Is it normal two people are having a neverending conversation?

I keep getting notifications for a question I posted almost two weeks ago now and it's because these two users have been arguing with each other in the comments of my question for two weeks straight every single day having a neverending argument lol. You know who you are. Y'all need to buy each other a drink at this point.

One of them wrote about 20 paragraphs in their last reply. They're writing novels to each other..

But yeah is it normal?

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84% Normal
Based on 19 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 81 )
  • Somenormie

    Yes, that's for you.

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    • Geez they keep writing novels back and forth arguing. I don't think they'll ever stop. One more day and it'll be 14 days straight. 🤦🏻‍♂️ And the strangest thing is that it doesn't even make any sense.

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      • LornaMae

        I betcha next time you'll think twice before not calling a FAIRY a FAIRY! 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️🧚 Hahahahaha

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        • Lol the new comments are too much 😂

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      • 12345678912

        It must be love.....

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      • dude_Jones

        Your post is positioned to create a new IIN record for the most responses. You now have the privileged distinction as creator of the most provocative post of all time.

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  • LloydAsher

    Some people are just that dumb.

    They are probably good at other things but are clearly dumb when it comes to conspiracies and paranoia.

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    • WhistleBain

      (I won't be replying to comments, I don't want the notification issue for OP to happen here too)

      The post:

      Us3 is blatantly bullshitting you here except for the stalking allegation. The user I levied that allegation to admitted to having friends on this site phone him to talk about me and (((others))), and has been obtaining and sending screenshots related to me for months (I'm sure others too but can only verify me), has private phone calls about me, and is always trying to compare himself to me as either having a better life or being a better person than me and (((others))). He even tried to claim I'm jealous of his popularity on this site and I've had to tell him on numerous occasions that we are internet randos and that he shouldn't be invested in comparing himself to me as it's inappropriate, yet he still continued. He even asserted that I am obsessed with him because I blocked him, refusing him access to me. How insane is that?

      The rest is absolute bs:
      - I never claimed there is an offsite conspiracy about me, the claim was that there are groups of people that coordinate on this site but off-site. If you look at the link you can see this is confirmed by CountessDouche and SoundsWerid, they admit to having phone calls about me and (((others))), being part of a Discord where they talk about me and (((others))), and they even at one point openly state that they coordinate together on this site. These are allegations that didn't originate from me either and are verified by admission.

      Chances are, back when CountessDouche and SoundsWeird targeted you for the lie of being pro-slavery, that they coordinated that too as CountessDouche and SoundsWeird are actually IRL friends. Again, everything here is verified in the link.

      If you do go through it all, first of all sorry for the headache, second of all come back to this post and look at how much approval Us3's comment got for making up absolute lies and tell me that after all that I found out, that it's out of the question that such a false comment can be met with such approval, especially after SoundsWeird and Countess specifically stating the Discord server is watching the exchange.

      So I will say this. If anyone here ends up dealing with CountessDouche or SoundsWeird and are then barraged with disapproval, just keep in mind that such disapproval is most likely artificial and influenced by their friend group. Don't let them think you're an outcast by disagreeing with them.

      (Again, no replies will be responded to. OP, soz for the notification spam you got, I did ask them to fuck off but they didn't and this is why I originally blocked the main one on my deleted account. I won't respond to any further comments on the other post either)

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        Here's a screenshot of you discussing wanting to kill people you love and enjoying torturing small animals as well as encouraging others to do it:

        It's part of a much longer post in which you admit you're an abusive, manipulative liar who says whatever he has to in order to get whatever he wants and who fakes being a decent person so that society doesn't frown on him, who lies when caught for evil things, just like you're lying about this one.

        In the post you admit to telling the exact sort of lies you're telling now, about this post even.

        Stop treating Lloyd like he's stupid. No one is stupid enough to believe you after seeing that, and it's not even all there is to see.

