Is it normal to worry about how i come across when speaking?

I worry that I have not said things correctly and this makes me feel uncomfortable- I have to repeat things and re-phrase them which gets me caught up in what Im saying.

Yes - I do it a lot 26
Yes I just make a joke of it when I get muddled 6
Life isnt perfect - so what if I make a mistake 17
No - I dont spend any time worrying about it 3
No - I wouldnt notice if someone got their words muddled 3
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Comments ( 3 )
  • nawtyalice

    i say over and over in my head what im going to say, so it doesn't come out wrong

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  • kittykat9930

    I know how you feel! I'm not very good with conversations and I end up stumbling over words or saying the wrong thing. I try to think things through before I say them.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    If it's funny enough I'll make a joke out of it. Everyone gets their words mixed up from time to time, so it's really not that big a deal.

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