Is it normal to worry about my heart rate?

I've always been really skinny, and heart problems don't really run in the family, but I watched this horrible video of a man having a heart attack when I was little, and ever since then, I've been terrified of my own heart. I have a nervous habit of checking my heart rate and pulse constantly, and feel like I'm going to have a heart attack if it starts to beat fast.

I actually asked my fiance to call an ambulance one time after smoking weed. It's bad.

How do I overcome this? And how abnormal is it? I'm okay with my phobia of stinging insects, but being afraid of something inside of me is a real problem.

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46% Normal
Based on 41 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • hairyfairy

    My mother died of heart disease, & Iv`e read that it`s hereditary, so I`m scared that it`ll get me too.

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  • dorkasaurus

    That's normal, I do that too sometimes because I'm prescribed to Adderall and it speeds up my heart rate. But you shouldn't let this get to you; I highly recommend talking to someone (a therapist) about this. It might also help to go see a doctor to check out your heart. If your heart is healthy, it might alleviate some of your worrying.
    Good luck <3

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    • I take Adderall, too, and it actually alleviates some of my cardiophobia because it blocks anxiety. Also, I use less caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine when I'm taking it, so my heart is probably in better shape.

      I'm actually getting a lot better, but I still find myself doing it, and if it skips a beat or something, I freak.

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  • DolphinAngel

    I've got diagnosed with a heart valve defect about 1 year ago now and ever since then I've been having panic attacks and feeling really bad sometimes because I always worry about my heart even though it's not that bad...

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