        Sometimes the past comes back to haunt you, SaddleGoose. Of course no replies will be responded to, because you're full of shit, admitted you are, and there's no coming back from this.

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        • hauntedbysandwiches

          That's just a photo of a meme? I'm trying to figure out this story but I just see a meme

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          • S0UNDS_WEIRD


            I'm so sorry. I'm laughing my ass off now. I accidentally sent the wrong thing. There, that's it.

            (ItDuz is his old account)

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      • CountessDouche

        Keep going shitduz. I have screenshots of you saying you stabbed your brother too.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        Why would they have conversations off site over the phone about you and others? This site is full of random questions. What did you do that made them discuss you?

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        • WhistleBain

          Dude, I do not know. I do not fuckin' know. I even ask them wtf I've done to make them so invested in me, but this has been going on for about a year now, possibly longer, they take screenshots of users on this site and seem to keep a bank of them, a decade worth of comments. It's crazy. I wasn't even the first one they've done this to, I actually found out about it from someone else that had to deal with similar behaviours from them and then I wanted to see how far it went and I'm just shocked by it all now. Now they are literally trying to run me off the website. So far it's been exposed that they have 3-4 personal friends they coordinate with on the site and a whole Discord server of people too, it's fuckin' insane.

          Now I'm finding out they've went through over ten years of my time on this site, literally over a decade, to find comments I made in my younger days where I was a cringe edgelord looking for attention to claim I murder cats, rabbits, kill homeless people, and apparently stab my brother, who is very much stab-free and I don't think prison lets you have IIN accounts Lol. This is the level of obsession I am currently dealing with.

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          • CountessDouche

            Actually, I found it & it took like 10 min. I just Google searched the site with the keywords "animal torture" since I remembered you admitting to it several times. You're comments popped up right away hahahahaha

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          • S0UNDS_WEIRD

            Bullshit check. You didn't claim you murdered anyone. Stop trying to make it sound more absurd _now_ so as to make it less believable. Obvious manipulation attempt. Nice try.

            What you did was claim you harmed small animals. And even if it was a lie, which it wasn't, you literally encouraged other people to. And you did this as an adult, not that it would be much better if you weren't. That alone makes you a piece of shit.

            "I do not fuckin' know."

            More bullshit. Besides the fact that you deserved to be exposed either way, you spread false rumors around the site that I abused my ex who you don't even know. As I could always defend myself, you blocked me but continued to spread the rumors with me blocked so that I couldn't defend myself. And you also laughed about Countess' friend dying and made jokes about the funeral.

            In that very post you admitted you lied your ass off when caught for evil deeds (like this one) and it's what you're doing now. Why should you possibly be believed?

            Do you think anyone is stupid enough to believe the words of someone who literally said they shouldn't be believed and that they lie when caught so that society doesn't frown upon them? Good job keeping your word about not commenting again by the way. The truth never has been your strong suit.

            Honestly it was extremely stupid of you to bring this here because otherwise most people wouldn't have seen the proof, which they will now. Everything you say is bullshit.

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            • Somenormie

              @S0UNDS_WEIRD My conclusion is my mind is blown with all the madness going.

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      Animal torture:

      That's a screenshot of a much longer post from back when he used to freely admit to being an abusive, manipulative liar who uses people to get what he wants, that he lies when confronted with things he's caught in (like this) so that society doesn't frown on him, that he enjoys torturing animals, and encourages others to also torture animals.

      Don't listen to this guy, man. I don't think you will anyway because you have a better head on your shoulders than that but I'm just letting you know the truth.

      Unlike him, I'm not going to try to manipulate you like he has with his BS big brother act for months. I'm straight up with you. We know we disagree on all sorts of shit and we're straight up about it, yet we're peaceful and in the end always ended up talking like friends instead of the way it is with him.

