Is it normal to worry?

I've only recently gotten into football and my brother invited me to watch the fa cup at his best friends house with his family, I've only met his friend a few times, we've all gone to a few gigs in the past few months but that's it, plus I have mild to moderate social anxiety so I usually say limited sentences throughout the night.

I'm dreading going round there, I'm always anxious meeting people I don't know well but I've never met his family, also I feel like I'm intruding, the plan was for my brother to go then a few days later he asked if I wanted to go, I'll feel like a nuisance, a quiet nuisance sitting in the corner, I don't particularly speak up at the best of Times but it'll be constant football talk and I don't know much about it.

Would anyone else feel nervous and like they're intruding in this situation? Or am I just being too anxious

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84% Normal
Based on 32 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • youre a newbie who listens, whats wrong with that? smile listen and nod , courage

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    It's normal. I've been in similar situations like that and just stay quiet. If you want to befriend them, though, you'll have to get out of your comfort zone.

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