Is it normal to want to suck your guy friend’s penis?

I’d be interested in knowing what your answers are regardless of things like your gender, sexual orientation and whether or not you have a crush on them. But commenting on what your situation is would be interesting to know though.

I want to touch, lick, suck, and play with it, etc. his balls too. Though I wouldn’t tell him because a) I know him well enough to know he probably wouldn’t have sexual experiences with someone who’s just a friend, and b) because I would be far too embarrassed to tell him and it would make things awkward, etc.

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76% Normal
Based on 17 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • litelander8

    A BJ is a BJ

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  • PassengerPigeon

    That's called sexual attraction and if pornhub has taught me anything, sexual attraction is very normal regardless of gender.

    Sexual attraction isn't connected to platonic or romantic attraction, so whether or not you have a crush on him doesn't make it any less legit.

    Sorry about the awkwardness of the situation, though.

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  • momwatcher69

    GaelicPotatoHead is sarcastically referring to a female's clitoris, which is WAY different, but similar, to a "penis".

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  • GaelicPotato

    No but it's normal to want to suck your girl friends penis.

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    • Girl friends penis? What do you mean? Most girls don’t even have a penis.

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      • GaelicPotato

        No, your girlfriend has a dick.

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        • I still don’t understand what you mean because most girlfriends don’t have one either.

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          • GaelicPotato

            All girls have dicks.

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        None do. Strap ons don't count.

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        • Trans girls and intersex girls have a penis sometimes. Not all girls are 100% physically female.

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            Intersex yes, trans no. All girls were born physically female, and injecting exogenous hormones only undoes a tiny fraction of what makes a person the gender they were born. There is two genders, and you can't switch. Intersex on the other hand, is a result of genetic dysfunction.

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            • Well I was mostly talking about trans who are born physically male and later on realize that they’re female on the inside, but decide not to use hormones or change their body. But anyway, if we see it differently it’s okay.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    No being gay is abnormal. Don't worry about it tho.

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    • While being gay is cool, I’m actually a straight female, but didn’t mention that in the description because I don’t just want to know straight females’ perspectives.

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Lol. Why would you post iin to want to duck dick, as a female? I sure hope you do! I assumed you wouldn't have asked something that obvious.

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        • I posted it because I wanted to know what people think of whether it’s normal or not for someone in general to want to, regardless of someone’s gender and orientation, or reasons for wanting to.

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          • CDmale4fem

            There is going to be many people regardless of gender, sexual orientation, and much else for that matter. If it's a lesbian who decides she wants to give it a try, or a straight guy wants to suck a cock, so what. If they have that desire, oh well, so be it. Who are we to judge. If someone chooses to do or try something and their life does not affect mine, they can do whatever they want as far as I'm concerned.

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            Well I don't think this should be asked irregardless of gender. But even if I don't agree with the question, that part isn't up to me. You asked your question, and the answer is normal.

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    • GaelicPotato


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  • CDmale4fem

    Well, like a lot of people that post, you don't really give information (gender). As it really does not matter to many people, but yet many others seem to enjoy when they ridicule, talk negatively, and I think it makes them feel better somehow about themself somehow. So it really does not matter as to your gender. If you feel like telling your friend, just be honest and tell him You are curious. I did that years ago, and I just told my buddy what I was curious about and what I wanted to do. I actually had fun when we did what we did. I think most males would enjoy it If they could admit to themself or others that what they want to do.

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    • momwatcher69

      Well said !!

      Also, I too, wished posters (or trolls) would specify their age and gender. Makes giving advice easier, and more informative.

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      • CDmale4fem

        Thank you very much!

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