Is it normal to want to make your dog whine and cry

I feel kinda bad but I love to do things like put my dog in the laundry basket which is too tall for her to get out of and i love to pull on her ears and different stuff, i feel that i cannot control the urge to make her wimper! she still loves me and i don't know why. i feed her, water her, bathe her and let her sleep in the house. i just love to see that fear in her eyes i guess. i feel like i am going nuts!

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27% Normal
Based on 181 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 41 )
  • Jen118584

    That's disgusting, you creep. Were you bullied as a child and now you're getting revenge by bullying your dog?

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    • looneypride

      Believe me I do not want to do it, but something in my head and body tells me to do it. I dont know why, but it started as me grinding my teeth when I think something is cute then led to making her whine i don't do it often. errrrrrrrrrr.......sorry for callin you a bitch Jen

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      • Go get help, boy. That is sick.

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  • Why is it that most of the intelligent and interesting comments in this thread have been deleted? while none of the boring, idiotic comments posted by dog freaks have been deleted?

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  • chole

    Well, you do it because you think the dog's cute. I had the same experience with the hamster my brother owned. It's not like I was sadistic or anything like that. It was just so cute. You know, that phrase "So cute, I can squeeze you to death."? Yeah, that happened.

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  • ReaperAJ

    you need help bud. What you're doing is cruel and points towards you having some genuine issues. Cruelty towards a pet who trusts and loves you is very sick - you are a coward because you are bullying an animal that is completely helpless.

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    • ReaperAJ

      I wouldn't be surprised if it chewed your face off eventually, and I think in defense of the dog, I'd even be a little glad if it did. See how you'd like that? I'm sure the dog would enjoy your whimpering and whining and the pain you go through.

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      • looneypride

        I get you! I stopped. now if I get any strange urges I just put her outside to do her business and bring her back in.

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        • Jen118584

          Wow. Uncalled for.

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  • Tallerico500

    Yeah that's weird, don't do that. She might bite the hell out of you one day.

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    • looneypride

      I stopped after writing this, because she is such a sweet dog and she loves me like you said, and she probably would bite my head off.

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  • DireWolf13

    Leave your poor dog alone! Would you like if someone did things to purposely hurt you or make you cry??? Thats terrible! STOP IT!!!
    And do you REALLY want your dog to strike back one day? How would you feel? If she ran away, or hated you for the rest of her life?

    Try to play with your dog more, maybe. Wouldnt you rather see her happy, and wagging her tail instead of fearful, cowered down against the wall?

    NO animal deserves to be tormented, bullied, abused for ANY reason especially NOT for your own selfish pleasure.

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  • Moonbow

    We went to the lake on the 4th of July and some kids stuck a Roman candle, or maybe it was just a big firecracker, up a dog's ass and lit it. The dog started yelping and running all over the place and it's tail caught on fire and its ass was bleeding. But even after all of that, the stupid f---er came back up to the kids who had done it wagging it's filthy-assed tail! I don't know if it belonged to them or not, but how f---ing stupid can a dog get to come back to someone that sticks something up its ass and sets it on fire? Dogs are the dumbest, f---ing things on earth!

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    • KlondikeSam

      If that had been a cat, or any other animal, they wouldn't have come back after someone did that. But dogs are so friggin' stupid and so dependent on people. I saw some people throw a freakin' spaniel out of a moving truck beside the road where I live and the dumb-assed bitch ran after the truck like they were gonna stop for her. She then stayed in that one spot, waiting for people that obviously didn't want her and every time she would hear a car coming, she would run out in the middle of the road wagging her ass. One car didn't stop and mashed her dumb ass in the road.

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  • imNORMLsam

    Lol i would do the same thing, but just because i hate animals. Actually im a very sadistic person, I'd probably do it regardless.

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    • DireWolf13

      Humans ARE animals!!!
      Fuck you

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      • controlman22

        I agree, we are all animals. But wait a second, instead insult him, be noticed that he is sadistic and he is sick. He had the same story probably when he was child. So don't accuse him, ask him to treat himself and go doctor

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  • ''i feel like i am going nuts!''
    You are already nuts...

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  • memyselfandyou

    I think it's normal because I know alot of people that do the same just like you. But they laugh when they do those things, it's just funny to them I guess? lol

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    • KlondikeSam

      A lot of people do things that aren't "normal." We're not talking about what people do, we're talking about what animals do, and only dogs kill for the fun of it.

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      • SuicideEquine13

        Humans ARE animals. Whats the difference if a dog or a human kills for sport?

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    • looneypride

      yeah i feel demented sometimes ya know cause i cant just stop i did it to my rat too its horrible

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  • Jeanzz

    Just dont hurt to a point of needing to take her to the vet, if your just playfully doing it its ok, just dont jump the gun and do anything drastic :D

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    • looneypride

      thanks for the caring words and I agree with you I would NEVER hurt my dog badly, i just play with her kinda rough, but not so much anymore, cause I seen sadness in her eyes. i just let her be and she is a sweet dog. she likes to lay right by me all the time. on her back it is so cute!

