Is it normal to wonder about god?

I am catholic and i believe in god and all but I just don't understand something. In the bible and stories all these religouse things happens like god speaking to them and god proven himself to others who don't belive in him thousands of years ago. You hear all about these incredible things that have happend and I wonder why he isn't so social now. I understand that there are miracules happen all the time but other aren't so bold as things used to be. This makes me question if god really exist orbit people just made up all these stories because I haven't heard of any recently( In like the past 200 years)! And please don't comment and say that miracules happens all the time because I know that but what I'm saying is that they just aren't so bold and stuff as it seems as it was.

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Comments ( 20 )
  • bigrob90

    It is so very obvious that god is made up!! I cant believe anybody still falls for that shit and or is so scared of the reality of no life after death. Do you belive in the aztec sun god? No! But they did, because they had no other way to explain the sun. Your god is just a way to explain things you cant understand.

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    • wiip100

      oh fuck off you ignorant dick. Sorry, this blatant ignoration of fact is irritating. The bible is widely accepted by historians as a HISTORICAL TEXT.

      There is more evidence for the existence of a man named Jesus born in Bethlehem around year '0' (actually the numbers people were a bit out), of a woman named Mary who was known to be a virgin, wed to a man named Joseph (these are not the original Israeli names, btw), who grew up telling stories of God and became a famous teacher, was said to do miracles, and was killed on a cross for heresy.

      The Romans kept records, guys. As did wise men, and other people who saw the great man. It's all over the place. Dead Sea Scrolls? Right. So how is it so obvious God is made up?

      This Jesus guy is historic fact; no historian worth his salt refutes his existence. A great mind once said that Jesus was either Mad, Bad, or God. He either thought he was God and was wrong, was lying to make people think he was God, or he was God.

      This is a man who had a massive following, attracting thousands of people, and answering every question thrown at him by the intellectual studious Pharisees insightfully and wisely. Not the acts of a madman. He help all as he went around; people were brought to him for healing, and were reported being healed. He also hid his true identity as much as possible, silencing those who tried to expose him as God (as the Leper he healed and told to say to nobody what he had done (before the healed man told everybody :/)), not the acts of a liar who wanted recognition for being God (oh yeah, and he kinda died for it, after being given numerous chances to revoke his identity and live on). The only other one he can be, then, is God. Give me a reason why he can't be that. A clever reason; not a dunce-ey " cos god's a myth, roight? ". Reason with me. I challenge you :D

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      • Tempest-au

        Challenge accepted.

        - Mary being a "virgin" is a mistranslation. Very old texts (in Aramaic, or whatever the hell it was) describe Mary using a word which means "good and holy woman". Quite a lot of mistranslation exists in the Bible, for example the New Testament alone has gone from a primarily oral account in Aramaic, to a written account in a variety of languages (mostly Greek) to an edited and compiled account in Greek (as of the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD), then translated into Latin, before finally being translated into English. Ever heard of the game "Chinese whispers" - well take that over a thousand years, with different languages, and have some of the circle remove bits they don't personally like.

        Yes, the Romans DID keep accurate records, and the Birth and Death of Jesus can possibly be independently verified. I say possibly because almost all the records from this period (2000 years ago) are now lost. There are accounts from various "historians" after Jesus was killed that allude to some sort of records, but whether these are actual things sighted by the historians in question or "I had heard" historical accounts nobody knows.

        There is no corollary evidence for any of the "miracles of Jesus" outside of the Bible and the various testimonies of his followers (and their followers, etc). Not one. Even the biggest miracle of all - the resurrection of Jesus after 3 days, if accurately described in the Bible, could be explained by the fact that he DIDNT die on the cross. It should be noted that the herbs that were said to have been taken to the cave to embalm Jesus with were at the time used as HEALING herbs, generally crucified people took a full day or more to die (24plus hours, not 6-8 hours), the area Jesus was stabbed could very easily have not caused any significant damage, etc.

        So we have a religion based on a PARTIAL account (several gospels were removed at the First Council of Nicaea as they didn't fit the overall "faith") of the life of a charismatic religious leader (think David Koresh or Jim Jones), probably embellished for effect (or at least based on preconceptions and misconceptions), which has been mistranslated several times.

        Now I could go on, but that'll do. I don't care if you chose to worship Jesus or not, but don't try and give me some BS about the faith being founded on scientific principles. Your faith, and all faiths are exactly that - based on faith.

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      • wiip100

        Sorry for the rant. By the way, when I said 'there is more evidence for... for heresy.', I meant to add 'than of the existence of Julius Caesar, Emperor of Rome.'; I got tangled in the long paragraph :P

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    Very normal to doubt God, and you should draw your own conclusion, based on faith not logic, because logic can't answer the question. Either you believe or you don't.

