Is it normal to worry about this?

As you know, the universe is an EXTREMELY vast place. We humans are like bacteria, and because we're all gonna die eventually, we're only even TEMPORARY bacteria at that. This makes me feel kinda sad. I want to matter and be remembered. I REALLY don't want my existance to be futile. Is it normal to think this way, and more importantly, how should I deal with it?

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86% Normal
Based on 35 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Frosties

    In the old days, the only traces people left were census records, their wills, court disputes, migration and military records. In the internet age, that is no longer true. Even if sites like IIN eventually close their doors, they have been indexed and filed by search engines and archive engines. As processing power grows and the increasing move towards a single internet identity (using Facebook, Google or Passport to log in to things) continues, what you say on websites will become your lasting epitaph.

    All your character flaws, your prejudices, your mistakes will live forever to be scrutinized by generations more advanced than ours. Opinions and politics will change and we may find ourselves judged harshly (as we would harshly judge an ancestor of ours who was a particularly sadistic slave owner).

    After a short time on this site, I already see people who I think will be judged more favourably than others. If you want to leave a positive legacy, live a positive life (both on the internet and off it, but particularly on it).

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      "what you say on websites will become your lasting epitaph."

      Yes. But I'm planning to write a book someday. Wouldn't that be just as good (if not better)?

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  • zelit


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  • ZeDom

    You're talking about the human's a problem as old as time that every, single, person comes to face.

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      Yes, but how to deal with it?

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  • staybeautiful

    Live. Life. Have fun. Explore. Find. Love.

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