Is it normal to wish anti-abortionists would
Is it normal to wish anti-abortionists would put up or shut up. I will never respect their view until each and every one has adopted at least one unwanted ghetto child. As I said, put up or shut up.
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Is it normal to wish anti-abortionists would put up or shut up. I will never respect their view until each and every one has adopted at least one unwanted ghetto child. As I said, put up or shut up.
I support the idea of abortions and financial abortions. I believe everyone should be given a choice.
To OP:
You should be proud of yourself, a pro-abortionist. But aren't u glad they didn't "choose" to end your short life then??
Robbi made a wonderful point here. You are pro abortion but would you be saying this if your mom aborted you? I think not and you would not be here to say it. So while your cheering about how those moms should kill the baby think about the fact your mother chose to keep you. Consider yourself blessed. Some miracle made your mother decide not to break your skull and pull you apart limb by limb inside her stomach.
Oh who the fuck cares what you think, ITADOSU. You're all smiles when it comes to killing white foetuses, but not the massive growing hordes of Asian ones. Oh no. They're so much more precious because of your Liberal fucking high-horse. How many more must there be, pray tell, before there are enough? How much more of a speck of a minority must we be before we've atoned for the sin of being born white?
I'm pro life with exceptions such as rape cases. I'm disgusted at the thought of a grown female having consensual sex, making a "mistake", and then wanting to kill the creation because it is unwanted. That says to me that if the woman were to have the child she would not want it the child and would not love the child. She wouldn't love her own child even if it was unplanned? I'm not even a very religious person but if there is a hell I believe women like that have earned themselves a special trip.
I'm against the death sentence but I don't see that it means I have to have a serial killer come and live with me. It's too simplistic an argument.
Although it does annoy me that people feel they have the right to force a woman into a decision about her own body, life, and future. I suppose the question is about exactly when the rights of a silent individual (the baby) outweigh the spoken wishes of the mother. I don't know that there's an answer to that, which is why I don't believe we should restrict people's choice. It is a matter for them to decide for themselves.
To oppose the death sentence does not imply that you must take in a serial killer, you have no duty to the individual.
However if you claim a woman must give birth to an unwanted baby, then you do have a duty/obligation to the child since you took part in bringing about it's existence.
Frankly I think all pro-lifers should agree to have the fetus implanted into their bodies to gestate and give birth to them. Even if they're men-by C-section, since they consider that a fetuses' rights supersede that of the mother carrying it and upon whom it's existence relies on.
Or they should all just be treated like Christian Taliban terrorists and get shot.
It's self explanatory, if you don't understand, then you have a mental deficiency.
I doubt there are too many Christian Taliban??
Then I guess I also have a mental deficiency. That's 2 of us, any more out there?
Really? Are you people that stupid not to be able to make sense of a simple idea?
The point is that there are radical Christians who are as militant as the Taliban in their views-they might not be suicide-bombing themselves, but they are just as aggressive in forcing their views on others as the Taliban. Some of them do attack others physically like Anders Breveik who murdered 70 people.
Some of them are part of Christian militia groups like the KKK. So please don't pretend that Christianity does not have it's violent radicals when you obviously do.
This will always be a controversial subject with very mixed opinions.
I'm not going to say I'm pro-life or pro-choice because those are just basic labels.
My fundamental belief is that its wrong to try to control someone else's choices and actions.
Also abortion is never a fun and happy thing, it is unfortunately sometimes necessary
The new generation of Europeans, Canadians and Americans were all simultaneously aborted in the past couple of generations. Now we have to import hordes of parasitic, self-interested strangers just to keep the factories humming, so they tell us. Gee, wasn't it a great decision, going extinct? Go white people. Or whatever's left of us.
With that same logic, do you think that everyone who opposes whale hunting should adopt a whale?
How is that the same thing? But, now that YOU mentioned it, if I could stop whaling by any means, I surely would spend the rest of my life doing just that. It would only take about five seconds, if our useless president told Japan to stop or we would embargo their products. But even here (in the US) everybody gives lip service to stopping whaling, but nobody actually does a damn thing! If all Americans boycotted Japanese products, I believe Japanese whaling would stop pretty damn quickly.
I'm personally pro-life, with the exception that the baby is endangering the mother's life. Unless the fetus is harming the woman, I believe she should not abort the baby.
She could put it up for adoption, or maybe even choose to keep it.
The man and the woman are the ones that had sex, why should the unborn baby be punished?
But, that's just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own.
"If you're so pro-life don't link arms outside a hospital, link arms outside a fucking cemetary"
-Bill Hicks
I am pro-life with my own body, pro-choice with others.
