Is it normal to work out and procrastinate with dieting?
When I go to the gym my mind is set to eat healthy and avoid any foods which are not good for dieting. However, I find myself constantly procrastinating with going on a diet because I always end up eating delicious food such as spaghetti and meatballs or buffalo wings. I feel that sometimes I eat because it satisfies my craving and makes me happy. However, eating healthy has a very powerful effect on me because it makes me feel refreshed and very good. The problem is that I tend to get hungry and easily start cheating by eating things that are not good for a diet (cookies, chips etc.). I want to give up alcohol too but being that I haven't partied much and am 24 years old I feel that this will be a tough thing to stick to. Is it normal to work out hard at the gym and find yourself cheating on a "diet"?