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  • Camigirl080343

    Okay guys the question wasn't asking if god exists or not, clearly the OP believes in god so just answer the question she asked. I wonder the same thing...maybe now god wants us to step in and take control. Maybe instead of asking what he can do for us, he wants us to find out what we can do for each other. I'm not sure though, that's just my two cents!

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  • lonelysoul

    I know for a fact God exists. It is religion that i question. Watch this video it is really good

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  • Midnightshadow54

    YES. Question your religion. This is a good first step to becoming a better human being. Having an understanding of logic and that though the universe's existence cannot be explained, no one knows for sure how everything started. I have a hard time believing that one man started it all, no matter how powerful he is. I questioned god at the age of 5 or 6. Now I'm a happy atheist! Well, I wouldn't say happy. This world is too fucked up to allow me true happiness. What can you do?
    I also can't believe anyboy would be so horrible to make such a planet as this, or a race like that of humans. We are insanely retarded. We are malicious, violent, lustful, social idiots who can't give a damn for any one other than ourselves.

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  • SAME! i was always raised to b a HEALTHY christian! but im soo confused? like about religion. think about it
    adam and eve couldnt have been a accurate story
    if they were the 2 first people on the earth, how did we still evolve from monkeys?
    even if they are monkeys they wouldnt have the intelligence to understand God and make the descisions that they made.

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    • wiip100

      btw it's an ancestor of apes, not monkeys. This is from a time long before monkeys. We split off from other apes, who evolved into what we have today, and we became us. When we split from the animals, God spoke into our hearts.

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    • wiip100

      The story of Adam and Eve is widely accepted to be a metaphor.

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  • The reason society thinks teenag pregnancy us so bad is because although girls know about it they do it anyway because abortion I avaliable!! And how many teenage couples do u know r ready to have a kid???

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  • lilianas

    The Bible is one of the most historically used and proven documents of all time. To address the original question I've wondered and asked God the same thing. And over the last few years He has taught me some about how He speaks to and relates to the people He loves. If you let Him in and listen and I mean really stay still long enough to be able to hear Him He will speak. I think usually it's with His still small voice inside of us or sometimes it's through dreams or through other people. And I think He spoke that way in the Bible too and He is still doing it. And miracles do still happen. I used to not really buy into that until God proved me wrong by convincing me to pray for healing for something I was struggling with and then He healed it then and there like in the Bible like when the woman touched Jesus' garment. So that's my experience with it. I hope that helps. I would recommend Hearing God by Dallas Willard, great book on the subject

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  • bigrob90

    Well its because the bible is made up, and miracles are just luck, and religion was just made to make people feel better about dying. Science had already disproven most of the bs in the bible

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  • It's says in the bible that we r created in gods image. And also it says god has not changed. So if we were created in gods image and he hasn't changed then we didn't evolve from monkeys. Because god most likely DIDNT look like a monkey.

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  • Gutear

    It's normal to wonder about God. It's only natural for those who don't know him. It's also good.. At least you're wondering about a superior being and not just going along with evolution. I think HE'S still the same he was then, it's humanity that has changed. If you don't believe in HIM, look in the mirror. If you know about biology, or even reproduction, you will believe he exist. Look around you, all the life forms, accident? Dont think so...

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    • Legion

      Evolution does not disprove the Existence of God, many atheists just attempt to use the theory to disprove gods existence. After all, a computer program can run by itself, but it still needs someone to set up the initial code.

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  • God is most deffinatly real! The reason we don't hear many miricles anymore is due to the fact tht during the time of the bible and Moses and so forth was a much diffrent time than it is now. We expect god to do his work in such a sinful world where girls at the age of 13 are getting pregnant and there is so much hatred. Would u help the ppl at ur work/school if they hated u and everything u stood for. And I know u don't wanna hear this but yes god does miricles even today, I witnessed a girls spine being healed and she was able to jump around. It was something her docter couldn't explain. If u look hard enough and truely try to have a realationship with him he will show himself to u. He has with me. And to the person above me, there is only one god and he is tru no matter wht u say. Why I it so hard to believe someone is higher in power above u and actually cares about u? Do u honostly believe there is no higher power lik god who cares enough to die for u?

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      girls were getting pregnant during "biblical" times as well as they are now. In every society up until the late 18th century it was a custom for kids to get married and starting families, even when they just hit puberty. It is only recently that society has dubbed an unwed, teenage mother to be a "bad seed"

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    • wiip100

      If you're gonna spread the word of God, could you learn English first, please?

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