Is it normal to worry about losing keys?

When I slam the car door or the house door (and it locks automatically) I'm only comfortable if I'm holding my keys in my hand at the time. I can put them in my purse -- KNOW that I put them in my purse! -- but then come the stupid what-if thoughts: what if I only THINK I put them in my purse, what if they're really in the house or in the ignition, etc etc. I have actually stood and LOOKED at them in my hand, to be ABSOLUTELY SURE I've got them. I don't do this with any other objects, just keys. Thanks for your opinions!

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 22 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • thegypsysailor

    I usually either buy a bag with a little strap that you can clip your keys to or sew one in. That way they are not in the bottom of the bag or able to fall out, even if everything else does.

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    • itsnotnormal12

      You pretend to sail the world from your mother's basement.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    most cars gots keyless entry now so keep a spare fob in yalls purse

    they gots fancy electronic doorknobs what yall punch a number code into and enters the house

    problem solved

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    • thegypsysailor

      Until you forget your glasses and can't read the numbers.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        mosta them keypads is like a telephone keypad and yall can punch in a four digit code in the dark by touch

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      • itsnotnormal12

        You pretend to sail the world from your mother's basement.

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