      He's used to talking until people give up. He's done that for over 10 years here. I showed up and when he realized I don't back down, ever, he hated me. He responded to this by spreading rumors about an ex of mine he doesn't even know, saying I abused her. He's a fucking crazy, nasty person. When I was always able to defend myself he blocked me and then CONTINUED to spread rumors anytime my name came up in a positive light so that I couldn't defend myself.

      He has admitted he tries to manipulate people for his own use and twists things. That's what he does to you. He desperately tries to tell you I said your position was that slavery IS okay. Do you remember me saying that? No. Your position was that it WAS okay and that's what we argued about. He kept insisting I was so I even messaged you to make sure I had it right and, after a little back and forth in a very peaceful conversation, you said I had it right. You and I both have record of this.

      He simply saw us having a heated debate and thought it was the perfect time to make a pawn out of you because he hates me and he started all his BS about you reminding him of himself. You don't torture animals so I highly doubt you remind him of himself.

      It's true that I've had off-site discussions with friends about things like the fact that he accused me of abusing a woman I literally rescued from abuse just because he wanted to trigger me, about things like the fact that he made fun of Countess crying because her friend died, and about him torturing animals. It was just talking. I told him that. But he's insane and thinks there's some massive conspiracy against him and that everyone is an alt. I had to send him screenshots that prove Lorna isn't Countess even. If there was a conspiracy against him every comment he has would be downvoted until it was hidden. I've never even thumbed him down myself while debating with him.

      He told me and 1WeirdGuy he was ItDuz (as SaddleGoose) in member chat. He didn't mean for me to see so he was super nice and acted like we were cool (manipulation). I was nice enough that I kept his secret for months and then I caught him spreading rumors about me AGAIN.

      He wouldn't stop his BS so I proved he was SaddleGoose and he started tripping out. He kept making accusations so I said fuck it and obtained the screenshots of what I'd already heard, that he used to freely admit to torturing animals (and other horrible things) and being a pathetic liar. In that very post he admits he's not to be believed, so we'd have to be pretty stupid to believe any excuses he has about the post now, coming from a guy who literally said he lies when he's caught for evil shit.

      I know you agree with him more than me politically but don't let that cloud your head and better judgement. This isn't politics. Left, center, or right, he's just a a bad guy. All sides have them.

      I'm not gonna BS you with a big brother act like him. We disagree a lot but at least we're real. You're nothing more than a pawn to him and he came to respond to you specifically because he's scared of losing you and thinks you're the last person left he can manipulate because he's been working on you for a while. Everyone here sees through his BS about this post just like everyone knows he's SaddleGoose.

      You're far too intelligent to buy this BS. He's caught red-handed just like he was for being SaddleGoose, which I was nice enough to not spread all over the site even after he'd accused me of abuse with zero proof. Giving this guy a second chance was one of the worst moves I ever made.

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      • LloydAsher

        Holy shit i dont think anyone realizes that this is the one conversation that I could care less of a shit about.

        How many times do I have to post to say that i dont care about the drama.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          And I apologize. I avoided posting anything about it here until he freaked out and brought it here himself but if he's going to tell his side I was telling mine.

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          • LloydAsher

            No harm done.

            It was the one popular post I stayed off of because I am not a tiktok user. IIN is my only social media technically. I dont particularly care about some flame war that is spreading throughout IIN. I thought my original post summed up my lack of knowlage thus lack of intrest in the issue.

            If I dont know about an issue I dont care enough to know about it. I cast a wide enough net of intrest to keep me satisfied.

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            • WhistleBain

              Look, man. I know you aren't getting involved and if you don't care enough to respond that's cool but for the sake of my own curiosity here, are you buying this from him? Do you recognize the purpose of the multiple, "You're so smart, we were always friends" lines he made? Am I crazy by remembering that we've never pretended to be close beyond agreement on issues or me helping out against these two dogpiling where I tried to get that debate on the right tracks by representing your side fairly before they went private to vindicate you with even a little charity when they most likely coordinated that whole fiasco against you?

