Is it normal tv seems to be encouraging stds?

While before they never really spoke against it but now they are speaking for it. They have a commercial for aids testing. Yes ok anyone who thinks they have it should get tested. They act like aids is something that everyone gets though when it isn't. Having STDS is not normal. Why act like its ok! Why encourage people!

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21% Normal
Based on 34 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 38 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    AIDS testing doesn't encourage people to get AIDS, if anything, it encourages prevention. Many people have HIV without knowing and they lack the money or resources to get the test. It's common knowledge that if something is cheaper or more convenient, people will be more likely to do it.

    By that count, encouraging testing and making it easier and more accessible will help people understand their standing and will allow them to take steps to prevent further transmission. It's easier to use knowledge that you have rather than coasting on an assumption.

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    • As I said I am not talking about the testing. I am talking about acting like its not a big deal and everyone gets it. So that is encouraging carelessness. While yes you should get tested should not be told its ok and its fine if you get it. Since this leads people to think its a big deal and being careless about spreading it is ok. When you can go to jail for giving someone aids if you did not first warn them. Nothing against anyone with it but this is serious and should be taken seriously. So is having sex and people should use protection. Things happen since people are not careful and this is giving people the idea being careless is OK! If you can go to jail for it I think that is serious. If you can make a child that is serious. This is not a joking matter and people should be taught to pay attention to these kinds of things.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Yes. It should be taken seriously. But that's awfully difficult to do when you don't even know where you stand. We need to remove the taboo, it is that taboo that is making private home testing necessary. People need to know that AIDS is real, anyone can have it and that knowing is the best way to prevent further transmission.

        People don't want AIDS, and if someone got AIDS it certainly would not be a small worry or a whatever I have AIDS thing. People are afraid. It is treated with severity.. It's a big deal and that is why the shame and taboo needs to be lifted so people can realize that it DOES happen and it SHOULD be noticed.

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  • LaMer

    It's not clear if you are you asking if the ads are normal or your thought process is. The question itself is based on a faulty premise and the body of the OP is just a rant. There isn't a way to answer this with a clear yes or a no. This is an example of the loaded question fallacy. If you answer no you agree with the unsubstantiated rant in the OP that claims ads are encouraging people to get STDs and that it's morally wrong. If you answer yes you're also agreeing that ads encouraging people to get STDs and that it's ok. Either way you're agreeing to buy into the idea that that is what these ads do. It's like if someone where to ask "Have you stopped beating your wife?" either way you'll have admitted to beating your wife.

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    • I was mostly speaking of the mentality it seems to give. Encouraging people to be reckless and making it seem like its something everyone gets is saying its ok to get. So is encouraging people to be careless. They are treating this manner as though its a cold when it is much worse. If you tell a 16 year old aids is no big deal and they get it and spread it and the partner dies. The one who spread the aids goes to prison for murder. They murdered someone and that should be a huge deal. No we should not treat people poorly for having the disease but pretending its nothing is not a good approach either.

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      • LaMer

        This has nothing to do with my comment. Your "question" was not asked in good faith and was phrased so no matter which option people picked it would support you fallacious world view. It's underhanded and I'm not debating with someone who employs such means.

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        • It is not me underhanded. I am sorry if you think so. Perhaps I could have worded it better. That was however the point of my post not what you are imagining it to be. If you do not agree that is your own belief. That was the point of "MY" question. Not everyone is an evil mastermind out to destroy the world. Please leave your conspiracy theories at home. Simply speaking my mind is not me attempting to do so. Not everyone has cameras in your closet.

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          • LaMer

            You're still not making sense.

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            • My point was the commercial makes it seems like everyone gets STDS. That is is not a big issue. So if watched by the wrong audience (teens) is going to make them think they don’t have to worry. Since everyone gets it and its ok if you do.

              Which is indirectly causing more aids/STDs as it makes people think you should not care as much. So my point was the overall attitude of the commercial is sending a bad message. So encouraging people to be reckless and that was the point of my post.

              You think I have some secret meaning and trying to pull down the corporations of some nonsense like that. Which I really don’t it was simply a thought and I posted it.

              So I am saying stop being so paranoid since everyone who speak their mind on the internet is not plotting. I might of worded poorly and I could have done better but it does not mean I am trying to become Hitler and destroy you all. So you can relax and put those silly images out of your head.

              Its like accusing me of being the illuminate since you don’t agree with my post. I really doubt I could bring an army against anything anyways. So you can rest assured I am not taking over the world.

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  • howaminotmyself

    You could say the same about a lot of things advertised on the television. But providing information isn't encouraging unprotected sex. That sounds like the cliche argument of abstinence only promoters. If that's your argument, then let's pull Mcdonalds commercials too as it encourages a lifestyle that can give you diabetis. It isn't okay to be unhealthy.

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    • No my point is pretending STDs are a normal everyday happening and that everyone is going to get it. Saying "Hey buy our food its yummy"! Is like any other commercial. This said "Its an everyone thing". It is not everyone's thing! Yes everyone can get aids but we should not! That is saying its ok. This is encouraging people not to care if they get one since "Well everyone gets it".

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      • AppleMind

        What I think ads like that are referring to is the mindset that only gay people get AIDS/HIV. It's simply informing people, just because you're straight doesn't mean you aren't infected and that you should get checked.

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      • howaminotmyself

        The stats for the US are close to 1 in 3 people. People will reduce their risk if they know they are at risk.

