Is it normal to wonder how everyone chose their username,
Please share how you chose your usernames, as I am quite curious. Thankyou in advance xx
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Please share how you chose your usernames, as I am quite curious. Thankyou in advance xx
Mine too. Nobody gave me any explanation or anything. This site's moderators can go fuck themselves.
Eh, I don't mind to much since I just add a number. At first I was annoyed but then I just started adding numbers. Try it next or if, and hopefully it doesn't happen, your account gets deleted.
I tried many but none of them got approved... at last i got so fed up that i made this face which signifies my expression at that time when i was exhausted by trying so many names....
I chose this username because I tamed a squirrel around the time I created this account.
Though a few days after creating this account, said squirrel scared me into thinking it wanted to attack me (I was acting too nervous around it apparently), so I decided to quit feeding squirrels.
Username still fits though because of my weird personality.
I couldn't think of a name, so I just started chucking random words together until I got one that I liked. And evidently, I liked bananaface:D.
Haha, truer and cheese then:P? I like it! It's funny what people come up with. I kind of want to see what others would come up with if they did it the same way as we did it.
I know other users think it's because I love cheese. Even though....... I do love cheese but that's not how I came up with this name.
I like to smile and laugh a lot. :D
I also have a playstation network account that has the username: Smilesaycheese; which I had before this account. It has the same reasoning why I have this username too.
Someone on Facebook was mad at me and called me a cuntsiclestick. I liked the word, so I used it as a username.
I was silly and didn't want to put my name, but I'm very lacking in creativity and couldn't come up with anything interesting.
I liked the Movie the hunt for red october, but i wanted RedSeptember because I was born in September. Some cun't already chose it..
I have a bounty out on that user names head... go get em you IIN raskals!
Well one day while mixing words toghether i made coolio out of cool and rollio but than some rapper stole it from me D:< than i added a 75650932 to the and and thats how i became the coolio75650932 you all know and love!
Long before I signed up to the site, about a few months, I was saying that if I ever got a account on here that my username would have to be "Avant-Garde" . Then on that fateful day in November 2011, I occurred to me that I might as well sign up then because if I didn't and waited, someone might choose it before me... I do love the etymology and background on it. I think it really suits me.
I got my name from Dragon Age best RPG of all time. Grey Wardens were a centrical part of the 1st game. They pretty much took in a substance that made them better fighters so they could defend their homes better, but they only ha 30 years to live. "In war, victory. In peace, vigilance. In death, sacrifice." They were legit, and helped shape my view on life
Kedder is an evil sorcerer and the main antoginist in my "Alchemic" series. He is the most powerful sorcerer decending from great sorcerers and the spirit, Lex, before him. As prince of the Black Lands, he is known for being very seductive and beautiful, inevitably making him rather appealing to me.
I chose my username because I thought it would be nice to be his princess :)
It was the same as my email address when I made this account. If I knew I was going to stick around so long I probably would have gone for something with a little more character :P I don't hate it though.
Mine is a very basic percussion rudiment whos pattern consists of RLRR or LRLL strokes on the drum, R and L meaning right and left of course. I could have chosen Ratamacue, Pataflafla or just Flam but this one seems the most normal and basic sounding. That said, I haven't practiced percussion seriously since high school even though I was good at it and seemed to have switched solely to piano. Thinking on it, I must fix that, as in tomorrow. Maybe. =/
There's a bit of a story behind mine. I am a writer/visual artist and I have a friend who is a graffiti artist. We collaborated on an urban project called "Crown's King Lines" which we dubbed "The thinking man's graffiti."
Basically we would devise clever play on words and social commentary and write them on public walls, bridges, buildings etc. The Crowns came into it as we would draw crowns sitting the right way up when we were being positive about something and upside down when we were being negative. (These would sit above or below what we'd written) We photographed them and had a facebook page for the images.
The facebook page has to be linked to someone's profile, so I created a fake profile on there of a "Kingsley Crowne" (which was itself a play on words, making a legitimate sounding name out of "King's Crown") I based the profile and all the profile information on an early graffiti neo expressionist artist Jean Michel Basquait. lol.
The profile still exists to this day, but the project is now a thing of the past. I now use kingsleycrowne as my alias on many sites.
This site told me to choose a name which cannot be used to identify me. So dark matter is a type of matter which is mysterious and invisible. It cannot be identified. It is more than 27% of our Universe while normal matter (what we are made of) is only 4% (representing I am more than everyone. Don't take it as an offense). It only interacts with normal matter (what we are made of) by gravity (representing influence).
I used a fake name generator that also creates a user name and password to go along with it. I like to do that every time so I don't leave a trail.
Name of a very old German hedgehog character because I found one of the dolls at my grandmother's house, everyone says they're creepy but I think it's cute and I like the name, short and unique, and I've only used it on 1 other site :D
My middle name is Elizabeth, and when I was little, my Aunt used to call me Lizzy Dizzy or Dizzy Lizzy, and even sometimes just Dizzy, for acting a little out there at times. So the day I first came on here, I was just like, 'what the heck? I'll make it Ldizzy1234'.
I really thought I was going to be mature, and give sound advice to people. So I made my username changes. It took me about a good 20seconds.
haha fat chance :) I'm still awesome though.
Mine is my name and the number is from 'troublesome 96' by Tupac because I was listening to it at the time.
I'm an inventive piece of work, eh?.
And "cigs" is my user Name for this WebSite, Because it has a lot of meaning to the Name.
i use the name dave for various online creeper websites, and i like zumba, and one of my favorite styles we do in that is Samba, so davesumba
I used to have a marxist flare (now that i'm an economics major i realize that communism just doesnt work in modern, non-tribal societies. Even though marx's theories were pretty smart in a lot of ways.) but anyway back when i really used to ascribe to socialism I had this username for other sites. I didnt think i would be here as frequently as i am so rather than choosing something creative i just chose something that i could remember. Considering how much candid stuff i post on here i wish i didnt include my real first name...i know that sean is a common name but im always a little bit nervous that my friends who know that i used to be a communist will know that this username is me if any of them happen to drop by. Whatever, i dont have anything to hide, at the end of the day i dont care if i'm putting myself out there
I have no story behind mind. I have no reason behind mine. It was made by a username generator on a different site when I was younger, and so it stuck with me.
My names is Mikael Moller and i was born in 1987 so that is where i get MikaelMoller1987 from, on some sites i use the username AbsoluteCheeseDanish because i'm danish and i like cheese absolutely :D
My names other account the_misty_haze is reference to a line in a poem I wrote many years ago.
I explain why I chose my U/N on my profile.
My old username that I used on here, was because i had plenty of bad juju happen to me, that I deserved... But I learned.
I'm rambling =[
I love Invader Zim and I figured I'd take the identity of a Irken, hence my username. :)