              At this point I'm just spreading the word before I leave the site again. These people coordinate, they influence perception of validity with the groups of friends they coordinate with on the site through dogpiling and usage of the thumbs feature, primarily against those on the Right.

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            • S0UNDS_WEIRD

              TikTok is pretty toxic honestly. I don't blame you a bit.

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      • WhistleBain

        Can people just take a moment to read this and see what I mean? Claiming I'm manipulative and buttering up Lloyd and then he immediately barrages him with compliments, claims they've always been friendly (which they haven't) and then paint some cartoonish villainous image of me trying to manipulate people on this site while clearly engaging in that very behaviour.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          Can people just take a moment to read this and see what I mean? Admitting to wanting to kill people he loves and encouraging others to torture small defenseless animals in the same post that he admitted to being an abusive, manipulative piece of shit who lies to get out of situations exactly like the one he's found himself in now.

          LOL. We literally JUST joked about how you would 100% comment here again after saying you wouldn't. You know, because you're a liar.

          P.S. Barraged him with compliments? Literally the only "compliment" I gave him was that he's too smart to buy your BS, which isn't saying a lot honestly. I'm not saying he's _not_ intelligent but essentially telling someone they have common sense isn't the highest form of flattery. Lloyd and I have had many intense debates but, yes, they always somehow _ended_ on civil terms. That's just the truth. And when not intensely debating, yes, we're quite friendly. There are numerous examples of this, ranging from the more distant past to just a few days ago even.

          "then paint some cartoonish villainous image of me"

          You mean provide evidence?

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    I'll invite you. "The server" has existed for centuries. It's something of a thing of legend.

    In the server we set alarm clocks to remind us of important SaddleGoose/ItDuz-related events. At noon we gather to discuss how important he is. An hour later everyone rushes to downvote his insightful comments in a synchronized fashion. We also make blood oaths to all call him an asshole. Sure, on the surface it might seem more logical to observe that there's zero evidence of his comments being thumbed down as they're not all hidden from dislikes, and more logical to presume that several people simply choose to treat him like an asshole when he acts as such, but I assure you this highly complicated action requires hours of meticulous planning.

    Why did the server exist for centuries before his birth, you ask? Simple. He is the chosen one and his arrival was predicted. He is that important.

    I'll send you a link to my YouTube channel where we discuss it in depth. It also has some great videos on proof that the Earth is flat.

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    • dude_Jones

      Is it true that his female alts that once publicly admired him have come back as negative karma? This is haunting.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        Well, it's certainly true that his SaddleGoose alt occasionally claims to be a woman. It's quite humorous coming from a guy outwardly terrified of trans people.

        My only regret in all of this is causing him to make up (or reference an actual) girlfriend; I was really looking forward to watching him inevitably hook up with himself.

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        • dude_Jones

          I hook up with myself quite a bit. The whole thing is anticlimactic. But, a pride parade for wankers would make all of us feel a little better, I think.

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  • BleedingPain

    Thats better than getting several notifications to a post that had just been deleted

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  • LloydAsher

    Which thread?

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Same, at first it was hilarious but after a while I don't know what was going on. I'm curious when it'll end

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  • Correction

    I lost interest in the entire question when OP responded to being called transphobic by claiming they hadn’t brought up trans at all and it was just about not calling the person a fairy. Yes, the person who said “there’s only two genders” multiple times pretended they didn’t say anything transphobic and didn’t mention trans at all. That was my cue to check out of the conversation entirely.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    To be honest I delete my questions when people start to argue on them. I find it agitating when grown ass adults have nothing better to do than to resort to name calling and insults like elementary school children. I also delete my comment on other peoples posts when an OP gets belligerent. I just don't want to be part of a meaningless feud.

    I'd delete the question or the comments if I were you.

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  • litelander8

    Comment on it and tell them to fuck off. I’ve done it before, it worked. They can make their own post to discuss it. Or pay the fucking site and message each other privately.

