Is it normal to wish all dogs were dead?

Ok, I have a confession. I hate dogs. I mean I loathe them. I cringe when I hear them or see them. Goes back to my childhood, as my father preferred the company of his German Shepherds to his daughters. He called THEM his daughters, but ignored his real ones. I don't know if I'll ever get over it.

I was woken up by a barking dog at 5:30 this morning. Is there any excuse to tie up your dog in your front yard and let it bark for over an hour?? On a Saturday? I had to call the cops!

I am so sick and tired of barking, barking, barking! Where I live people just ignore their dogs' barking. It's like it never occurs to them that perhaps a barking dog requires attention. That a barking dog is in distress and trying to tell them something. That a barking dog is unbelievably annoying to some people. How is it that dog owners can be so inconsiderate?

I feel bad, but I constantly fantasize about inventing a spray that would kill dogs from 100 feet away! Or about how wonderful it would be if there were a virus that only killed dogs that would spread like wildfire!

I do NOT get get why people are so damn fascinated by canines!

They stink, eat their own poop, bark over every little noise, walk in clod-like fashion, inevitably stomping on everything in their path, follow you everywhere for no reason other than they're clingy, neurotic and insecure, and they are obsessed with human food. Ick! Yuck!

God I hate these creatures! Anybody else despise dogs?

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40% Normal
Based on 157 votes (63 yes)
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Comments ( 42 )
  • NorthernStar

    Your father was wrong and I can understand why you hate dogs. There is a serial killer I read about once whose mother preferred some kind of little dog to him and he used to stick things up the dog's rectum like bullets and things. Parents should never put an animal ahead of their children and any parent who does should lose custody of their kids.

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    • littlelulu1999

      That is a huge problem in our society....humans putting pets before other humans.....I agree with NorthernStar....

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  • LizardSkin

    I wish you were dead OP.

    In your third paragraph you were beginning to make sense, blaming owners for not properly caring for their animals, I see it all the time too, but I'm not ignorant to blame the animal for this. After that all I read in your post was shit.

    Dogs can provide love, affection, and protection, many times all of the above. They have goodness in their hearts, and extreme loyalty to their masters. THAT'S why people "love canines"

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  • babi3pink

    You are horrible, people say you grow up and you choose to like and dislike something from your experiences.. You dislike dogs, sure.

    But you have no right to have any intentions to harm them. You can blame your problem with dogs on your father.. He never put the thought and time to care about you but he cared more about his dogs.. He wasn't a true father to you. And you have to accept what life gives you.. Don't go against it.. - personal experience: my dad left me when I was 4 and I'm perfectly fine today, learn to accept life as it is..

    And the problem about your neighborhood dogs being loud, then complain... Your morbid thoughts about dogs -_-
    Like some people hate dogs but they wouldn't try to kill them. God damn.

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  • wigsplitz

    I hate dogs too. I don't totally know why but I just have no connection with them like other people do, no desire to play with them or interact with them. I do find them very annoying as well, however that's more of the owners fault for not caring for them properly (letting them bark all night, letting them roam wherever and be a danger or a nuisance-digging up yards or getting into garbage). When YOUR dog becomes MY problem, I take issue. Otherwise I couldn't care less if you have a dog. Just like people want the right to HAVE a dog, I want my right to NOT have a dog and the bullshit that comes with having a dog. I don't want dog shit in MY yard. I don't want damage to my flowers or to have to pick up my torn-up garbage off my yard. I don't want to have to keep my kids inside because YOUR dog is in my yard again. It's just a matter of respect and understanding that not everyone loves your dog like you do.

    I think it's OK to dislike dogs and I hate how people act like you have 2 heads or something if you don't like dogs-I get it all the time. Some people like snakes-I don't-but why is it OK to say "eeew a snake" but somehow it's not ok to feel that way about a dog?? GMAB. There's nothing wrong with liking or disliking any kind of animal. I like cats, chickens, horses and cows to name a few. Big deal.

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    • littlelulu1999

      I feel the EXACT same way...thanks for your post...

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  • Ginabobs

    From reading what you've put in your post, theres no wonder your father preferred the dogs company over yours. Are you right in the fucking head?

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  • aussiewolf

    unfortunately i have someone on my street who is just like you. i just told him that if he doesnt like the noise then he should move somewhere where there arent any dogs. people like YOU and the jerk on my street ALWAYS get what is coming to them.

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    • NorthernStar

      You should be very careful who you say things like that to. A woman on the street where I used to live complained about barking dogs and one of the neighbors basically told her to F--K off and about a week later, just about every dog in the neighborhood was dead, poisoned with a rat poison called warfrin and they all died horrible deaths, including our own dog, which wasn't one of the barking dogs, by the way. The dogs had blood coming from everywhere, from internal bleeding, I guess, and the vet couldn't do anything about it. Nothing could be done to the woman because nobody saw her do anything and the police said that it was probably somebody else on the street who hated dogs and just piggy-backed on her hate and put out the poison knowing that she would be the one blamed.

