Is it normal to watch cartoon?
Is it normal to watch cartoons when you are older, I mean I’m an adult now and I still watch them?...... especially porno cartoons…!!!
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Is it normal to watch cartoons when you are older, I mean I’m an adult now and I still watch them?...... especially porno cartoons…!!!
i love cartoons but if you get turned on by drawings then you definitly have not been laid yet.
thanks for letting us all know that you're still a virgin!
i still watch cartoons and i'm 17. cartoons are one of the only things i do watch. but not the porn.
trust me it's okay I mean cartoons don't have a label that says:
I mean this is a free writed country!
haha i watch nickelodeon, adult swim and cartoon network all the time. The only anime i like is Avatar though,and sometimes i will watch hentai,it can be quite interesting really. yea i am somewhat immature,but i can always play it off.
-dirt dobbler
I am 50 years old.
I watch the following more than most TV:
Billy & Mandy
Ed, Edd And Eddie
Most "Adult Swim" stuff
Network TV is insanely boring and stupid.
I'm rather fond of nearly all of the cartoons mentioned here, particularly SouthPark and King of the Hill. I also watch FutureRama and Space Ghost whenever possible. Bevis and Butthead is sorely missed for its sheer idiot glee and infectious stupidity. I'd also throw in Robot Chicken but since it's stop-action Claymation, I guess it doesn't really qualify under this category.
Unless it is on Adult Swim or the Simpsons, King of the Hill, or South Park, you're screwed. And hentai is for loser nerds.
well i think anime is a little bit um extreme but cartoons are normal, but that anime thing is just a lust u have growing in u. either u like alot of sex but lately havent gotten it or ur a virgin and curious. so yea its normal
I fcukin hate adults who get a kick from watching cartoons then they go the office and have fcukin homer on there necktie saying "doh". Then they drive home with big fcukin teddy bears and sh1te hanging from the windows..fcukin mongols..they need a good fcukin slap.