Is it normal to watch the perpendicular line while walking?

Wherever I walk, whether in public or alone, I always pay attention to either side of me. This is because I know my feet should not be perpendicular to certain things - poles, other people, the corner of a building, or anything relatively thin to my step.

The imaginary line extends as soon as my foot touches the ground, and it moves directly away from that side of my path. I cannot allow the line to reach a near object, when avoidable.

I need to watch this horizontal line every time I step. It often results in randomly giant or miniscule steps, but I suppose that's what it takes. Is this normal?

Voting Results
33% Normal
Based on 72 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Gravity

    Lol if i saw someone walking with odd steps looking side to side i would think they were crazy. But hey whatever floats your boat man

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  • Muhammadkolin

    You are normal it is only thing that i can say

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  • Energy

    Um, doesn't really sound normal but I don't see anything wrong with it unless it bothers you alot.

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    somewhat normal. But that diverts your attention from other useful things.

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