Is it normal to watch my cat poop?
When my cat is using the litter box I get a kick out of watching get poop. She makes funny faces and teeters on the edge of the box. I Also like seeing how big of a deuce she dropped.
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When my cat is using the litter box I get a kick out of watching get poop. She makes funny faces and teeters on the edge of the box. I Also like seeing how big of a deuce she dropped.
LOL!! omg, you just made my day, I came on here to laugh because I'm anxious over tomorrow being the first day of this semester, LoL and boy you brightened my day, gotta admit though, one time, I was in our billiard room and I was about to make a shot, and my siamese/mainecoon mix ran across the floor, ran into the litter box and gave birth to a HUGE diahrea monster from the black lagoon, I stared at her the whole time and laughed at her unpleasant faces and the sound that could only be described/compared to violent ketchup bottle in need or replacement :))!!
you are weird. i love my pets, but not watching them take a crap. lol that's kinda sick...
When I first got my cat Maxx I was overly excited to watch himm poo, i even waited around with a camera, still have the picture lol.
I've got a dog... I can't think of a good enough reason for someone to even watch somthing as gross as this. I mean that is disgusting what if someone came up to you while you were takin care of buisness that would be disgusting.
I love cats but I hate their feces because it stinks to high heaven! You're weird!
I sometimes watch my cat poop too. It's hysterical. I especially like the fact that she tries to bury the entire litter box by scratching the newspaper that surrounds it instead of the kitty litter inside it.
My cat had a litterbox when he was a kitten, an I have to say I watched him, I was 9 and it was pretty funny; like when they scrabble around like a maniac at the end. He and his brother used to fight in the litterbox too... Bless :')
I always watch my dog poop. And I always think, "why do I watch this?..."
I think it's just to make sure she's healthy and doesn't have diarrhea, but I literally watch every single time. Weird.
I just laughed at the title of this one. I have a dog, and when I take her out for a walk the moment she squats I will look up, let her take care of her business and then clean the shit up with a plastic bag.
Im a lawyer doctor and i recommend six cups of animal shit a day make its green that means its healthy i also recommend using the shit as lube for fucking ur german shepard wife