Is it normal we should have a world no sex day?

We have calendar days to honour almost everything else.
This planet has become badly overpopulated, to the point where we can no longer feed ourselves. One in seven persons alive are starving, and these numbers are growing rapidly.(The next person who says that overpopulation is a myth: I have a nice piece of desert picked out just for you, the same size as Ft. Lauderdale, FL. You are to stay in that patch of desert, using only the resources available, with no help from outside [except contraceptives], until you come to your senses. Now I know that you are going to whine and complain that you should get a fertile piece of land; it doesn't matter, because any piece of land we give you, will soon become a desert, by your own idiotic philosophy.)
...Now where were we? Oh yeah, no sex day...
There seems to be a direct cause and effect relationship between having sex and having a child.
If we all agree to not have sex for one day, this should result in about 20 million fewer live births about 9 months later.
I know that you can do this. It will not kill you to not have sex for 1 day!
Does this mean that I should hurry up and 'get some' before the day arrives? Absolutely not, nor should you sit and watch the clock, anxiously waiting for the day to end.
In order to maximize the effectiveness of NSD, this day should be determined to be the day when females are most likely to be fertile, and will vary from year to year, depending on the solar-lunar cycle. Countries and / or regions can also opt for a different day, if it can be shown to be more effective for that country and / or region. Also, if you know that you are not fertile on that day, you can and should pre-empt or defer that day to when you think you are most fertile in your cycle.
But I'm using contraceptives and / or I'm sterilized, should I participate? Yes.
Should we have a No Sex Day?

Voting Results
37% Normal
Based on 166 votes (61 yes)
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Comments ( 71 )
  • charli.m

    There is no one day a year females are most fertile. It's called ovulation and (should) happen over a few days, monthly, and will differ woman to woman.

    Secondly, education is the key to this, not dictating when people can and cannot have sex. People are getting too fat. Shall we curb this with a worldwide No Eating Day?

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    • Is this her?

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      • charli.m

        No, this is suckonthis9's story.

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        • Want to do it?

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          • charli.m

            With you?

            Not even to piss off sot9.

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            • I'll take that as a maybe

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    • Actually, there is a day when females are most fertile (on average). This can be determined by finding the most prevalent birthday and counting backwards the normal amount of days of human gestation.
      It has also long been known that female menstual cycles are tied to the lunar cycle (regular cycle). It is also known that females who co-habitate or have close relationships, will often synchronize their menstual cycles.
      This is not intended to be dictatorial in nature (as these days can be adjusted), but could be part of a practical solution for overpopulation. Also, it is intended to raise awareness of this problem, and is therefor educational.
      If we don't curb our exponential population growth, there will soon be a world No Eating Day, because we do not have enough food to feed ourselves!
      To curb fatness is easy. Alter your lifestyle. Eat a hearty and nutritious breakfast every day. Eat a moderate lunchtime meal every day. Skip dinner. Engage frequently in natural excercises.

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      • KeddersPrincess

        So then we do have a mating season?

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  • I havent had sex in 2 years. I dont understand whats so important about it.

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  • ccjigsaw

    Anyone else notice that was actually just a question they put is it normal in front of?

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  • loopoo

    Remove reproductive organs from birth randomly.

    I wouldn't of minded. I hate kids.

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  • how about no sex YEAR every year

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    It sounds like a good way to bring awareness to issues such as contraceptive use and the overpopulation that has stemmed from irresponsible sexual practices but I can't see many people supporting this because the idea of people like... I don't know... expecting someone to implement some form of self control and even implying that human beings ARE capable of controlling their sexual desires and such control can or even SHOULD be exercised for the sake of the future life involved seems would be seen as really offensive to some people. I guarantee it.

    Even insinuating that people here in countries WITH fairly easy access to birth control should refrain from having sex without it by use of their self-restraint will get you plenty of dirty looks or possibly much worse... Either way, I think it sounds like a pretty edgy way to bring attention and awareness to the problem of population and open a forum for discussion.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Yeah, but what if people fucked twice as much before and after world no sex day to make up for the lack of sex on that one day? Now you have even more people to complain about.

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    • I had already addressed this issue.
      One should not hurry to beat the clock, nor should they anxiously anticipate the expiry of this day.

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      • howaminotmyself

        Sorry, I missed that part. I just don't see any way to implement this idea and inforce it. Do you want to go back to chastity belts?

        And do you really believe there is one magic day that all women are fertile?

        Sex isn't the root of the problem. Ignorance is.

