Is it normal to want to hurt animals?

Before you start getting all freaked out, I'm not an animal abuser. I have NEVER acted on these urges. Moving on.
It started while I was a little kid. My parents were divorced and my dad's girlfriend was borderline negligent, and I had a lot of repressed hostility. I still do.
When we got our cats, I loved them to death. I would spend many hours with them. But something changed. I began having inexplicable urges to hurt them.
I would have to leave the room because I would be gritting my teeth as I was petting them, trying not to choke them or something. I would have to dig my own nails into my skin to refrain from hurting my beloved little kitties... They're all gone now, one died and the others ran away... Is it normal to want to hurt them?

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20% Normal
Based on 10 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • I would suggest talking to someone about this because although you have controlled it till now, those urges won't just go away without help. You can recognize that what you feel is wrong, so before something happens please seek help.

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  • Gunieapiglover123

    I'm the same way.. I don't think it's anything serious unless you actually do it.. I read a comment on a post that similar to yours. It was something like humans are predators so it's totally normal for humans to feel this way at first I was a little worried because I love animals but I have the same urge to hurt them.. I'm actually gonna talk to my therapist about this one and get back to you.. but for now I'm on both sides.

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  • rlp25

    A lot of these comments are fairly judgmental, and it's easy to understand why. But obviously, it bothers you, so that's the first step to getting help. It isn't normal, but there are trained therapists who can help you work through what you're feeling before you do something you regret. Don't be too ashamed to reach out for help.

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  • alv1592

    Why would you want to do something like that at all? I'm just glad you haven't acted on it, but if you try to I hope the animal bites or scratches you.

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  • ThatUglyDoll

    You should go immediately to the closest medical psychological facility. You can actally call 911 on yourself for this.

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  • BurnaTwist

    careful dahmer sounds like you need therapy, alot of serial killers start off with animals, so i would seek therapy

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