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    • WhistleBain

      It's a little more difficult than that. I've attempted to block the other person and almost immediately after I had, two accounts started pestering me, one by the name "BlackPeople" that was created around the time of the block constantly barraging my comments on posts, claiming I'm his "daughter" or a "young lady" and another account privately barraging me in private messages called IdoloMantis.
      Shortly after I deleted my account Sounds_Weird's account was inactive for the following two months...I went to check the BlackPeople account and the exact same could be said, inactive for two months. Sure, coincidence. I then went to check CountessDouche's inactivity and it was around 14-15 days...I then went to check the Idolomantis account that barraged my DMs and again, take a guess? inactive for the same amount of days. Given that they two coordinate together, self-admitted, it's not hard to put two and two together as to what has been going on, and I'm not the first to of made these types of connections about these users, either. Some other similarities is that Sounds_Weird and BlackPeople have a shared love for screenshotting conversations and calling people alcoholics.

      All I'm doing at this point is making people aware that if they've been bombarded by any of the accounts mentioned, be it with responses or the thumb feature, that these folks are your culprits, and if these are the accounts being used then it's an artificial dogpile.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        Evidence incoming.

        Guess it's again time to damn the admitted animal-torturing, manipulative creep with incontrovertible proof that he's paranoid and insane again.

        Private messages of us making fun of mantis on July 10:

        More on July 12:

        Trying to figure out who she was since she harassed everyone (not just you, you narcissistic fuck) on July 20:

        Laughing about BlackPeople on June 17:

        Aggressively making fun of how fucking crazy and obsessed you are with thumbs (which no one else gives a fuck about) and laughing that you actually believe there's some conspiracy on June 27:

        Quoting you (on-site) at the top and calling you out for calling even more people irrelevant shortly after you referred to litelander as if some random and said her name was "maybe" littlelander or something, despite her being a regular user, but you're too narcissistic to notice anyone besides yourself:

        And since I'm going to show people this every single time I catch you lying about me and my friends and/or trying to manipulate people, here's the screenshot of you talking about having tortured animals and encouraging others to in the very same post that you said you lie when caught for evil deeds and try to manipulate people (just like you're trying to manipulate litelander now since Lloyd didn't work out):

        And why don't you tell the truth about the blocking scenario? You decisively lost a debate with me so you responded by spreading rumors that I abused my ex who you don't even know (the exact type of shit you admit to doing). I always made you look stupid for those claims so you blocked me. I disengaged and then I caught you multiple times _still_ spreading the rumor anytime anyone said anything positive about me because you're bizarrely jealous of me for some reason, behind my back so that I couldn't defend myself and hoping I wouldn't find out since you blocked me.

        You try to make it sound like I give a fuck about you when I wouldn't give a damn if you just left the site. And if anyone wanted to talk to you so badly, they would have just talked to your SaddleGoose account. _EVERYONE_ knows you're SaddleGoose, and I _PROVED_ that you're SaddleGoose.

        The evidence is not your friend, Goose. Once again, I've completely slammed you with screenshots proving you are paranoid and insane.

        Get help. You are fucking crazy. But hey, that's already evident given the fact that you torture small animals to make up for how powerless you feel in life, you pathetic excuse for a man.

        Just take your L with grace and fuck off, Goose.

        P.S. "Some other similarities is that Sounds_Weird and BlackPeople have a shared love for screenshotting conversations and calling people alcoholics."

        I don't know if BlackPeople ever sent you screens or called you an alcoholic or not but I'm willing to take the bet. Provide one shred of proof that happened.

        Speaking of screens, let's see some screens that it happened.

        At any rate it doesn't really matter because my screens proved my point.

