderful thing by returning she has a good chance of being placed in a home that can properly care for her. Puppies are difficult and most can be overwhelmed. Yes they are told it will be challenging but you don't actually know until you personally experience it. If you do decide to get another dog try getting an older dog from a shelter that is already housebroken. I think you mentioned that you got a cat...good for you! I hope all turns out well.

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  • notsure85

    @giigii i'm keeping the cat and I met a girl and have been seeing her. She actually loves the cat and she seems to like me a lot despite what i kept hearing about "guys with cats"

    @candy8, i know that but i don't feel as much as guilt as i did before

    @aussiechick69 like i said i don't feel as much guilt as i did before because I gave her to a shelter near my place that specializes in taking care of German Shepherds. Adoption candidates have to go through a long review process before they can adopt a German Shepherd from this shelter, so I'm 100% confident that she has already found the right home. You are right, I was irresponsible and a douchebag for adopting her but people make mistakes (some that they will regret for the rest of their life).

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  • aussiewolf

    i didnt even read the write up of what this douche bag had to say, just the title pissed me off. you dont deserve to have a dog or a cat or any other animal. its people like you that get puppies for stupid reasons and end up giving them to the pound or dumping them out in the street and the poor animals have to suffer because of your selfishness. you should just do everyone a favour and take a long walk off a short pier.

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    • SweetAdeline

      But he didn't dump her on the street or at the pound, he gave her to a shelter that will find her a home. He did what was best for himself and the dog. You, aussiewolf, need to stop judging others. It is wrong for a person who doesn't want an animal to keep it and if you really cared anything about animals, as you claim, you would know that. You should commend him for passing the dog on to someone who can provide her a better life than what he could have provided.

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  • candy8

    She's a puppy asshole! They need fricken attention

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    • SeverusFan23


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  • i can understand the kind of stress you might be in right now..... maybe you shouldve thought it over more before-hand, but i wont nag you.
    also, if you do decide to give up the puppy, girls dont actually think that about guys with cats (a bitch might think that, but anyone who still has their soul wont) so you could consider getting a cat or a smaller dog.

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  • sararose

    Well you shouldn't have gotten the puppy in the first place. You obviously knew that puppys require anlot of attention and love. You have to go through a bonding period with them. Find a good place for you little puppy and make sure she is going to be loved by the people.

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  • notsure85

    @TheGuruOfTheSauce, I like how you tell things like it is (sometimes you do) but getting laid wasn't the reason why I got a dog, more like finding a nice girl to spend time with is a better way of putting it. Also, My main goal was to take the dog running (to stay fit and active) and to meet new people...I guess I should have mentioned that in my posting...but I"m not ready for that lifestyle change yet I suppose.

    @thisissomuchfun, you were right on the money about my mom having good intentions but I should start listening to what I really want. You're also right about getting a smaller dog.

    @BlackRoseVale , I'm sorry to hear that you suffered from depression. I'm not sure if i'm going to get out of this dark period of my life. They say get help but I don't have the energy to get the help I need, it's like i'm falling through a black hole of nightmarish proportions =.

    @Moonbow , didn't Earnest Hemingway kill himself? but you're right, I do have a problem keeping girls and a puppy isn't going to help me in relationships. Your opinion is one of the things I thought of the most when I made my decision.

    @yayasaga, thanks but the puppy was requiring me to give up my lifestyle for the better ( i wasn't ready for that even though that is what I've been longing for)

    @Lockets , TheGuruOfSauce does seem to make insensitive posts but I think his post was partly true. If I can't handle a puppy for a few dogs then how am I expected to handle a relationship? You're right though, I do need to sort out my career first before adopting another dog. Also, you're also right about me being a nice guy but I think that's one of my flaws. I need to be more confident and cocky instead of a nice guy. I think there's a website about why nice guys are really jerks.

    @KlondikeSam, true true...

    @blondie28 , I have should have done *more* research on German Shepherd puppies. It was my decision to adopt her and now I have to live with that. Also, she's not going to suffer...

    @calgarth, people care if the dog suffers (I know I will) and hopefully by some miracle i'll get out of my depression

    Lastly, I feel like a huge coldhearted jackass because I just took her to a shelter that specializes in caring for German Shepherds. Their applications for adopting a dog is very lengthy and I have a strong feeling they will find the right family for her. I made a mistake and I will have to live with it and move on. I really bonded with her but I didn't realize she needed attention 24/7.

