Is it normal to wonder why people don't believe in jesus?
That's all there is to it. Is this normal?
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That's all there is to it. Is this normal?
I believe in Jesus, but I understand that everyone is not going to have the same view point.
Like scientists hey?
And people of rational reasoning?
I say there's some things that religious people don't want to know - Important things.
Time to grow up now. God, Jesus, Allah, Muhammad and all the rest is just utter nonsense.
Seriously READ and learn, there is already enough info out there. These old religious 'stories' are just fiction.
Why don't you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Why? WHY? WHY?!?!
I think Jesus was a nice bloke.....Though obviously not supernatural or omnipoitant. I would love to meet him and have a pint. It seems he basically said....just be nice to each other.
Shame his dad is such a bastard!!!!!
I acknowledge there was probably a guy by that name.
I don't believe in him any more than i believe in Buddha, Jeanne d'Arc, Takeda Shingen, Walt Disney, Marie Curie or Adolf Hitler.
They're all people from the past, all of them left an inprint in our history that makes us remember them today, but believe? Na. I believe in my partner, i believe in my family, i believe in 2 or 3 close friends, thats about the extent of believe i'm able to give.
oho.... you guys dont need to disrespect any religion....please it touches heart and creates conflicts ,... Im a Muslim and you are right that Muhammad s.a.w was a person indeed a common man but he was also a messenger of Allah...!!! and Allah is not a person ...he is a light of guidance the creator.....!!!
not going in detail we just need to discuss why the person writing his thought is thinking that and comment on also might have a religion and should respect all the others....!!! you cant be racist calling any society dumb and driven because of their religion there are many Christian,Buddhists and other societies suffering from failures that means they are also dumb.... no way its belief of every individual....!!! and potential or capability for succeeding is far different from it...!!
And why do you have a pic of Taylor Swift in your profile?
And what do you mean Allah? There is NO proof of such a thing.
Why on Earth would you believe in something that is utterly ridiculous?
What is the difference with me saying I believe in the flying spaghetti monster and he makes me feel good! Its utter nonsense. Not only that but any 'female' worshiping this man's make believe god, would have to be crazy.
This is NOT my opinion. This is just common sense. Allah? That is absolutely pathetic.
I find ALL people that still worship old fashioned made up stories of 'god' extremely weak minded, especially in our modern space age time.
Religious people get in the way of humans advancing in every single way you can think of. That's just it, religious people just don't think.
The god delusion, give it a read sometime.
You feel there is a god and it makes you feel better. Seriously that's just sad.
Please help rid the world of all religion, its just messed up crap.
Allah is nothing but a fairy tale, leaning more towards fairy.
He not man for him like man for else other. Fairness in these things is not strong for you. I pray.
unless your weak minded and insecure why would you. iv grown out of living in fear of the big bad god thats gonna twat me into hell coz i dont like him. LOL
I cant believe people dont believe in Jesus!! I dont see how people can deny and mock him. He's story is loving and caring. The least people should have should be respect.
I feel shame towards religion.
Its utter nonsense that people feel this Middle east guy (jesus still a common name there) was the son of god. Lol That is ludicrous. Time to grow up, believing fairy tales are not meant for adults. And the bible story is definitely not meant for children.
Shame religos shame.
I believe in God because I have witnessed enough things in life that could never be explained by saying that what happened was just coincidence. Some things cannot be explained away by science or logic.
That's strange because no one has ever supplied or documented a miracle.
Please upload this miracle to youtube I'd love to see water change into wine, or how bones and muscles and nervous systems mend themselves in a spit second. As yet no one has provided this evidence, crazy don't you think?
You know I always find it strange when priests (or any religious confused person) say its in god's hands if someone dies of cancer (etc) or not.
But they still agree to chemo and operations scientifically of course. I mean shouldn't priests be running down the street and say don't go to the doctors for any critical illness, its in god's hands if you die or not! What? These priests must be hypocrites I conclude.
It seems the only time a 'miracle' has been said to be done is when AFTER all the chemo or operations, the doctors say they can't do any more (until more advances in science research of course) And then, as if by miracle, they survive!
What? They SURVIVED because everything was previously scientifically done, and only time will help to see if they get better or not.
Otherwise, as stated, religious people wouldn't even go to hospital (of which some religious parents don't take their children to doctors negligently).
I mean why even go to the doctors? Isn't it in god's hands?
Oh that's only when you are TOTALLY utterly desperate, and will try anything. Yes I'm aware that this is the only area that religious people believe miracles have happened.
Religious people are absolute hypocrites.
We live in the space age time, let go of this backward belief system that makes zero natural sense.
Man Made God In His Own Image
The Bible documents many miracles and as I said I've witnessed first hand enough things in my life that cannot be explained by science. There are many other examples of miracles that don't involve curing people.
I have to say that I'm surprised at your response here - I've read a lot of your comments and you usually give some pretty sound advice.<BR>I am not a hypocrite btw.
Yes just on the 'religious' type of posts I do become a tad more boisterous!
I don't accept your 'witnessing' because you may not have heard but there has been ZERO evidence of anything EVER happening to anyone via 'god'. Lol
Yes its all too often we hear of people say I have felt him, or I witnessed it, or something is 'unexplained' None of these mount up to reality though.
