Is it normal to want to hurt people for fun? or worse?

So here's the story. Whenever I meet someone new the very first thing I think when I see them is "I wonder what it'd feel like to kill them with my bare hands". Here's the terrifying part (for me anyways). I automatically want to find out. And I want to find out really badly. Is this normal or am I just insane?

Voting Results
21% Normal
Based on 131 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Johnnytherat

    you should try & tackle a speeding train head-on if you can kill that then you have my respect

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  • buildermk

    See your doctor before you do kill some one

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    • Well besides the fact that I'm already on a plethora of medication I don't think it'd be a good idea to go up to my doctor and say "Hey doc! I gots the urge to murder people. What should I do?" I'd probably be locked up in an asylum

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      • jax906

        No, please do it. Do you remember all the school shootings that have happened in recent years? Do YOU want to be responsible for hurting someone else? Is it fair to other people if you were to injure or kill someone? I work with some individuals with mental disabilities and sometimes their drugs are interacting in different ways with changing hormones and as they age. It may be something like that. Please get help though...

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        • I feel like I should point this out since I forgot to in the story. I as a person don't WANT to hurt people. But I can't help thinking about it. There is a difference. I want to know but I don't want to hurt anyone.

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          • Justsayinso

            What if the person wants to be hurt? What about that combo?

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  • ElysiumX

    Do you really mean kill? A sadist recieves pleasure from causing pain, killing however is one step further than that.

    I don't think it's normal unless the person is question is really pushing your limits, which (judging by your story) isn't the case. So... no.

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    • Good point.

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  • joybubblz

    Hey, I think it's normal. Me and my boyfriend are into the whole BDSM thing, and he tells me that a lot of people feel that way.

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  • King_Felix_IV

    Okay, I'll admit I do that too, though usually I imagine what it would be like to blast a hole through someone's face, or how much damage I could do with one punch, and what would the outcome be. Nothing wrong with having those kinds of thoughts so long as you don't act on them. I would consider myself a pretty peaceful person, but you can't really change the way your brain is wired. Just learn to live with yourself.

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    • THANK YOU! The first really constructive comment. Thank you so much for your comment. I greatly appreciate it. And I know what you mean about being peaceful. I'm a rather peaceful guy. Only fight I got into was in kindergarten. It's easier to ignore the assholes.

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      • King_Felix_IV

        Glad I could help.

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  • hairyfairy

    There are too many people like you running around free & being a danger to others.

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  • Since I'm an idiot and forgot to mention this I would like to say that music has been extremely helpful me.

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  • Who the hell is saying this is normal? Write a comment as to why you think it's normal if you voted that it was.

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    • Valetion

      If you already knew that this was NOT normal, why did you post this? For attention? Get a life.

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