Is it normal to watch a lot of television?

I am not sure why I'm asking this, but here it goes.
I feel that I watch way too much TV, probably because it's summer and there's a lot of time off. Even though that might be one reason, I still think I watch way too much. I'd say on average I watch 4-5 hours of TV everyday. The most would be maybe 7-8. I honestly have been thinking about it, and I'm worried that I'm frying my brain, so to speak.

Also, on top of all that, I almost forgot that there's also Twitter, YouTube (so much time on YouTube..) and just technology entertainment in general, I'm with it all the time. I just don't think it's healthy...and I'm a little bit nervous that I won't know how to stop..

I hope that maybe someone could give me some help on how I can cut down this seemingly harmless addiction. I don't want to turn more and more "stupid" without even realizing it, all my hard work in school will go to waste. Sorry, I probably sound like a whiny person, but I just needed to get this worry off my chest. So, even if you just have a few small tips or whatever you have to offer, please let me know.


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Comments ( 13 )
  • howaminotmyself

    When the digital conversion happened, I didn't convert. It's been one of the best things to happen to me. Sure I miss a lot of pop culture references but I don't really miss it. I spend more time outside and only watch things worth the effort of searching for.

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    • worriedgirlhere

      I wish I could say I go outside more often...I'm such an indoors person. It probably doesn't help the fact I'm worried about too much TV. I've been exercising more and reading more. Hoping that it helps at least a tad bit.

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  • Get a summer job.If you already have one ask for overtime.

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  • Shaung1

    It's not too bad to watch tv but don't let it become a addiction

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  • GuessWho

    If you think YouTube is bad, try surfing this site for a few minutes.

    By registering an account here, you're well on your way to adding another thing to that list.

    I'm actually studying through the night for an exam tomorrow because I spent most of the day watching anime.
    My study break brought me here - That was about 1.5 hours ago. I should really get some sleep.

    At least I'm confident I'll pass.

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    • worriedgirlhere

      It's everything on the internet, to be honest. It's going from one thing to the other. So many varieties of things to do. I'd say since I technically don't have anything to do since it's summer, it makes sense that I gravitate towards these sorts of things. It's just, difficult.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    I never had too much of a problem getting off the t.v. The withdraws were minimal. The old televisions had a bold pink aura around them, which means they are extremely materialistic. That is the only aura I've ever seen so clearly, so you can bet it's melting your brain.

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  • xmonny

    I mean when summers done

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  • xmonny

    It's not bad I do it to YouTube tv games.just don't do it when your in school

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  • dappled

    There's nothing wrong with TV, just with certain programming. What about finding something educational (and interesting)?

    Just looking at tonight's listings, I could keep up with the Kardashians (why would I want to?) or I could watch a documentary about the Pantanal tropical wetland in Brazil, the Sunderbans mangrove forest in Bangladesh, and coral reef in the Maldives and how each ecosystem is reliant on a specific species of animal (the apple snail, crabs, and plankton). Not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm expecting to learn something. And, at the very least, I'm interested to know what two of those places look like (one, I already know).

    After that, I could watch another reality TV show to pick a "star" or I could watch a documentary about ageing and the scientific progress which may lead to immortality.

    After that, I could watch a lurid investigation into a 74 stone (1036 lbs) babysitter accused of murder (which is really just an excuse to gawp at the fat person), or I could watch a documentary about the controversial 100m men's final at the Seoul Olympics in 1988.

    So, I could watch people who are famous only for being famous promulgating their own "fame", a glorified job interview, and a tacky excuse to finger-point. Or I could learn interesting things about geography, ecology, biology, and history without the effort of going to research them, and - hopefully - with some interesting and engaging visuals.

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    • worriedgirlhere

      I do see your point, and I do agree. Although, I don't watch shows like Keeping up with the Kardashians and other reality shows that make no sense, because they're just ridiculous. I like to watch The Mentalist, Chopped and Cupcake Wars on Food Network, Family Guy, American Dad, etc. So I'd say my choice of television is relatively mixed.

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      • dappled

        Ahh, I wouldn't say that kind of thing is melting your brain. It's not really presenting reality as something other than it is, it's just entertainment. :)

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  • dirtybirdy

    Try going outside without and of your devices. That big bright thing in the sky is just the sun. It loves you and misses you. Go say hi.

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