Is it normal to write like this?
Sometimes while I'm writing words on paper, I write them wrongly. For example, I often add an extra "E" to the back of words. Like deathe, ande, guitare, marshalle or carde. Sometimes I MISS OUT the letter E when it's supposed to be in a word, like 'cute' or 'made'. I write them as 'cut' and 'mad'.
When writing a word, I also write the second letter of the word first by accident, before cancelling it immediately and replacing it with the correct letter. (For example, if I want to write place, I write 'lp' first)
I often spot these mistakes before moving on to the next sentence and correct them, but while revising my notes from last year, I noticed that many of these mistakes when uncorrected.
I don't have an issue with spelling, and I often get high grades for english, so it should not be a result of bad language skills. From what I can tell, this problem started around the age of 14. It didn't happen while I was a child.
It might be dyslexia, or it might not. While I don't have a problem transferring words from my mind onto paper, there have been rare occasions where I thought a sentence was illogical. I stared at this sentence for a while: "His voice is soft on in this concert!" Believe me, I looked at it for about 5 seconds and really saw the word soft there, I swear it. But when I looked back, the sentence was actually: "His voice is SPOT on this concert!"
But other than these occasions, and my writing problem, I don't seem to show any other signs of dyslexia like trouble with copying and headaches after reading.
Is this normal?