Is it normal to want to kill my brother.

I hate my older brother.He hurts me,makes fun of me,and forces me to give him everything I have that he wants.He doesn't care if my parents punish him.He makes my my life miserable.When ever he's upset at my parents he hurts me.I wish I could kill him is it normal.

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89% Normal
Based on 1829 votes (1629 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • confusedpri

    I want to do it too. He made my childhood miserable. The best thing does is hurt my feelings. He made me an extremely insecure person. I want to kill him too, but I realized its not worth it, I don't want to spend years in jail for him. But I would feel extremely happy if he dies in a car crash or if he has cancer.

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  • Anon_43

    I think its completely normal. I feel the same im 18 and my brother is 21 he just got out of jail for beating his wife. My parents praise him like he is God so does everyone else. Yesterday after him and my mo got done yelling at me and hurting me. My brother pushed me so hard i flew 5 feet and now my back and shoulder hurt so bad. But its not his fault its mine. I go to college and look for work. While he sits on his ass saying i dont do shit when normally clean the whole house but lately i been tired of cleaning the whole house. Today he told me i dont do shit cuz he told me i need to clean the pots and pans when he never does. I havent even used any pots or pans in days and im not cleaning up after him and his mess. He uses 3-4 pans a day

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  • IrishPotato

    A wish a brutal and painful death upon my brother.
    So yes, it's normal.

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  • mtnw

    That was my life growing up. My parents weren't much help. Finally us kids grew up and I live in my own home. It doesn't happen anymore. Funny thing, though, my brother claims that he doesn't remember being like that to me. I learned to hide my money and stuff because he'd take everything good away from me.

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  • princesspea105

    It's normal to think about it, but planning it out or getting involved is not. Talk to your parents or a therapist if it's getting serious.

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  • kat2422

    What he is doing isn't normal ok or acceptable and what happens if one day u come home and u realize "hey, who the fuck are u, I'm sick of the abuse and it will stop". U may kill him and I think u would really hate urself and need years of therapy when u got released from prison that is. And if u disagree, and u think u would feel no remorse, then u shld be seperated asap and u shld probly tell a doc or someone of authority like yesterday.

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  • sleepmonster

    dont worry I hate my brother too. youre not alon... if your talking about physical "hurt" then you should tell your teacher or go to police--what ollieo above said...but if you mean "hurt" as in feeling/makes you mad then just dont react...because he wants you to be mad/hurt...if he notices it doesnt affect you he might eventuallys stop...and also tell your parents. maybe they dont really know how badly its affecting you.

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  • eudeskittles

    Me and my brother is both 17 years old (we are twins) and I REALLY hate him! I really wish he could just die!!!!! Why? He abuses me physically, he is almost twice my size (he's fat) and he literally throws me on the ground and step on me. Or he will slap me fo No reason! At school he embarrass me, he spread rumours about me, and he's the reason I got depression. I went to a psychologist and he gave me a bunh of pills to drink. Now my brother keeps telling the kids at school I have a pill problem or im crazy and need to go to a mental hospital. He just irritates me so much! And each time when he tries to hit me and I struggle to defend mhself, he is smiling and I think he feels pleasure when he abuses me. And my parents still scold him and "spank" him for hitting me. But they don't care anymore. I just wanna die. He laughs at me when I cry. Being depressed I'm sleeping more than usual, he wakes me every morning by pushing me of my bed while I'm sleeping. I once had to go to school with a black eye. He just laughed. I really hate him and if I could I would really kill him but I'm a Christian and I don't wan to go to hell. I don't mind prison. And he's the reason why I'm moving overseas next year. He reallyscares me.

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    • GeorgiaBoy1

      Buy some weights, or join a gym, buy some running shoes, and lift and run and get fit. Then you can confront him and stand up for yourself physically. I am stronger and more physically fit than my brother in the sense that he is taller and skinnier, and I am more stout and even though I have a gut I can still run several miles. Don't be afraid to punch him right in the face. He'll leave you alone once he realizes you aren't going to take his shit anymore. Also, he will get his, God will have his judgement on him. Trust God, and tie up your camel. He really is a terrible person and karma is a bitch. Just wait.

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  • smstubbs011

    I've already reach to the point where I have serious thoughts of killing. Not just spur of the moment "oh I wish he wasn't here" thinking, but seriously killing him. He makes my entire family's lives, not just my own, a living hell. My mother keeps threatening to call the police on him, but never does. I go to college, and I'm no longer home for most of the year. That's the only thing stopping me from doing anything. Because I have bigger dreams to fulfill, and having a prolonged prison sentence is not one of them.

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  • Dunkfunk

    yes it is normal.My older bro (2 years older) hits me and insults me all the time.And he never gets in trouble.I try to tell my parents but they still do nothing.The only time he ever gets in trouble is when i do.IT SUCKS A*S.I also have two brothers that are older than him.They tell me that it will stop eventually,but when?My dad tells me to fight him,but he is like twice as strong as me.So the only way to beat him up would be to cut or stab him(which i have thought about).So yes it is normal.

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  • Yo have a right to be safe. Go back to your parents. Tell them exactly what's going on & that you want it to stop. Also tell them that you are now going to your teacher, the police & child protection because if they won't stop it, and they can, then someone else will have to.