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  • KlondikeSam

    Your troubles haven't even started. You live in an apartment and you get a puppy that's going to grow into a BIG dog that needs lots of attention and exercise. You're upset over a cat knocking over a few items? Wait until you have a growing German Shepherd running through your apartment, knocking things over, tearing the stuffing out of furniture, tearing up carpets, pulling down the curtains or blinds, pissing and crapping all over the place. Then, think about the fact that when you move, your deposit isn't going to cover the costs of replacing the carpet and other things the dog has destroyed and you're going to have to pay the difference. That's in addition to the humongous food and vet bills.

    Then think about the fact that you're going to have to walk that dog every day, at least twice a day, take her out to run, and she's going to demand every single minute of your attention when you're home. As soon as you walk in the door, you're not going to have a moment to yourself. Go into the bathroom, and she's going to be whining and scratching at the door. And as for all those girls you think the dog is going to attract, you're not going to have time for girls, all your time is going to be spent taking care of that dog!

    Do yourself and the dog a favor and take her back to where you got her.

    One other thing. You're a grown man, stop letting your mother run your life.

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  • For me, I'm not certain you should have a pet at all, not until you get yourself in a steady emotional place.

    Most pets demand a lot of attention and I'm not being mean because I've suffered depression myself and know how much energy it takes to care for a pet through that period, I thankfully lived with my mother then so it was easier.

    Anyway concentrate on yourself for now, once you are emotionally okay, things will begin to fall into place. Good luck :)

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  • Comm0nSense

    wow these are long a$$ posts. I'll say one thing, you're a cold heartless person to give up a loyal cute puppy!

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  • Lockets

    For a start, please ignore TheGuruOfTheSauce-he sounds insensitive and ignorant.

    thisissomuchfun is right-you sound like a nice, thoughtful man.

    It is good of you to want to give that disabled man your cat but will your cat be happy there?
    Your cat's happiness is quite important and if it is already settled with you (despite knocking things over) and seems content enough, it would be unfair in a way to disrupt his life.
    Will the cat get on well with the new puppy?
    While it is possible to keep a cat and a dog (they will be company for eachother), they are also quite demanding, as you know.
    If the puppy is stressing you out too much, and you want to give more time to your career, maybe you should give the puppy back to where you got her and allow somebody else to give her a good home. It won't make you and irresponsible douchebag-it will show that you care for this pup's future.
    I suppose I am not really helping here!
    Just throwing a few thoughts around.

    Maybe when you are more sorted with your career etc, you may want to adopt another dog (maybe rather than a demanding puppy) for companionship. Yes, they are great for attracting attention whist out on walks too.
    But it sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment.
    You must do what is right for your animals. Has the puppy bonded with you yet? Do you think that you might be able to persevere with the puppy?
    I wish you all the best and do let us know what decisions you make.

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  • yayasaga

    I say keep the dog and just except the responsibility you took on for yourself. Like you've said it's only been a few days and you never know, you both may bond really well when your not so worried about the puppy being a puppy. Trust me I know how irritating it is to have a puppy that isn't house broken yet and I hate hate hate a dirty or messy house! But the puppy phase will pass and as long as you out a little extra time in with him now, who knows he just might end up being your best friend and babe magnet all in one. Animals are highly sensative to the people they live with and love and if you are depressed maybe your dog will be a great comfort in some way. Just love him and gold off for a bit in giving up. I'm sure you won't regret keeping him. And I know what it's like to have a big dog. I have an English mastiff who weighs 245 lbs! Lol but we all love him very much and he has been very good for my family. Good luck with your puppy!!!

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  • I think you seem like a nice guy and I think the dog was a good idea. Your mom told you to get a dog as a "babe-magnet", but what she probably wanted for you was a companion to help you out of your depression. Pets are great for that. She probably saw that you didn't really bond with your cat all that well and thought a dog might do the trick instead.

    But why did you pick such a big dog breed if you live in an apartment? You need to swap it for a smaller dog. Not all small dogs are feminine-looking either. There are lots of terrier breeds & crosses that look like little tough guys. Plus, girls could be intimidated by a large dog like a German Shepard.

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