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  • HugeDong87

    Maybe they wish you were dead too. I know i do.

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  • Echoes

    Personaly, I don't like dogs but I have to say that it's not fair to hate all dogs because some of them save people's lives on daily basis.

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  • iluvkitties

    First of all, from reading all these comments people are sending you, I think you should hate PEOPLE more that DOGS

    No, I myself happen to like cats more (as you can tell from my screen name) but i still like dogs, but I see where you're coming from, I once had a neighbor whose dog they would let outside everynight and lock the doors so the sound was gone from THEIR house, but if my window was open, all I'd here was barking all night long, so i see where you're coming from at that.

    I also have a gross story to tell, my other neighbors had a dog who would poo, pick it up, freeze it and then eat it, (yea, he figured out the freezer so i wouldnt ever call a dog stupid) so yea that's DISCUSTING!

    Also, dogs R loyal, but they do tend to be clingy and sometimes that could get annoying

    And you're father? THATS SO SAD! =(

    So basically, I just want to say it IS normal to have a hatred for something everyone else luvs, but mayb itd be best not to post it on a website full of losers who spend all there time on the internet, and i know you're probably thinking that's hypocritical, but in my defense, I've only discovered this site 2 months ago and I'll soon stop my obsession.

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  • did a dog eat your face when you were younger?

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  • alv1592

    they bark so much because they want attention. if they get no attention it's the owner's fault, not theirs. you should be more mad at the owners.

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  • Thebigdogg

    You're weird, no offense.

    Your second last paragraph is stereotypical and just plain wrong as well. My dogs do not eat their own shit, they don't stink, they're not neurotic and so on and so on.

    What you're talking about here is a badly trained animal that has been neglected and improperly cared for. And even then, it's really not the dogs fault.

    Blame the owner. Not the animal.

    I pity those who are missing the loyal companionship and wonderful sensation of owning a dog. Nothing like it in the world, unfortunately, you're missing out. But then again, some people can't deal with the responsibility that comes with owning one.

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  • roggerrogger6

    I can't belive this!!! You should be embarrased!!! They are so wonderful and sweet!

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  • Shrunk

    I don't like them either... but I have to take care of one... so I got used to it...
    As far as I know, there is no reason why they bark most of the time. They piss people off inside, so they get thrown outside to do the same. They start barking outside because they want to be clingy and annoying inside again, but their owner have gotten tired of that shit I guess.
    Some dog owners are just as bad as their dog, especially the ones who seem to think dogs are go'd gift to this earth, better than their children or something, and believe me there are quite a few... I think some of that type have posted above me... dogs would kill a child, and these stupid dog lovers will think it's unfair to kill the dog in return.
    Anyway... most dogs are stupid... so if you really want to kill them you could just throw them some chocolate or something, because they are so dumb they will eat anything, even poison... and that is survival of the fittest...

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    • Thebigdogg

      Shrunk - Another uninformed 'dog-hater'.

      Dogs bark for numerous reasons. Communication, warning ect. You obviously aren't smart enough to understand that.

      Dogs are gods gift to this earth, they're wonderful animals and don't hurt anybody or anything. All too often, dog attacks happen for a reason but instead of figuring out how to rehabilitate the animal or figure out why the attack occurred... crazy nuts like yourself want to ignorantly take what usually accounts to an innocent animals life.

      You say dogs are stupid? The only 'stupid' I see is your post. I'm sure most dogs are a hell of a lot smarter than what your post has displayed.

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      • wigsplitz

        Dogs don't hurt anybody or anything?? I beg to differ....

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  • emkayily

    I won't tell you one way or the other how I feel about dogs. What I will say is that you should definitely NOT take the advice of anyone telling you to go poisoning these dogs. First of all, if you do get caught you could potentially go to jail. Also, if you kill the dog of a neighbor and get caught, that's one good way to get yourself hated by the whole neighborhood. It's okay to hate dogs. You don't have to like dogs. Who cares. But fantasizing "often" about killing any living creature is something you might need to be concerned about.

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  • Mastersash

    dude, take a chill pill. then shut up. k thanks.

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  • Ankoku

    dogs are shitty animals and deserve to die slowly and painfully.

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  • sega31098

    If you don't like dogs, that's normal. Everyone has their preferences.

    If you want them all dead, that's NOT normal.

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  • Aleu

    I don't have any interest in any dogs, exept huskies and wolves..

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  • I wrote this post so long ago, I am surprised it is still getting comments. I think it's been at least two years. Anyway, I am long over this.

    It turns out I had an undiagnosed mental illness. I've been in treatment for a while now. I don't hate dogs anymore, and I don't think about killing them anymore. So everyone can relax, ok? LOL.

    The people that sympathized, thanks. I really was traumatized by my father and his dogs. I had to work through that in therapy. I have realized, as a few very intelligent people pointed out, that it isn't the fault of the dog, it's the owners that need "correction." There are so many dog owners who really neglect their animals, and really I was mad at them.

