Is it normal to worry every time i look at my boyfriend?

My boyfriend's always been overweight, but in the last 6 months he's got bigger, his BMI's around 33 now, and although obviously it doesn't bother me at all looks-wise (I still find him very attractive, and it wouldn't even have occurred to me until he was talking to me about it the other day) I'm really worried for his health. He's 20 years old, so it's not like he's at a great risk for a heart attack, but I don't ever want that to happen. He said the other day that he was going on a diet, but I just don't think that'll happen, and it scares me. I don't know how to bring the subject up with him, I haven't dared say anything yet because I don't want to offend him, and it might be a bit hypocritical of me to say anything about being "healthy" when I've had bulimia for 3 years, and anorexia for 2 years before that. And I do feel a bit guilty in a weird way that he seems to have gained a lot of weight since being with me, I don't know why, but it's like I've driven him to it or something. It's got to the point now though where every time I look at him I worry. Of course I love him, and I think of that too, but I don't want anything to hurt him, and I don't know what to do. Is it normal to worry that much? Am I over-reacting?

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74% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Justsomejerk

    Fat and Skinny had a race,
    Up and down the fireplace :)

    Sorry, that just kind of came out before I could stop it.

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    • freeasair

      haha, what the hell...

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  • With your ridiculous issues and problems both of you should consider doing future generations a favor and not have kids.

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    • freeasair

      that's really harsh.

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      • Justsomejerk

        Yeah, on the scale of 1 to fucked up the OP is only about a 3. Any one up to a 5 should still be allowed to have kids.

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  • thinkingaboutit


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  • Avant-Garde

    Get him a gym membership and a dietician. Cut out fast foods/restaurants and eat organic or vegetarian meals at home. Go bicycling with him, take yoga classes and marital arts. There's nothing healthy or normal about obesity. Show him those tv shows or a video on YouTube that show the dangers of obesity.

    Good Luck!

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  • Anime7

    Both of you should try exercising. Say that you feel a bit fat and go for a jog. Eventually he'll join you or you could just be honest. Tell him that you are extremely worried about his weight and that you're willing to accompany him in the gym.

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