        <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

        And I read somewhere (sorry, can't site it) that the rate of STDs in nursing homes in increasing at an alarming rate. Pretending that you aren't at risk is really dangeous for the health of people everywhere. Please do not spread bad information.

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        • Yes I am sure everyone from 5-20 is at risk.

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          • howaminotmyself

            So do you suggest educating people when it's too late?

            Obviously the 5 year olds out there are not in the high risk group, and I doubt the commercials used them as the target audience. and since when did commercials have to be for literally everybody?

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            • They stated in the commercial "It is a everyone thing". As in everyone has aids. Aids should not be encouraged as a normal acceptable thing. It is not a good thing to have STDs. This makes people not care like "Oh whats the big deal its just an STD. I dont care if I get those". You can pass these to your children! Since when is this a good thing? Yes we should educate people. We should not act like everyone gets it, should get it, and will get it. STD is not puberty. It is not like its something that just happens and we should all have to live with. It was already said you can only spread it through blood and sex. Not everyone is getting blood of having sex so not everyone is at risk. So the fact its aids preventive was not my issue with it. It is how it was presented.

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  • Terence_the_viking


    What is that i don't even

    Sausage Taking Dumpsters?

    Silly Temple Destroyers?

    Sanitary Towel Dispensers?

    Sanctuary Travelling Dolls?

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    • NotStrangeBird

      I knew a chick once who was nothing more than a sausage taking dumpster.

      I'll bet she's got some STD's

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I think I understand what your saying. I don't necessarily watch a lot of televsion so I don't think I've seen these commercials but, from the sound of it, it sounds like your saying that these commercials aren't making AIDS seem like a big deal. To be honest, I don't know why they do the commercials that way, but I'm certain that pretty much anyone who knows what AIDS and HIV are are aware that it is a big deal. I'm thinking they probably make the commercials subtle so that it would be more grabbing for the viewer. Perhaps they are just trying to do a skit and nothing more. Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it. Regardless of how serious the commercials may or may not make it out to be, most people are already aware of how serious AIDS are. Most of us have learned about it in middle school or high school, and we get the notation that AIDS are a big deal. I think the intention of the commercials are just to remind you and nothing more.

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    • Yes! Thank you! Exactly!

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  • GuessWho

    There's logic to all the AIDS testing ads - Money.
    There are bound to be lots of promiscuous people in today's corrupt society that are unsure whether they picked up AIDS or any other STDs/STIs.
    More people paying for tests = More money made.

    That's the purpose of any and all advertising.
    Why would anyone spend the money to run the ad, other than if they're expecting it to earn them more.

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    • GuessWho

      Someone must fucking hate honesty to have thumbed that down.

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      • Yup
        anything not for aids
        must be against anyone with it.

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  • Polan

    I know what you mean.Most media underestimate STD and praise sex.

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  • Justsomejerk

    STDs are a normal everyday thing you idiot and promoting testing for STDs is a good thing.

    If someone dosent know they have one they are far more likely to spread it to someone else.

    I fucking hope you get AIDS.

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    • I said presentation not testing. You can present a good thing in several different ways. I think this was presented bad. Not that getting tested is bad. If you think getting STDs is a joking matter it is not.

      If you infect someone without telling them and they die YOU go to jail for murder. If you tell them first hand they chose to take that risk and you warned them so you are no longer responsible.

      So pardon me for thinking people should be responsible when they have sex. I guess you are against condoms as well. Well that is good for you. When you have to deal with the consequences of not using one that will be on your head. Not mine.

      Learn the meaning of responsibility. If you are an adult you should learn what that means. It is not a joke. You might not care what your actions do to you or others but you should learn.

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      • Justsomejerk

        Who is encouraging people to have unprotected sex? Who is encouraging people to get STDs?

        Discussion and awareness are key to prevention through protection.

        I don't really hope you get AIDS.

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        • I just said presentation but you cant read apparently. As I have already said not the discussion. The way they presented it. You know the fact you dont want to be responsible during sex means you are probobly going to get it before me. Well or you already have it which I am going to assume that is why you are so bitter. So I am sorry you are sick. Have a nice day. Maybe next time you protect yourself. So your irresponsible attitude must be a lot more deserving as I am careful who I sleep with. That hooker on the street corner probobly has a lot of medical issues. Should probobly think about that but for you it probobly wont matter right?

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          • Justsomejerk

            I think perhaps you need to re-read your initial post. You said nothing of presentation, your complaint was: "they have a commercial for AIDS testing".

            You have addressed neither of the questions in my last post.

            I have not advocated unprotected sex nor do I.

            I doubt we are going to have a rational, adult discussion here but by all means prove me wrong.

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            • Though looking over my post I could have probobly been a bit more specific. My piont was they are very casual about it. So if a TEEN watches this and say "Well it does not matter if I get aids. Since they all have it and its ok". That its going to make that teen reckless and not think it is a big deal. So I was saying that teens might get the wrong impression. This is also something that get passed to your children. So more unprotected(safe)sex will mean more infected children in the future.

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            • They act like aids is something that everyone gets though when it isn't. Having STDS is not normal. Why act like its ok! Why encourage people!(I wrote it right there)(you saying "I hope you get aids" is not very civilized by the way). So not very ADULT of you to say "I hope you get aids" since you disagree with me being upset about a commercial and concerned for the well being of others and future children of the world.

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