Is it normal to worry about obama's "muslim faith"?
I hate it when people always try to say he's muslim.
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I hate it when people always try to say he's muslim.
People in the United States really give too much importance to religion...
When there isn't a good argument for people to dislike what they dislike, they'll choose a bad argument (as opposed to the logical standpoint of realising that if there isn't a good argument to dislike him, maybe he's actually okay). Many people think they are thinking when really they're just rearranging their prejudices.
FACT: Obama uses the word 'the'.
FACT: The word 'the' appears in the Koran.
Need I say more?
Obama sounds like Osama.
His skin is brown.
That's pretty much the entire reasoning behind the rumour. Some people are as thick as pig's shit and vote accordingly.
Don't forget he said he would choose Islam over Christianity in his book.
No he didn't. Show me the evidence.
People keep regurgitating this 'quote' purportedly from his book The Audacity of Hope:
"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
But that's not accurate and without context. Here's what it's a corruption of:
"Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
Basically he is saying there are Americans living in America who are middle-eastern in their heritage (he doesn't mention muslim and not everybody in the middle-east is) who are concerned about their safety since 9/11, and that - if xenophobia and racism become mainstream stances in American politics - he will stand by those families for their right to be safe, secure and respected.
So you see, that in no way means choosing Islam over Christianity.
I ain't saying he's Muslim, or any faith. It's America, & it's his business. But damnit the Israelites are our allies & he doesn't really care.
Well he does cater to them. When has he ever taken a stand for Christians? They even cancelled Billy Graham's son from leading the day of prayer, and then he had the nerve to go visit the elder Graham in NC telling Billy he had nothing to do with the cancellation, sure! They didn't like the son speaking negatively about the 9/11 hijackers so he was punished.
Our leader said the future does not belong to those who would insult "the Prophet of islam." When has he ever reverenced Jesus? And he professes to be a Christian.
You are a two-way ignorant.
1) You worry about someone's faith based on a prejudice.
2) You can't see past the ever-so-transparent pose of a politician and his supposed religious belief.
The church that Obama attends in Chicago bestowed its Highest Social Achievement Award to Louis Farrakhan, who is the leader of the NOI, and Obama supports the Muslims in whatever they do. Hell yes, I worry about that black Muslim sonofabitch. Everyone should be worried.
To be fair you really don't know his religion. You saying he can not be proves you hate Muslims. How very prejudice of you. So you are saying will not love him unless he has your religion. So you are simply close minded. I just beat your argument. I guess he can not be black since you must hate black people. Oh heavens me! If it was a gay women would you be upset?