Is it normal to want to go back to college after a significant break?
More specifically without an adequate amount of funds. I graduated high school in '05. Went immediately to NIU for 3 semesters studying Illustration. I did horrible in my Gen eds, but did well in my art classes, despite various instructor critiques. Left NIU, went to community college for a couple semesters and basically accumulated no credits. They were all Gen eds. Now its been between 3-4 years since I've been to school. Now after about 5 years of back breaking labor, I'd like to go to an art school that doesn't require Gen eds. I realise if I start now and finish, i'll end up almost 30 years old with a crippling $80,000+ debt and no specific guarantee that I could find a career with my diploma. Any experienced professionals or current art students are more than welcome to respond with advice. IE: Loans, grants, scholarships, etc.