Is it normal to worry about the death of my husband everyday?

We are young. 25 and 26.

He leaves for work around 3am and takes the interstate. About 1am every night I will have a panic/anxiety attack while worrying about him making it to work safely. It scares me so much to think about what I would do without him. I love him so much. . .

Sometimes, I feel like worrying about death so much is taking away from me living life but I don't know how to stop these though processes...

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Comments ( 10 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    It's normal to be worried, but save it for when he actually does die. Because he will someday, we all do. Just be happy he is alive today.

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  • beastie

    I understand what you mean, yes.

    But you are letting anxiety get the better of you. You should see a therapist or a doctor before it gets worse. It could also affect your marriage if you get too worried about him and too clingy. You must love him very much, but you need to counter this with thinking sensibly and calming down.

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  • Ladyyankee

    It is totally human to fear the death of anyone. We see people die around us and we know that life is not set in stone to go on forever. It's normal.

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  • karmasAbich

    Worring about something like this, is your mind over-analyzing the situation, so if your over-analyzing the situation, your not being rational. So what I would do is, accept the fact that your worrying about it, but when you do know that he is okay, tell your self you recognized that you were over reacting and work on it daily.
    Worrying over such things will only cause more harm than good. Stress of this sort will cause you to lose brain cells over time.

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  • joybird

    As soon as you get married, this is your next worry!

    There's a phrase for men ... "First she plans your wedding, then she plans your funeral."

    This worry will pass within a year or two when you settle into routine life.

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    • assdfghjkl

      We have been married for SIX years.

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      • joybird

        Oh dear - definitely not normal.

        You have to calm down coz you can't live like this for the next 60 years. Be realistic, you're probably stressing unnecessarily.

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  • Phonxer

    reading those 2 comments above.. its look like you love your husband so much you are worried about him.. in every second he is not by your side.. so it is kinda normal, be worried about someone that you love.

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  • ishitpandas

    My boyfriend is 17 and I'm almost 20. I worry about him dying all the time. I don't fear death for myself. Just for him. If I die it's w/e but I don't want to live w/I him. Driving home at night, to school, in the rain, etc. it all scares me. Means I love him a LOT!(:

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    • karmasAbich

      Haha your name is great.

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