You know if I were god (hypothetically speaking) I'd probably come down every single day just so people knew I existed. Seems reasonable when MOST don't believe any longer.
Religion is going out of our society, and good riddance to it. People can now care and help others through normal human kindness and this may confuse you - humanity.
People on Earth - 200,000 years
Life on Earth - 4,600,000,000 Billion years
Humans have been around for a mere 0.004% of the Earth's history.
Oh and our known universe is 13,700,000,000 years old
Oh but man made god in his own image!! Absolute crazy.
Ok may be not crazy - and I only say this for you, but shameful.
All I can say is I used to have the same attitude as you did until what happened to me. One day something will happen that will change your mind.
Like the end of the world? Heard it before for many decades now (always a new date)
Sorry couldn't resist saying that, its the first thing that I thought of.
Anyway, I'd like to thank you for continually staying respectful.
It can be difficult to hold back our feelings on this board at times.
Also note out of all the billions of people in our world, and also the ones that have passed, still no evidence. Must be a very personal thing, what a shame you can't share it.
When you read about known facts and hear things like its common sense we all evolved, and extremely (really 100%) unlikely that any super natural exists watching over us, oh and (only) people get to go to heaven. Dogs, cats, trees all other life, well! They are just there for our enjoyment or food or something? Seriously that's nuts!
It's too simplistic a question. It's possible to believe in aspects of religion (and Jesus) without following every single word of the Bible to the letter of the law (nobody does that, not even the most devoutly religious).
You might get some atheists saying it's a book of lies, that it's all made up, but that is a crazy viewpoint too.
I believe that stories of magical and heroic deeds (which had previously been attributed to others, as you will know if you've looked beyond the Bible) came to be attributed to one figure (this often happens in cultures with an oral tradition). I can believe that figure lived. I can believe major events of the Bible occurred and that is a document of huge historical importance.
But I can also accept that in a 2000-year-old game of Chinese whispers played by many people who don't even speak the same language, there is the teensiest, tiniest possibility that it's not 100% completely, entirely, and absolutely free of even the most minor of errors.
"It's possible to believe in aspects of religion (and Jesus) without following every single word of the Bible to the letter of the law (nobody does that, not even the most devoutly religious)."
I disagree. If you believe your God is PERFECT, you CANNOT throw out some of the rules, simply because you don't like them, such as killing disobedient children (something Jesus approved of btw).
I'll have to disagree. I think following the Bible to the letter of the law is such a difficult and unusual thing to do that people have written books about their attempt to do so. For instance, A. J. Jacobs with "The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible".
I know people who "believe" but I don't know anyone who follows the bible literally and entirely. I would never say they are non-believers, though.
It is indeed virtually impossible to follow the Bible entirely, since it contains literally HUNDREDS of contradictions (quite a lot of which involve the most crucial aspects of Christianity btw). See:
"I know people who "believe" but I don't know anyone who follows the bible literally and entirely. I would never say they are non-believers, though."
Same here. I also wouldn't say they are non-believers. What I WOULD say however, is that they are being kinda illogical. Don't they believe a PERFECT being inspired their book?
As an irreligious person I think I can cherry-pick the good stuff (yes that is subjective, I know) from the Bible (as from any book) WITHOUT being hypocritical. However, when you claim to follow a specific religion, I honestly think you HAVE to follow EVERYTHING in said religion (which isn't even possible in Christianity's case, because of the contradictions).
It's an interesting point. I suppose everybody has to find a way of dealing with the texts of their religion. A friend of the family (who is a Methodist minister) always recommends a common-sense approach (as opposed to an anal and literal approach). I'd never thought about it until now but there's a relationship between holy books and those who follow the religion and it's a different relationship for each person. It's personal.
Strangely, I suppose, there can be a relationship even between atheists and holy books. Parts of the bible make a lot of sense to me. Why would I choose to ignore them just because the book as a whole alludes to some things that I don't believe? There are parts of Islam, and many Eastern religions that I feel similarly about.
I do believe there's a global truth and many religions tap into it, but are also abused by writers who want power, control or a tourniquet for their insecurities.
I think what is important to remember is that a good part of the Bible is about how to live together in harmony, in communtities where there is respect and consideration for others and how to live as a family and raise your children to respect you. Many of the other stories teach you to believe and have faith in God. Almost all religions promote this so there must be some sense in it at least.
"Strangely, I suppose, there can be a relationship even between atheists and holy books. Parts of the bible make a lot of sense to me. Why would I choose to ignore them just because the book as a whole alludes to some things that I don't believe? There are parts of Islam, and many Eastern religions that I feel similarly about."
I totally agree. For example, though I despise Christianity as a whole as an absurd and immoral religion, I think (tiny) bits of the Bible contain precious gems of wisdom.
From my studies, I've come to conclude that the bible does have some stories of historical accuracy, and a few books are transferred from oral traditions as parables but that many books are of unknown origin and have either been fabricated or altered for the purposes of power, I believe most of this alteration has been done during the Medieval Era and some of the fabrication was an attempt to tame what was a very chaotic society. Religious authorites that I spoke to once upon a time attest that the old testament only originally was the ten commandments and the stories of Moses but nothing more. More was just added.