I understand the namely Christian sentiment of preaching pro-life. The problem really lies in people taking it a step further and making laws. US is a Christian nation, which is fine- but being Christian means respecting God, and respecting God means respecting free will. God gave us free will because he wants us to make our own choices so that we can learn from them. Nobody should impose on that, except only in their words- considerate, kind words. Not hateful and spiteful.
If you think you're obviously right, why not give them enough rope to hang themselves? I'm pro-choice, by the way. I'm just pointing out the benefits of not repressing alternative opinions.
What does adopting unwanted kids have to do with it? Am I missing something?
I'm assuming they mean that if someone were to believe that no-one should abort their baby (which means that there would be a lot more unwanted kids), they should consider themselves responsible for those extra unwanted kids, and adopting them is supposedly the way to do this.
Don't you hate the terms pro-life and pro-choice? Maybe it's just me...
I mean they are meant to be opposites, but the words life and choice are not opposites.
I totally agree. They're loaded terms designed to polarise opinion, and they only serve to make the debate an emotionally-driven one rather than rational one where people actually talk about the costs and benefits of abortion rights. As you say, they're not even opposites (I even know some people who identify as pro-life and as pro-choice and hate everyone else :/), and they don't specify that they're talking about abortion! They're just useless labels some politician or journalist probably made up.
The Associated Press uses the rather more bland but more useful "abortion rights" and "anti-abortion" apparently, but I rather like "pro-coercion" and "pro-death".
Those terms are euphemisms manufactured by each side of the issue for public relations purposes.
Good point, how about:
Pro-Force Women to Have Babies They Don't Want
Pro-Fascist Birthing
Pro-Your Uterus is Church Property
Pro-Turn Women into Breeding Cows/Machines
Pro-Xenomorphing/Parasite Gestation
Actually I like my last idea the best...haha we should call it Xenomorphing from now on.
Let's find some face-huggers and fling them at pro-lifers, let them know how it feels to have an unwanted pregnancy.
Pretending not to have an opinion, is that the new cool?
Then consider me out of date, but I'll take my principles over whatever PC crap you're dishing.
Pro-Xenomorphers have always been wrong on this subject and they'll always be since they get their morality from a mythology book written by Bronze Age sheep fuckers.
OOOOH MYYYY GOOODDDDD. This is a joke. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, EVERY SINGLE PERSON. If a woman decides she wants an abortion, it sucks, but boo fucking hoo. I passionately believe that abortions are wrong. If I were raped, I would keep and raise that baby. And that's okay, I'm entitled to those feelings. I have NO RIGHT, however, to look down on someone whose idea is different from my own. All of your thoughts are validated in the sense that they are yours, however all of you become wrong when you judge others choices, and try to shove your opinions down someone else's fucking throat. In the same breath, I need to express, that having an abortion after the fetus has developed a heart beat and nervous system is disgusting, and I would fight with everything I had to make that illegal, because at that point you ARE taking a life and physically harming someone. And you have to be a pretty sick person to do that. In case anyone wants to try and nag at me for that statement, keep in mind that a fetus hasn't taken on an even remotely human form until around two months of pregnancy, and the heartbeat doesn't develop until sometime after that. There is plenty of time to make the decision before having to bring any harm, and without taking a life.
I am a Christian. And not in the taliban. In fact I have never heard of a Christian in the taliban. So the the term 'Christian Taliban' confuses me as well. But last time I checked I was not stupid. But I guess that makes three. I guess I should go go look up this ' Christian Taliban,' to see if they are indeed out there.
God bless.
I am completely pro-life. That means I am anti-death penalty AND anti-abortion. Does that mean I think I am responsible, or well off enough to have a kid, no, it does not. It does mean though, that I am really careful about protection and birth control. If I ever were stupid enough to have a kid, or God forbid was raped, I would put that baby up for adoption. So it can have a life that it deserves. It has a soul. At least in my eyes it does. And that's how I 'put up,' as you said.
I'm not pro-life but I once got a girl pregnant and she decided she had to have an abortion, I can't help but think how that little fellow would have turned out.
It's definitely all good and natural to just yank a baby with a beating heart out of someone and kill it. You are perfectly reasonable for hating people who have the audacity to think that it is wrong and want to prevent such practices.
Of course it's natural to stop a tiny beating heart, after all why should the spread legged feminazis and douchebags of the world be held accountable for their actions when they have people to do and things to meet?
More religious nutjobs and their hysterics. Firstly shithead, 99% of abortions happen in the first trimester when the baby is nothing but a ball of cells-no beating hearts anywhere to be found.
Secondly any late term abortions usually occur because they jeopardize the health of the mother.
Thirdly, the vast majority of fetuses that are aborted have birth defects. So if we lived in your world, there would be 100 million more people who are mentally and physically retarded.