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      • controlman22

        I have the same feeling with my dog, specially when I had stressful day, I squeeze him and make him screaming, sometimes we fight. But I haven't hurt him badly. He is always sleeping with me in the same bed. I love him and he loves me. But I guess it is a sadistic and hurting love :-(

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  • ReaperAJ

    And just by the way, judging from your answers on this thread... Well, they kinda range from lashing out to being nice, which points towards some sort of personality disorder or severe mood swings. You ought to see somebody before you end up doing harm to someone. Curious about your age, are you a teen?

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    • looneypride

      I must agree with you on the mood swing personality thing, I have wondered that myself! I just turned 25

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  • ReaperAJ

    I'm glad to hear that you stopped doing that to your poor dog.

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    • looneypride

      I wasn't hurting her! Honestly my boyfriend is rougher with me! so don't worry the dog is lovely and fine! happy as a clam!!

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  • VentingQueen78

    Not exactly normal but if you do worse to her then it is abuse and thats not normal. But honestly I understand what you mean about feeling the uncontrolable urges. What matters most in the end is having the strength to NOT act on them.

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    • looneypride

      Thank you so much for not ridiculing me, you were real and down to earth, these people don't even get what I am saying they just think I am evil. I DO NOT hurt my dog, I play with her and love her so much, if I am away from her for more than like 2 or 3 hours I start to miss her! she sleeps with me! It is just some strange thing in my head wonders how she will react to certain things, but I do not act on most of them! Thank you!!

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  • DireWolf13

    @: RoastPuppy

    Dogs hunt for sport because thats what humans bred them for, theyre domesticated and dont know any better than what their trained.

    Humans domesticated wolves, dogs evolved from wolves, so wolves must have sometime hunted for sport also.

    Humans are actually the only animals that kill other animals for non-survival reasons.

    I have 2 dogs, both part Labrador, and neither of them would ever hurt another animal purposely unless for defense. For example, i have a pet rabbit, and i can let him run loose around the house and my dogs are perfectly fine, i just have to make sure they dont accidentally hurt him. I also have 2 outdoor cats, and my dogs are fine with them too.

    Stop thinking you know everything about dogs, YOU DONT!!!

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    • SweetAdeline

      Owners like you are the reason there are so many problems with dogs today. First, dogs did not "evolve," they were bred (created) by man for specific purposes -- for hunting, herding animals, or whatever. Second, any dog, no matter what the breed, will kill other animals just to be killing and that includes your two Labradors.

      Some people I know had two Irish Setters that were the sweetest dogs and they had never even seen a farm animal. The family bought a place in the country and the first day they were there, the dogs got into the pasture next door and was killing the neighbor's goats and the neighbor came out and shot them both dead and made the owners pay for the dead and injured goats. Your Labradors would do the same thing if given half a chance.

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    • PoisonFlowers

      Actually, there's an fascinating theory that is gaining wider acceptance nowadays (and which I think makes much more sense.) It states that rather than humans taking orphaned wolf cubs or whatever and somehow selecting for tameness (slightly preposterous in my view), the wolves with a shorter flight distance would be able to feed off of human scraps. These wolves would pass on their comfortableness in the presence of humans to their offspring and the trait would be further enhanced. The wolves split into those who were pack hunters and those who were scavengers, living closely with humans. So, in effect, dogs domesticated themselved.

      @ Roastpuppy

      As for this "only animals that hunt for sport business," well that is verging on anthropomorphism. Many, many animals wild and domesticated kill and "toy" with other creatures and not always for food, but who can say why. Perhaps it really is sport to them or instinct urging them to despite having a full belly or to practise their hunting skills or something else us, as homo sapiens can't imagine.

      It's true, humans have encouraged certain traits in the many different breeds of dog, but to say the things that you are saying makes you sound very naive. No other animals kill for "sport" (ie, with lots of unecessary pain and not necessarily for eating)? Ha, I know that's not true just from stuff I've seen on tv. Even my innocent pet budgie killed a carpetlouse for no apparent reason. Hell, even my goldfish nibbled another one to death. And cute little dolphins? Don't even get me started.

      Normally, people refer to cats when talking about killing for sport. Maybe you should include them in your hate campaign as well. Maybe you already hate everyone and everything, pfft I don't know. But you're an idiot for taking up the author's story with your irritating pissing and moaning. Write your own fucking story if you hate dogs so much. Have some manners.

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  • macabre6666

    i would kill u

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    • looneypride

      that is good for you!! :) roast in hell for all eternity that is where you are from and that is where you will reside! :D

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  • I just called animal control and reported this post. They traces your address. I hope you posted this from the local library asshole, haha!

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    • Well, Whoop-de-Doo! You don't even know where the person who posted this post lives so calling "animal control" is a waste of your tiime and theirs. You don't even know if the person lives in the United States. They may live in China, Saudi Arabia, anywhere in the world, so you just keep right on making your calls to "animal control," Fool! Oh, and while you're wasting animal control's time, think about this, While they are listing to you gripe about what someone posted on some internet message board, they could be out saving the life of some filthy, ass-licking dog!

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  • anonymous420

    What the fuck is wrong with you. How would you like it if someone or something did that type of shit to you? Think about it that way you sick fuck.

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    • looneypride

      hey i love my dog i do these things because i get an overwhelming urge to make it whine but i dont hurt it bad it still wags it's tail and loves me and vice versa cept for the tail part haha

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      • SuicideEquine13

        Dont call your dog an "it" :(

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