Is it normal to want to quit gaming but your friends won't let you?

I used to love playing Roblox, I did not know anyone who liked to play with me but I loved playing by myself. Now that I am older, my friend told me to start playing again. I said okay. I love playing Roblox now and it is tearing me apart. I am missing family time, I am thinking about playing it all of the time and just cannot quit. I talked to my friend about this and she told me I could not delete Roblox on my computer since she spent a ton of time building me a house on Bloxburg. I responded with an alright and left it at that. Roblox is always on my mind and I cannot think of anything but that. Please help me, is this normal? And if not (or if it is normal) please give me advice. Anything is much appreciated.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Jh9856

    Videogames are as addictive as drugs.the huge amount of time you waste gaming, could be spent achieving many things in real life.if i were in your shoes i would quit gaming already and tell her to do the same.

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    • ospry

      I remember seeing a study about aggression and video games. The conclusion was that competitive games, regardless of violent content or lack thereof, make people more aggressive than some illicit drugs. Mario Kart can be more dangerous than PCP

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  • bbrown95

    As Jh9856 mentioned, video games are very addictive and it you mention they're interfering with your personal life. I think this is plenty of reason to delete it, regardless of what any friend says. A true friend would prioritize your well-being and your desire to spend the time you normally spend gaming with family over a video game house.

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    • JuliaGeorge

      Thank you so much! I appreciate this - I just deleted Roblox yesterday and I am very happy. I still want to play it but I am not allowing myself to. Thank you again for the advice as I am still trying to get through this.

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      • bbrown95

        No problem! I wish you the best!

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm not the least bit into video games.

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  • profanity

    Sell your soul to Roblox.

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    • JuliaGeorge

      Lol - what do u mean by that?

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