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        • WhistleBain

          I had accused Countess of being IdoloMantis a good while prior to this whole event. It's entirely possible these texts are simply to save face after that fact or after other users made similar allegations against CountessDouche prior to mine. It could also be entirely possible that Countess is absolutely crazy and kept that pet project secret from you, which I admit is the least likely case. However, I'm fair. You said Mantis harassed everyone, and I never denied this despite your claims. You previously told me she spared you from her harassment, so I'm curious if CountessDouche has any screenshots of IdoloMantis messaging her on the site or was she spared too? If you can screenshot those I'm happy to let that one slide. However, one of you are BlackPeople, that text means nothing. It's entirely possible that you refer to your alts in the third person, just as I have a record of BlackPeople referring to himself in the third person, as he was clearly representing himself as a character.

          For the sake of transparency too, these screenshots you give seem purposely cropped. Could you go back and expand these screenshots so we can see the full context of these discussions?

          Could you also explain to me why the "BlackPeople" account, despite only being a five month old account (at the time 3 month old), has made the exact same allegation, for the exact same reasons, with the exact same terminology, a few months ago as CountessDouche has during this situation despite me not talking about one of the references they make on this site for far over a year prior to BP being here?


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          • S0UNDS_WEIRD

            First of all, when I sent the first set of screenshots of my _private_ messages, I told you to consider yourself lucky that you got anything because they're _private_ messages and that if I send anything else, it will be because I _choose_ to and have time to. It takes way too much time out of my day to dig up specific moments in ancient conversations, crop them to the relevant information, black out things there's no getting around including like real names and unrelated sensitive info stuck between relevant info, host it online, and store the link. That process over and over. Comments I can and will do until the heat death of the universe so as to perpetually humiliate a morally bankrupt animal-torturer with the audacity to fabricate things about me behind my back, but this takes time out of my real life and isn't owed to you anyway.

            Despite this, this is the third set. Do not ask again. Requests will be ignored going forth. On-site stuff I'll see what I can do for but I don't owe you anything and it's pretty creepy to ask for private messages anyway. You're insane.

            Yes, Countess was spared. I got in touch with Lorna though. She was a little iffy about the ethicality of posting this publicly but I assured her we could black out mantis' messages and leave hers, as long as she was comfortable with that. Same deal with Lloyd; I told you what I said but I wasn't going to directly show you his private messages yet told you the relevant information I was sure wasn't a secret and said feel free to ask Lloyd if you had any questions or doubt. Here you go:


            If I was as diabolical as you claim, we _obviously_ would have "faked" mantis harassing us as well when we "faked" talking about it fucking months in advance instead of "faking" her harassing Lorna. While I'm at it, I'll point out it obviously would have been a clearer job on all of these screenshots, even more direct than they are and leaving _zero_ doubt. They also wouldn't have required having to edit shit about my ex (and other personal details) out of any of them in the middle of relevant info, and they for damn sure wouldn't have typos like when I mixed up "all" and "and" in the one making fun of how crazy you are for thinking there's a thumb conspiracy against you.

            Unfortunately I have only reality to work with. There's also the fact that nothing like this was over shown to 1WeirdGuy despite allegations and that it required me finding you making shit up about me _AGAIN_ after I thought we made peace for it all to come to this. If you choose to believe that I'm so calculated and far ahead that I predict the future perfectly and predicted you showing back up to say things you couldn't as SaddleGoose, I actually prefer that. It's extremely flattering. But unfortunately for me you're just fucking insane and probably about a step away from claiming that I either own the site or am a hacker and simply planted that comment of you admitting to torturing animals and admitting to being a manipulative liar who behaves exactly as you are now in response to being exposed for evil deeds. You very seriously appear to be having a paranoid schizophrenic episode. No, I'm not shaming the disorder. I've had friends with it which is exactly how I know what this looks like. That said, I lean toward it being your narcissism. After all, you're also crazy enough to believe people don't know you're SaddleGoose.

            But at any rate, feel free to ask around the site as well. I know mantis was messaging heaps of people.

            Before I forget, I'd also like to call out how cringe and shitty it was of you to brag about how you didn't elaborate on having helped mantis when you clearly didn't genuinely help her with shit if you don't even think she's a real person.

