Is it normal to want to stay in a particular class forever because...
My life sucks and one of the reasons is cause im in the middle (if not, beginning) of an identity crisis. When Im with this group of people, at this place, etc, I feel like a different person than when i was with that other group of people, or there, here, etc. So i dont have one identity because I feel different with different people or in different places so I dont know which one is the right, true one. However, I do know which ones I like. For example, I love one of my classes Im taking right now because 1) everyone is so friendly unlike outside in the world and 2) I feel so classy and respected by everyone. I have this confidence in there that I can do whatever I want to do like from singing to myself to participating all the time and talking and theyll accept me.I feel like a good person to them, I am up for helping them and assisting in class, Im not shy to participate...All of these are qualities that I have hidden in me when it comes to dealing with the rest of the world. Why cant I feel like this all the time? I just love that class! for them and how I feel. I know Im gonna be really sad when its over. I just wish my life was exactly that class. I'll probably write letters to each person including the professor, shes great and brings us together, and just let them know how much im gonna miss them and appreciated them during my time in this wonderful class.