Is it normal to worry you might become a psychopath?

I don't know if this is a legitimate fear, and I don't know if many people have this fear. I've worried for years upon years that I am going to turn into a psychopath, and do something crazy like kill a bunch of people. I do not have violent tendencies and I don't like to hurt people or see people hurt. However, I still worry about this. I don't really understand why, maybe it's just because I am a socially awkward out cast without any real friends. Or maybe there's something wrong with me. Or maybe it's a common fear? I don't know.

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56% Normal
Based on 62 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • myownopinions

    Constantly worrying about becoming a psychopath and/or imagining yourself hurting people is actually classified under having an OCD... I think.

    If it's really serious (like it hinders you from making friends or you think about this often even when you don't want to) then you may need to see a psychiatrist.

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  • You won't because you worry about it. I was diagnosed as ASPD four years ago and never had any idea that the way i act or think is congruent with ASPD. One of the traits i have is a lack of worry, so you certainly aren't in danger.

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  • jlr2516

    It's not normal to fear it just become one already.

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  • Being a psychopath is not an environmental issue, you don't 'become' one.
    However, with this post alone, you have nothing to worry about. You show you have no link to how a psychopath thinks.

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  • wigsplitz

    You don't just 'turn into' a psychopath.

    Just because you kill someone doesn't make you a psychopath, that's not a criteria of the disorder. At all.

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    • Uhhh okay, really completely besides the pont but thanks.

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      • wigsplitz

        How the fuck is it besides the point? I think you may have to worry about retardedness instead of psychopathy.

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        • Patchers

          And I think you may have to worry about aspergers. At any rate, I never said "all psychopaths kill people" as you alluded to for some reason. That is how it is besides the point. I said is it normal to worry about becoming a psychopath and killing people, but thanks for spazing out just because you missed the context.

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          • wigsplitz

            Worrying about 'becoming' a psychopath is as dumb as a white guy worrying he'll turn black.

            Being a psychopath has nothing to do with your whole 'dilemma'. You're obviously NOT one, and not going to become one. So, rephrase your question to something like 'I fear I may snap one day'.

            Read up on what a psychopath is.

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  • friends or parents or uncles you'll still get pissed off and then again have no friends

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Stop being PSYCHO about being a PSYCHO and go and be Psycho

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  • OzzytheWizard

    Oh so do I but I bottle the rage inside of me.

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  • imawierdo

    i would say that you can't turn into a phycopath, your born a phycopath

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  • Short4Words

    I think when we feel truly disconnected we search for much greater meaning, we reach beyond the stars because there is nothing to connect us on earth. No real friends, transparent parents, no love. I felt that way once, but I tried reconnecting with my friends and parents and found my self again. If you don't have friends, try really connecting with your parents. They should know you are feeling disconnected like this, and they should be a safe place for you.

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  • kelili

    I think it's because you want so much to feel special and different

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    • Short4Words

      My answer was going to be completely different but I think you're right.

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  • Ambrosia

    To be honest in this world, have legitimate feelings.

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  • kittylitter101

    you can't become a psychopath. it's really just another term for sociopath that the media has given to serial killers and such. But really, sociopaths are born that way, you can't become one.

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  • ravenna

    I hope this fear has been in the back of your head, and not constantly tormenting you every waking moment of the day. I guess if that last half of the sentence was true, you may have gone crazy by now.

    Haha, anyway OP, have you ever read anything about psychopaths? It may ease your mind to know how they work, you will see that you have nothing to worry about.

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