Is it normal we think we adopted a retarded dog ?
OK when I say retarded I dont mean really dumb I mean mentelly retarded .when we got this dog it somhow seemed like thier was something wierd about this dog not like it was a bused but we have come to the conclusion that we think it is slow . I dont know if you can have a retarded dog but poeple have retarded babys is it possible in animals ? she doesnt learn anything we have two other dogs that picked up things quickly but she picks up nothing she doesnt seem to understand basic trianing that most dogs should and she still has accidents if we are not watching her every minute of everyday . However she is very very sweet one of our sweetest dogs but she is just not the brightest dogs and she doesnt seem reguluar stupid she seems really stupid it is so hard trianing her and she doesnt listen ever . she is a sweet dog but we kindve think she is slow .Also alot of retarded poeple are very sweet . So I dont know this was a group conclusion of all of us who own the dog but do you think we are correct is this possible ?