Lastly I hope you practice what you preach. If you believe the life of a baby is worth saving at any cost, you must have it implanted in your body to gestate and give birth to it if the birth mother is unwilling.
Then raise this bastard kid till it's 18 if it's normal or the rest of it's life if it has special needs. Otherwise you have no business telling others to do what you yourself would never do.
I find it hilarious that abortion is actually still a hot political issue worth talking about in America. It's a complete non-issue in Europe. Hahahahaha
It's not anybody else's job to fix your screwed up life or adopt your "unwanted" child who was conceived during very much wanted sex,go ahead and kill an innocent child...if you don't believe God will hold you accountable then just trust that Karma will.
First, there is no god, so there's no point in that argument.
Second, it's not my baby.
Third, it ain't a "child" until it's born.
Forth, a quick easy painless death is preferable to a long, slow, agonizing one at the hands of a parent who can't possibly care for this child properly.
Mercy is not necessary a bad quality.
So if YOU won't be bothered to adopt this child and give it a good home, then shut up, 'cause you certainly didn't put up.
You actually tried to make a point spelling 4th (fourth) as forth (like "Go forth").
Also your point about adopting these kids makes no sense. At all. You're a very dumb person. Very, very dumb.
And I believe in neither god, nor karma. What I do believe in is MORALITY.
Damn, why didn't the spell checker pick that one up? Shame on me, you are absolutely right, probably for the fourth time and you should go forth and proclaim your victory. I am humbled by your intellectual prowess.
Just out of curiosity, what is "moral" about bringing unwanted children into a situation where they will either be raised by crack addicted mothers or the state?
"Also your point about adopting these kids makes no sense. At all." Why not? It's your opinion that these children should be born, not aborted. Wouldn't it actually be more "moral" for people like you who insist these children be born, raise these children?
You can not have it both ways. If you don't want to take responsibility for your position then all you say is just lip service, not morality.
You may think me dumb, very, very dumb, but I think you are a bag of wind (or spineless wimp, whichever you think suits you best) who will not back up his beliefs with actions.
I didn't say that people like that should raise those kids, simply that the kids shouldn't be aborted. There are plenty of people out there who would happily adopt a child.
Also, how would spell checker do anything when the word "fourth" is correctly spelled, and only a misuse of the word?
"Also, how would spell checker do anything when the word "fourth" is correctly spelled, and only a misuse of the word?"
Ya think? I guess you have no sense of humor?
Please do not insult the posters here by suggesting that "There are plenty of people out there who would happily adopt a child."; we all know that is absolutely NOT true of crack addicted ghetto children. I guess that's why there are so many children in foster homes and facilities, a huge burden on a system that is under-funded, under-staffed and poorly managed?
Your ignorance is only surpassed by your arrogance,you have no authority to shut me up and I will say what I believe
If it's a choice between my ignorance and your lack of conviction in your supposed beliefs, then I'll go with ignorance. At least I can learn and correct my errors. You just spout garbage and put your tail between your legs and run and hide behind crude defamatory comments when someone suggests you actually act on your beliefs. Shame on you!
Yeah, more registering. More ways to be tracked. That's a great idea! Let's get those chips in our right hands while we are at it! All hail the government.
Yes, I am being sarcastic.
God Bless.
In my opinion abortion is wrong altogether. And this 'Financial Abortion' is sickening to me. I actually feel sick right now,just thinking about it. There is always adoption. Don't kill a child, just because you don't want to financially have to support them. Most of the time, both parties chose to have sex. Whether the condom broke, or it was unprotected, they chose to make that choice. In the case of rape, I am sorry, but there is always adoption.
If you were right, then perhaps fewer women would choose abortion, but as you are very far from correct "but there is always adoption". There are innumerable children in the US social system in foster homes and facilities who NEVER get adopted. They are a huge financial drain on everybody and rarely turn out to be productive, happy members of society.
You know that, as does everybody, so why would you make that statement? Adoption is for the "cute", healthy babies, not the majority.
How many children are YOU planning to adopt?
Those two options are horrible in my opinion. But luckily, a mother has two options, adoption or giving the child a loving and caring environment. Or in cases where she could have prevented this, she could say, try abstinence or protection (birth control and a condom!).
To StarTeddy:
So, adoption is not an option for you? You would rather kill a living......well you don't think it is human yet, so we will call it a thing. So you would rather kill a living thing, not give it a chance to grow or give a loving couple a chance to love and nurture it? Explain to me why adoption is impossible for you. Can you not love a person enough to make that sacrifice?
I'm a complete democrat. If the mother wants to abort, that's her choice.
The key time for responsibility comes BEFORE sex, not after a nice new unique combination of human DNA within a fertilized egg starts to grow.
It's ridiculous to demand that someone else should take responsibility when the parents have failed to take even the simplest of precautions.