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        • The way to implement this idea is the same as implementing any other of these 'special' days, such as Earth Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc.
          This would be completely voluntary, no one puts a gun to your head and orders you to honour your mother and buy your mother a gift on Mother's Day, do they? Enforcement (please note the spelling) would not be necessary. No, I do not favour chastity belts, it would simply be an honourable thing to do, or not to do.

          No, there is not any single day when all women are fertile, but there are days when women are more statistically likely to get pregnant. Please see my comment in response to charli.m, above.

          This is the reason for this, to spread awareness, and to help to end ignorance.

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          • howaminotmyself

            I am not a pessimist, but your idea won't work. Even if you could find a way to communicate this idea to all 7+ billion of us, your method of choosing the day will have no impact. I really don't know where to begin with the flaws in this.

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            • Quitter!
              Please don't use -ists and -isms.
              You, my friend, are now in the desert with all the special interest whackos out there!

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  • spidercrowblaze18762

    NOP, nevr! I can't evn miss a day without sucking my girlfriend's cunt...

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  • dappled

    I think it's a good idea. Actually, I think it's a really good idea. It's the kind of thing that people will initially rail against because it doesn't seem to conform with public opinion, but it doesn't harm anyone too much and does actually do some good.

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    • Right. So when is the first annual World No Sex Day?

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      • dappled

        I vote March 25th. That means fewer midwives get called in to work on Christmas Day.

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        • Funny that you would pick that, because Dec. 25th is the second least common birthday after Feb. 29th.
          Sept. 16th is actually the most common birthday. So tentatively, I would think that World No Sex Day would be Dec. 16th.
          Also ironic, that with our best evidence, Jesus of Nazareth was probably born on Sept. 15th.

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  • anti-hero

    No just use a fucking rubber.

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    • Condoms are not a 100% effiective means of birth control. They are only 65-75% effective under real-world circumstances.

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      • anti-hero

        I use rubber as a term for all birth control. I should have been more clear.

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        • Currently there are about 250,000,000 (that's 250 million) women who are in need of contraception, who want contraception, and can't get contraception.
          How are you going to get contraception to them?

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          • anti-hero

            I am not going to personally, but I think that they should have it. I know there is a way it could happen. Also, I understand what 250,000,000 means.

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  • randypete

    you WANKER

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  • Geminian


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  • I like, and I'd support it. It can be like Earth day. It'll be about awareness. It should be when it's warm too, so there's plenty of other fun stuff to do instead of fuck.

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  • patriot071592

    I'm sure environmental extremists would support this because it would decrease the rate of population growth. And we all know the more people we have on this planet, the dirtier our planet gets. But hey, I'd support a no sex day.

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    • Who would perform an extreme environmental action?

      Who has a specialty in extreme environments?

      Who is an advocate of extreme environments?

      Please do not use -ists or -isms.

      Thank you.

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  • kingsleycrowne

    I agree. I am in my late 20's and I've become increasingly alarmed in my country at the birth rates. When I had facebook it seemed that everytime I logged on someone else had baby photos up or was pregnant. I speak to alot of women who tell me they plan to have 3 or more children. And I can't help but be alarmed and wonder how our world's resources can cater for this influx.

    The world’s human population doubled from 1 to 2 billion between 1800 and 1930, and then doubled again by 1975. At the end of 2011, it went past 7 billion. This staggering increase and the massive consumption it drives are overwhelming the planet’s finite resources such as oil, which we're running out of fast and don't have a plan. We’ve already witnessed the devastating effects of overpopulation on biodiversity: Species abundant in North America two centuries ago — from the woodland bison of West Virginia and Arizona’s Merriam’s elk to the Rocky Mountain grasshopper and Puerto Rico’s Culebra parrot — have been wiped out by growing human numbers.

    As the world’s population grows unsustainably, so do its unyielding demands for water, land, trees and fossil fuels — all of which come at a steep price for already endangered plants and animals. Most biologists agree we’re in the midst of the Earth’s sixth mass extinction event; species are disappearing about 1,000 times faster than is typical of the planet’s history. This time, though, it isn’t because of geologic or cosmic forces but unsustainable human population growth.

    Today’s global human population is over 7 billion. Every day, the planet sees a net gain of roughly 250,000 people. If the pace continues, we’ll be on course to reach 8 billion by 2020 and 9 billion by 2050. I think the only solution now is to learn how to crowd surf!!

    But seriously now by any ecological measure, we have exceeded our sustainable population size. Just a single human waste product — greenhouse gas — has drastically altered the chemistry of the planet’s atmosphere and oceans, causing global warming and ocean acidification.
    No sex day or birth control I will vote for!