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  • GeorgiaBoy1

    Ok, I read all the comments, my turn. My brother is a complete douche, a douche bag of smashed assholes. When we were younger he would pretend like we were playing a game or something and he would somehow convince me to hide in the laundry basket, then he would sit on the laundry basket and I couldn't get out, this was horrifying to me as I was just an innocent child with no idea what was going on. Then he did the same thing to me on family vacation when he somehow convinced me to get into the storage compartment of our parents station wagon, then he would sit on it, and since it clicks and locks in place until you pull the handle I couldn't get out, maybe there was a way from the inside but I was just a horrified, terrified, innocent child, and I didn't think to try plus he was sitting on it and wouldn't let me up. I am extremely claustrophobic to this day 20+ years later. Then one time we were in the grocery store with our parents and he sucker-punched me in the stomach really hard when I wasn't paying attention and knocked the wind out of me. And these are just the things I remember. We couldn't be more different. It seems like we are from different dimensions, not different planets, or universes, but different dimensions. He thinks he is intellectually superior to everyone, especially republican Christians like me and my dad. My mom claims to be one, but she sides with him on everything, to her, my brother is #1, he is the most important, he is all that matters, he is considered above all others, everything revolves around him. He is always right and I am always wrong. He never apologizes or admits when he's wrong, I have no problem admitting when I am wrong. And apparently I am wrong all the time. It seems like I am always the bad guy. My dad takes up for my mom who takes up for my brother. My brother never did shit around the house growing up, I was always the one who helped my dad in the yard and my mom with house chores, and he never visited my grandparents either, on either side, my mom's parents are still alive, and everyone treats him with more respect. My maternal grandparents still treat me like a 10 year old, and I'm 35. My brother is 38. I wasn't always perfect, I almost drank myself to death after 9 years of hard drinking and I caused a lot of problems and I've made amends and I still continue to make a living amends everyday. I haven't drank or smoked cigarettes in over 6 years. My brother seems ungrateful, I never hear him say thank you. It seems like my parents were good parents and I'm sure raising kids is difficult. It's easy to want to eliminate the problem, a quick fix. It is much harder to look at another person and consider why they may be behaving that way, that maybe something is going on in them that is disturbing them. Hurt people hurt people. Maybe the other person needs help. Shouldn't we pray for them? Shouldn't we accept the things we can't change? Shouldn't we have the courage to change the things we can? Shouldn't we have the wisdom to know the difference? Shouldn't we forgive them and ourselves? Shouldn't we ask for God's help? Shouldn't we trust God and tie up our camels? The most valuable thing we have is our life and freedom. And freedom isn't free. Some of you may have to fight for your freedom. You may have to tell your parents, call the police and child protective services, tell your principle, tell the board of education, tell your neighbors, tell your friends, tell your friends parents, tell everyone. You may have to stand up to your bully, your sibling. If none of those things work you may have to run away. Maybe you could stay at a friends house for a while. If you're 18 it's time to move out on your own, period. Point blank. If you are in danger make sure you properly arm yourself, take self-defense classes, lift weights, run, get fit. The more you look like Rambo, the less likely people are to mess with you and that includes your siblings or anyone else. Good luck! I pray the Lord be with you all. I pray peace, grace, and mercy be with you all. I pray that God grants you strength, courage, and wisdom. Conduct yourself with honor, for it is you you are honoring, you who are fearfully and wonderfully made by God who is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Fair well my brethren and sistren. Fair well.

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  • JennyAnne

    😭😭😭😭 I really hate my little brother soo much....he would physiccally punch parents would scold him but for him it was just nothing...i have red things in my neck now..but i dont want for him to be scolded....because I HATE IT!! =( It makes me feel sad..


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  • RantingAgain

    I feel the same thing.It still happening till today especially emotional abuse.Physical abuse when i was young.That bastard.BTW if you are being nice to him,he will just take advantage of you and you can't help but feels wrong about the situation.It's like you submitted yourself to a demon.I want him to die.I killed him thousand of times in my dream.He also destroyed my life.With his girlfriend.. that bitch used to be my best fake friend. Unforgivable. Unforgivable.Even in his death I shall curse him.

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  • RantingAgain

    I have the same experience but physical abuse occurred when I was young.Nowadays they are all emotional abuse.Tricky indeed.. You will never feel peace.. even if it is your own house.And I am not the only one who feels it.My mom and brother too.I hate my mother because she did nothing about it because she has the position.He also caused trouble in the past,befriending a thief.I did try to consult each other but you know what?Better not.If you are being nice to him he will only use you.And yeah that shit sarcasms.All those shits

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  • ryanyoung

    Tell me about it, my brother beats me all the time

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  • AngelDude

    i understand you but believe it or not i think i'm going through worst my brother has said that he wishes that i was never alive and also wishes that he was never my brother he has paralyzed me he has knocked me out and and punches me about 5 times a day and i am 12yr while he is 16yr 5mins ago he called me a ugly fool who has no life and does not deserve to live he also stole my bagel took a big bit out of it and threw it back on the table.

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    • GeorgiaBoy1

      Also tell your parents, if they don't resolve the issue tell the cops, if they don't resolve the issue call child protective services. Or maybe just do all 3 in one day. Good luck little buddy. Pray about it. Ask God for help and do something to help yourself. Pray for your very mentally and spiritually sick brother. Trust God and tie up your camel. Seek help. There are lots of good people out there.

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    • GeorgiaBoy1

      That is aweful. Please know that there are good people out there, and that your brother is a terrible person. Please seek good people, maybe get involved with a church or some organization and hang around nice people. I feel so sorry for you. And I thought my brother was a jerk. Please hang in there little dude.

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  • catcatcatcat4444

    I hope my brother is dead too, y brother is a useless parasite. The world will be much better off w/o such lowlifes. I hope he die of an accident instantaneously and burn in hell.

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  • zenji

    *hug* I was a horrible sister to my sweet little brother. My guilt and shame is almost just punishment. I don't know if your brother will regret being awful, but you shouldn't regret your normal emotions, at all.
    Want to kill him as much as you like as long as you don't actually do it.

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    • JennyAnne

      Yup..i really wanted to kill hin now..BUT I JUST CANT..ITS LIKE..I WOULD FEEL SOO BAD...

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