Is it normal to wrap kleenex between your toes?

I almost always feel uncomfortable unless I wrap Kleenex between my toes. I can't sleep until I go and get Kleenex, or toilet paper that can be wrapped between my toes.

It will make me toss and turn until I finally go and do it.

Sometimes, but less commonly I will have to do it during the day as well, but I'll usually just wrap my sock between my toes.

So, IIN?

Voting Results
18% Normal
Based on 110 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    It doesn't sound normal, you might have a touch of OCD or Sensory Integration Disorder going on (SID is often related to Asperger's Syndrome).

    Now as far as whether or not it is harmful and if you should get help, that is entirely up to you. If you are cool with it, and you are satisfied with your solutions, roll tide. I would reccommend that you go to a Wal-Mart or other store and buy one of those toe separators (the soft foam ones) that are meant to separate your toes as you polish them, they would be in the aisle of the nail polish and nail accessories. They are inexpensive.

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    • LobieVulpyn

      I've always wondered if I had OCD, or asperger's actually. I have a disease that causes asperger's as well, and other disorders including developmental, OCD, ADHD, etc.

      I go with OCD for my other (I guess rituals) such as if I touch any surface I don't use a lot, I MUST wash my hands immediately. Plus intrusive thoughts, as you seen part of in my other question ;P

      As for asperger's I'm very apathetic and can't get any empathy from anyone at all, I prefer to be alone, and am quite indifferent to being in social situations. I'm the kind of guy who goes to a bar and sits in the corner so no one will talk to him haha.

      Also stemming out demisexuality on top of all that.

      I'm certainly interesting ;P

      Thanks for the reply, I've tried using those nail polish things before, I don't care for them. I like kleenex hehe

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Then I don't see an issue. But if it is adversely affecting your life, get help.

        I myself have Aspergers and have many sensory quirks. I'm also decently anti-social.

        But I'd like you to expand on what you mean by a disease that causes AS.

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        • LobieVulpyn

          I have Neurofibromatosis Type 1

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  • HolyHotPockets

    that's odd, never heard of it before; the closest I come is I need a pillow between my knees. Have you tried socks with toes? Those used to be cool when I was in a high school, I'm sure they still make them, those might work.

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  • surefriends

    you remind me of this woman i heard about that can't sleep unless she has aluminum foil with her poop inside on her nightstand. has to be on her nightstand. true story

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    • LobieVulpyn

      Unsure if troll.

      Well done?

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      • surefriends

        ur obsessing like the poop woman. you will be kleenex girl if you keep this up

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        • LobieVulpyn

          Now sure if troll. I am a guy, as a note.

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  • karmasAbich

    This is interesting. No, not very normal.

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