            Also, while I won't tell you what she said, as I'm sure this wasn't a secret, she _did_ deny being Nikki. At the time that was my best bet as well but I no longer think it as I now have other information that leaves me every bit of 99% sure I know who she is, which I'm obviously not going to specifically say on-site as she's done nothing to me. I'm also about 80-95% sure I know who BlackPeople is but I'm also not going to be posting _that_ publicly. If you'll recall, I even refrained from publicly posting that YOU are SaddleGoose for months after you told me you were until I caught you spewing BS about me again. But if either of them fuck with me or my friends in the ways that you have they'll suffer the same fate as you (well minus having evidence as extreme as torturing animals, but embarrassing shit all the same). Not to say I have reason to believe either of them would.

            "these screenshots you give seem purposely cropped"

            They don't _seem_ purposely cropped. They _are_ purposely cropped. Believe it or not, IIN likely isn't even 1% of what we talk about when off-site. It just comes up here and there in the middle of conversations about other things that aren't even remotely your business (not that the parts about IIN are your business either), not to mention the times it might come up in text without context from calls. Unfortunately, we don't talk about it as much as you would like, which is why I don't have thousands of examples instead of tens. All the same, here we are literally making fun of BlackPeople (sorry BlackPeople; you're still way cooler than this animal-torturing cunt, and _everyone_ has bad days):


            "--explain to me why the 'BlackPeople' account, despite only being a five month old account--"

            Even if BlackPeople isn't who I have good word he almost certainly is and who he seems to be, I don't think anyone in their right mind thinks he's only been around for 5 months anymore than they buy that he's black. He's an obvious troll, albeit a (usually) funny one to read. It's likely he's been around much longer than I have but not quite as long as you have.

            "has made the exact same allegation, for the exact same reasons, with the exact same terminology, a few months ago as CountessDouche has"

            I love how the story always changes and now the going hypothesis is that one of my best friends is behind all of this and wouldn't even share it with me.

            Allegation: That you're transphobic.

            Reasons: Because you very clearly are.

            Terminology: I'm guessing you mean "kid dicks". That's hilarious. Oh he _DEFINITELY_ got that one from us! Unlike your crazy shit like "ball's in your court" we can safely say we have that shit copyrighted. I feel honored. Well, Countess should; I got it from her. I mean _maybe_ he came up with it based on your fascination with kid dicks, but I'm 95% sure we can feel proud of this one. I'm not even gonna call that a coincidence because it's way more satisfying this way.

            That said, ironically this is just _further_ supportive data that it's not either of us; just as we obviously _would_ have "faked" mantis harassing us if we were faking things, we obviously would _not_ have said "kid dicks" if it was us and we didn't want you to at least suspect us. We're quite aware of how much it agitated you and so was anyone who witnessed it, which he clearly did.

            As for your screenshots themselves, I'm not gonna fail to point out that's not what I asked for at all, and unlike you, I'm not asking for anything private.

            In your attempt to manipulate litelander you claimed BlackPeople called you an alcoholic. I'll apologize if I'm wrong but I'm gonna call you a fucking liar on that. You claimed it. Surely you can back it up.

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            • WhistleBain

              People, keep this is mind:

              - The account that allegedly harassed everyone, coincidentally, spared the very two people accused of being responsible.
              - After being asked to show us the full context of the dubious and purposely cropped times he has shown users being brought up without context, he has refused.
              - His excuse for the similarities between him and BlackPeople is that BP just randomly decided to mimic them.

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            • LornaMae

              Hey SW, let me just set the record straight. I never said she harassed me, those are his words, not mine. She reached out I felt and she didn't bother me.

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      • litelander8

        “Blackpeople” who obviously was not even black. lol. Was a fucking cunt. They accused me of “lying” several times about my own personal experiences. Fucking ruuudeeeee. I’ve never paid attention to users having more than one account.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          This is him admitting to torturing small animals:

          That's a screen from June that he's already seen of my private messages showing we're not BlackPeople.