    But there are also people who do pay so much attention to their animals (or sports, or shopping, or the internet or whatever) that they really DO neglect their kids. I was one of those kids. But I've turned it around.

    Now I'm the one in my neighborhood who does something about animal abuse/neglect, by confronting all the folks who DO abuse. Every single one. If I see animal neglect or abuse I DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, instead of sitting around thinking about my anger toward my father and his neglect of ME in favor of his dogs. Because that didn't work! Being proactive works very well!

    Like the guy down the road who was abusing his gorgeous bird to the point he lost most of his feathers. The first time I heard him screaming at his bird it sent shivers up my spine. I walked right to the door and confronted the guy. Well, we even became friends after that and he stopped abusing his bird. We now talk about cooking and Buddhism and PEACE. Amazing.

    I rescued a lost dog last summer. Saved it from getting hit by a car and brought it to a shelter. I actually carried the poor thing home. He was shaking and terrified. I KNEW HOW HE FELT.

    Change is possible folks. Never underestimate your power to change yourself and really get to the root of your problems.

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    • sega31098

      That's a relief.
      And if you want a barkless dog, get a Basenji.

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  • assdfghjkl

    lol you didn't NEED to call the WANTED to call the cops.

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  • kristinertq

    I don't think there is anything wrong with you. I hate dogs as well. They stink, whine, howl, bark, drool, lick their balls and asses and eat shit. Seriously, what's the appeal? I tried to like dogs, but after years of fighting my true feelings, I stopped. Everybody has their preferences. Some like dogs, I don't.

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    • littlelulu1999

      I have no need or desire for a dog. I crave human interaction, I desire to take care of human children and have them become contributing members of society (one day taking care of the next generation. It is normal to hate dogs---they are nasty, needy, disgusting creatures that have become substitutes for human interaction....that is the sad state of our society...doglovers feel insulted that you don't like dogs because it calls them out on their inability to relate to other humans and their need to dominate an animal and bask in the illusion of 'unconditional' love....LMAO...similar to the alcoholic that isn't happy unless everybody else is as drunk as they are....misery loves company and dog owners have to insult and stimatize non-dog owners because they want people to share in their misery!

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  • It's all true. They are loud and smelly and destructive. But they're damn good at sniffing out rabbits.

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    • Thebigdogg

      Stereotyping by an ignorant idiot who doesn't know the first thing about dogs.

      The exact type of crap my dog smartly shies away from when she sees people like you coming towards her on the street.

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  • harrypotters

    You obviously resent dogs beacuse of your father. That was his fault the dogs did not choose to be chosen over you so do not blame them. Also do not listen to the above poster don't go and poison other peoples dogs. This will devastate the owners that cared for them just for your own selfish reasons.

    If you are so bothered by dogs barking talk to your neighbours about it if you haven't already in a polite manner about it. If they refuse to change than bring the police or other source of outside help that could stop thier dogs from barking

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  • KlondikeSam

    Yes, it's normal. Dogs were bred (created) for specific purposes -- to herd animals, for hunting and for other ways to serve people -- they were NOT bred to be the clingy, needy, barking pieces of shit PETS that people have turned them into.

    While there isn't a spray to kill them from a 100 feet away, there is poison, and you should start spreading some around your neighborhood. Don't do it in a way that you will get caught. Put it in a hot dog or something and just "accidentally" drop the hot dog where the dog will get it. You'll also have to space your "poisonings," doing just one at a time because if all the neighborhood dogs start dying, someone will get suspicious.

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    • littlelulu1999

      " Dogs were bred (created) for specific purposes -- to herd animals, for hunting and for other ways to serve people -- they were NOT bred to be the clingy, needy, barking pieces of shit PETS that people have turned them into." THANK YOU FOR POSTING TRUTH!

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    • beerlover123

      I hope somebody feeds you a poisoned hot dog.

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  • xsavealifex

    This is why I like dogs more than people. Yes, maybe your father was wrong and you are not required to own one. In fact I hope you never do. But I feel sorry for you too. It's the best thing...I didn't feel like I was awake until I became a dog lover. So it just sucks to be you.

    As for you wanting to kill other dogs...if they aren't yours, you have no right to even do that. How do you think that's acceptable?

    Please, get your tubes tied.

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  • sherry

    Who needs you. My dogs are nothing like you describe. Mine give me great pleasure. Get your head out of your butt and relax. I've never had a dog that ate poop. I think you keep it cleaned up.

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    • wow wow wow who gets great pleasure from their dog?

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  • dukeman

    Sounds like someone needs a kick in the teeth with a steel toed boot . Right after scraping your gums on a rusty nail.

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  • Maybe your jealous because men find them more fascinating than you... and probably more attractive!

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  • mtltitman420

    wtf. id rather kill a person that is crul to animal s . dogs do nothin wrong . u fucks

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    • assdfghjkl

      that is such a stupid thing to say.

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