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  • Terence_the_viking

    there is already a week in a month where its yucky to have the sex why add more to this thats like 13 weeks a year already why add another day? 91 days.

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    • The reason is quite simple, my friend.
      The population of the Planet Earth is currently near 7,100,000,000 (seven billion one hundred million) persons, and rising rapidly. This Planet Earth can only sustain about 1,000,000,000 (one billion) persons sustainably, for the long-term.
      Should we (and that's all of us) continue to ignore this problem, then humans and most of the life on Planet Earth will go extinct, probably in about 3,500 years.

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      • Terence_the_viking

        So no one uses protection?

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        • See how brainwashed people are. 'Protection', usually refers to condoms. Condoms are only 65 to 85 per cent effective in real-world circumstances.
          There are other forms of contraception that are nearly 100 per cent effective. However, there are currently about 250,000,000 (two hundred and fifty million) women who need birth control, who want birth control, and can't get birth control.
          Then, of course, there are all those 19 kids and counting and save every embryo crazies running around the world.

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          • Terence_the_viking

            Uh no they don't i was thinking more like a bodyguard that pulls you out of tight spots.

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  • randypete

    as the say in Spain manana

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  • Papers

    That day would be a big urge to have sex :) lolllz

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  • scary12

    If there was literally a day every year that nobody in the world would have sex then nobody would be born nine months from that day. So there would be a day of the year were almost nobody had a birthday.

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  • kinklu

    You havwe to define the problem which is birthrate, not frequency of sex. There's the pill, condoms, and, if you hate wearing the raincoat as much as I do, back door sex. We males could all get our testicles fixed, too. But that wouldn't be the American way!

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  • Blackroses

    what if that day would be on your bday and you would want some bday sex?

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I think it would be more effective to decrease life expectancy to what it used to be. Stop social security, medicare etc. Make smoking allowed again everywhere and allow smoking ads with cool Marlboro cowboys again. Raise speed limits again. Decrease taxes on alcohol and allow cool ads again even targeted to youth. Taxes on both alcohol and tobacco should seek to maximise revenue, not health benefits. Nice side effect of all this: the pension ponzi will take care of itself naturally and we'll have a younger population again.

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  • Francophile22

    How about if we just use a lot of overlapping birth control methods and fuck like rabbits!!

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  • Wendell

    I like it. I really do.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress


    of course the first thing i think of when i think of overpopulation projects is china with the "one child per couple" law. but that's mainly because male children are valued more so female children are often aborted.

    it hit the news a year ago that they expect to have over 40 million surplus males by 2020.

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  • dom180

    Having sex on WNSD would become the latest cool, edgy fetish. People would write erotic fiction about it! :D

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    • dom180

      I'm illustrating a serious point: as much as I honestly think it would be a good idea, it would obviously have to be opt-in only for individual people. We can't have governments telling people when they can and can't have sex, and I feel like making it opt-in would make it a LOT less effective :P

      Also, would WNSD also apply to same-sex... sex?

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  • Ugh69

    Seriously, FUCK YOU!

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  • prasatko

    A large percentage of people are obese. When will we have the World No Food Day?

    As for the original question, I totally agree that overpopulation is a problem and I am not a big fan of human reproduction. But I instead of no sex day, I think that we should try to support more effective ways of dealing with overpopulation, e.g. fighting against stupid religions which make people avoid contraception, then sterilization might be more effective than just one day without sex, plus we could make more women swallow the ejaculate of men instead of letting them ejaculate in their vaginas. But if your No Sex Day meant that we should have more oral sex instead of coitus, then I would participate gladly - not in a selfish way, giving oral sex is even more pleasurable and valuable to me than receiving.

    But as for the original question: I suggest sterilization instead of no sex day, more contraception and some social changes (anti-religious campaigns, education etc...). It seems more effective than not having sex on one day and getting pregnant the next day, month or year..

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    • I agree that education is the key to halt the looming overpopulation disaster. It is largely ignorance that causes overpopulation, and it has been proven that well educated societies do not overpopulate.

      In reality, should we not alter our reproductive behaviours [globally], then we would actually need to have a No Sex Day once each lunar month (or menstrual period) just to stop our current population growth.

      I also agree that we need a comprehensive global universal reproductive heath plan, and I have outlined the basic strategies for accomplishing this in other postings.

      Oral sex, yes please (but not everyone enjoys giving and / or receiving). There's manual stimulation (mutual masturbation) as well.

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