          And yeah, I don't think anyone in their right mind thinks BlackPeople is black. LOL. But that's beside the point.

          Anyway, he's already been sent private messages from June proving we're not BlackPeople and heaps more disproving all of his other crazy claims (see my other comment) but he's looking for someone new to manipulate after he was outed for torturing animals and has no one on his side.

          By the way, when he told me about BlackPeople talking to you he referred to you as some random who was maybe called "littlelander" despite the fact that you're a regular. He pays attention to no one but himself. Here's a screen of me calling him out for that:

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        • WhistleBain

          Oh that much was obvious. Deffo was a cunt, that's an understatement. They done the same to me with that account. The people I've mentioned are the ones behind "BlackPeople". I'll bet that on a good few occasions your interaction with "BlackPeople" resulted in a complete abnormal amout of thumbs up and thumbs down activity too, right?

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          • S0UNDS_WEIRD

            Already proved we're not BlackPeople with screens but you're here to manipulate litelander because apparently they didn't like each other.

            Here's us making fun of the fact that you think people thumb you down in a synchronized fashion:


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      • dude_Jones

        Dude. IDEA. Why don't you shift your focus into framing issues for posts, instead of using other users as slaves to build vanity monuments for yourself in the desert?

        Consider this. Collective intelligence leads to world domination, as shown by swarms of production workers in Chinese factories. This works because China has good facilitators, not necessarily good geniuses.

        As everyone can see, demonizing people at IIN gets people laughing at you. But, being a good facilitator on an IIN poll gets everybody laughing at everybody else. It's your choice buddy. Dog piles are everywhere.

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        • WhistleBain

          How do you know about the whole "vanity monuments" reference which is in regards to a months old debate me, CountessDouche, and Sounds_Weird had before I blocked SW? Why do you seem so invested as to immediately jump in on behalf of them, especially when, just like Us3, we've never really engaged with one another?

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          • S0UNDS_WEIRD

            Rats! He discovered yet another of my identities at one fell swoop of his sterling intellect.

            If I don't discontinue employing such obvious references to prior conversations such as "vanity monuments" and "kid dicks" he'll soon discover IIN is populated by him and my alts alone.

            I must exercise more caution like I do with my Lloyd account.

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          • dude_Jones

            PS. Years ago, I had arguments with Countess that lasted for days. Please don’t think you’re her only victim. The strange thing is that I admire her, even tho she has beat me up in the past.

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          • dude_Jones

            I’m not acting in behalf of them. I just watching all of this and thinking of ways for people to avoid burnout.

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            • WhistleBain

              Bruh, some Stockholm syndrome goin' on here. I'll take your word for it.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno, I don't have the patience to read all the comments at the moment, but I did glance by a reference to someone who said that someone was admitting to hurting animals. I just want to say to anyone who gets off, on torturing animals that they ought to go find a cliff, and take a flying leap!

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  • Cable4nerds

    This is the thread that never endsssss 🎶🎵

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    I'm also both Cleverbot and God.

    I'm the black text.

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  • WhistleBain

    You take care now.

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  • WhistleBain

    I'm clearly referencing that they coordinate offsite in regards to how they act on-site. I can only assume you're being this obtuse and uncharitable despite us never interacting as you are part of the server. That's fine.

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    • dude_Jones

      An offensive huddle is nothing to be intimidated about. Spartacus never said the conquest of Rome was going to be easy. Chin up, homeboy. When your death is eminent, it's your honor that counts.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Yeah it's normal, I get in these conversations all the time.

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  • Delete the question.

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    • Oooh that's a good suggestion lol. I'd feel bad though 😞

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I hate when ppl delete their questions.

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      • LloydAsher

        Yeah deleting conversations is a dick move here.

        Sorry about your position though.

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