Is it normal to write fantasy love stories about celebs?

Ever since I was a teen, I've written tons of fantasy/love stories of my favorite male celebs. Now 10+ years later and married, I still can't stop writing about them. It's like a habit I can't break! Is this normal? I've tried to throw away or stop writing these fantasy stories, but I dig them out of the trash or continue writing them. ???

Voting Results
56% Normal
Based on 84 votes (47 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • dolphin2525

    Oh my goodness, I thought I was the only one who wrote stories about famous people. I have wrote a lot of stories about my favorite singer and actors.

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  • Jessie735513

    It's like fanfiction, totally cool and normal :)

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  • hardcandy

    Oh my - I do the exact same thing! In my teens, I'd share them with my friends (they co-starred alongside me in these sex-drenched tales), but now, in my early 30's, I'm still doing it!!! I've been going on one for 4 years now, though I do stop for months at a time. I'll throw away really old ones when I'm "not into" it anymore. I live in fear of anyone ever reading them and they're hidden from view! It's getting harder to hide them from my fiance. I also spend hours getting lost in them. I don't think it's normal, not at all, but it's rather fun!

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  • destinsbaby

    I do it and post the stories on quibblo it's fun to fantasize

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  • ticklemypickles

    That's normal. I've been thinking of writing these type of stories for awhile now. I might get started in September.

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  • psychobabble

    Every writters creativity stems from somewhere, so I'd say this is pretty normal. It's your passion.

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  • macaroni272

    ahahah i think thts fine because i mean everybody has obsessions and urs is fiine!!

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