Is it normal to wipe your dog's ass after she poops?

My Boston terrier has short hair and has an exposed ass. The idea of poop crumbs on my bed or furniture make me gaack. If nobody is looking, I give it a quick wipe.

Voting Results
47% Normal
Based on 17 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • MrsEdGein

    Poop crumbs lol.

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  • charli.m

    If your short hair dog isn't clean after shitting, I'd be looking at her diet. Something isn't right.

    I have to wipe my dog's butt lately, but she's a 14 year old long haired GSD cross with arthritis, so she can't always get into the right position to eliminate effectively. It's gross. It offends her as well as me.

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  • hkdeme

    I always wipe my frenchies butt after he poops.

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  • SweetTouch

    Normal. Clean and not smelly

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  • lonewolf1253

    If the dog needs it, then yes, it is normal. Also, it's healthier for the dog to have a clean butt.

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  • curious-bunny

    Whatever makes you happiest man. It's germs to a germaphobe. Trust me I get it, I'm the sane way in other things anyways. It's a shitty phobia to have. One if the reasons I'm so anti social well I do like the internet it allows me to get connection without really being in the sane room or building even

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