I hold science in high regard, but even the records of scientific discoveries are not immune from human tampering for gains. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. The first example that comes to mind is companies that pay off their scientists to try to find "conclusive" discoveries in support of their product or cause that they could use to dissuade the public from suspicion.
I couldn't agree more. I have seen some global abuses in research (particularly healthcare) for which people should hang. I don't normally believe in the death penalty but if your actions knowingly bring about the deaths of tens of thousands of people then it doesn't matter if you're a dictator or a businessman in a suit.
I agree with you about the alteration to the texts and when that happened. Occasionally you can see where it's happened.
I'm fascinated by the books of all religions but the bible is a social history as well as historic in the wider sense.
One thing I'm always interested in is when science and the bible work together. Scientifically, we can pretty much prove the great flood, determine where it happened, and even why. If I was religious, though, I might feel squinky about science giving scientific backing to things in the bible.
I know there's absolutely no need for the two spheres of thought to be opposed (and it's my personal opinion that they have the same root) but that's the way it sometimes seems. I wish more people approached it like you and I. I don't think we attack each other about it at all, and I'm always interested in what you say because you come at it calmly and without suspicion.
I'm glad someone else sees it the way I do.
I believe that my mentality stems from my belief that humans are entirely and eternally flawed and by extension, anything they create will be flawed as well. On that account, whether or not my church or collegues agree with me, I'm nonetheless always willing to accept that anything created by the hands of a human is fallible no matter how air tight it may seem.
I agree with you wholeheartedly, that religion and science as well as every academia can live together in harmony. All knowledge is wonderful. Personally, I see science (by which I mean the observable processes of nature and the possibilities of which) as God's gift to man as a means to understand his creation. Like an artist showing his work to.the world, there's a little bit of God and the universe in everything. I'm sure I don't have to explain to you the wonders of the mechanisms of cells and how they bear such similarity to what has been invented by humans...
Whether you chock it up to a Supreme Creator or to the magic that is in nature in and of itself is your personal choice that I feel no need to judge. I'm just happy that I'm not the only person that can appreciate both "worlds".
The story says he's a zombie. Tell me why you don't believe in a spider man? the comic say's he's real? ill tell you why... Your deep naturally occurring need to believe in something that will make feel special and important ( now be honest with yourself)make's you believe in jesus, thor, cthulu?, ra, poseidon. its a human thing most of us (more primitive) do it.
There is proof he existed. And he DID die on a cross. But, the part about him performing miracles, being god's son, and dying for our sins is bull. He was executed against his will for causing a rebellion.
whats there to wonder about? most humans don't think he was half god or even existed, what's to it??
Jesus WAS real, and he was a teacher of Chrstianity, but he didn' t sacrifice himself for our sins. He was executed for starting a revolt, and the Romans put him on the cross, and watched him rot.
I feel like some things in life, are unexplainable. Scientist doesn't have all the answers, if we were made through the creations of monkeys than who made the monkeys? who made the organisms? Its seems like this person God is the only way it can.possible happen. And with that being said there has to be no way Jesus isn't real.
This is not a debate forum. I did not ask this question to start some religious debate between at least four people, I asked it because I actually want to know if it's normal.
as an athiest i will answer your question... its cuz yo7 damn christians tell us to believe...tell god i said FUCK YOU!
belief makes you blind sometime....!!! i am a Muslim and i used to think why people dont believe in one god and why dont they understand that puppets cant provide them any thing...(NO OFFENSE ) but with time i have realized that many people would think the same for me also that why i believe in an unknown unseen god may be seem more foolish to them than how they seem to me...
its all about beliefs and the insight of every person....
That's not evidence. Actually its not anything at all.
I personally feel its extremely shameful that people believe 'jesus' was the son of god. Plus your 'Allah' ridiculousness falls into the same category - utter nonsense!
Grow up.
urgh... if thats growing i dont wana grow up... and i will suggest you plz read QURAN to increase your knowledge and see how every thing is explained you will find how QURAN tells us about many things 400 years ago which science has found now.... take it as an ordinary book to read as you may read many other books and youll find a way out of your such a deep foolishness...
I'd use the holly Qur'an to keep me warm by burning it, but reading it? Why on Earth would I do that? We have UPDATED everything now. If you want to learn about actual present science understandings read a factual recent science book (or just use the Internet). Hello, something is not registering in your head.
Christianity is pathetic, but Allah? That's just down right abuse. Burn it all.
I hope that was written in your book too? Does the book state to burn it one day? Its all there ;)
I personally don't believe in him they say that they created the earth and everything on it when science has proved it totally wrong. I have nothing against people who believe in him i just don't believe in him.
Not normal at all because everybody is different and people should leave others be to believe what they want to believe.
When the moon is a counterfeit
better find the one that fits
Better find the one that lights the way for you.
Well, it's their choice, right? As long as you have your Faith and it's important to you -it's all you need to know.
Other people have their own stuff going on, I don't worry about the rest of humankind.