Is it normal we decide words are bad over time?
The correct term form Afracian Americans in the US was once nigger, but then someone decided that was a bad word, so it went to negro, but then later that was bad, so it became colored people which was completely polite to use until someone decided they didn't like that either, so it became black people which was totally fine to say until someone decided that was no good and it became Afracian Americans. In 20 years when someone decides that is no good, I wonder what the next correct term will be, pigmently gifted?
The point of that obsurdly long sentence is that every word on that list, even the one at the beginning that is today thought to be so horrible, were at different points in history just normal words to discribe people of color. No different than calling a blue house "blue". There was nothing derogatory or mean spirited until someone decided there was.
I notice the same thing with the word "retard". Apparently that is now a terrible thing to call someone who is retarded. It used to be just the normal correct term to describe with mental and developmental disabilities. It was not mean or rude, it was just correct. The fact is, any word that is used to classify such people will ultimately become something that would be offensive to call someone without such disabilities. It wouldn't matter if you made the correct term " greatest person on Earth" because if being the greatest person on Earth meant you were retarded, no one would want to be called that. So why bother constantly changing things? Why is it offensive to call someone that actually is retarded, retarded? Again, it is no different than calling a blue house blue.