Is it normal we think we adopted a retarded dog ?

OK when I say retarded I dont mean really dumb I mean mentelly retarded .when we got this dog it somhow seemed like thier was something wierd about this dog not like it was a bused but we have come to the conclusion that we think it is slow . I dont know if you can have a retarded dog but poeple have retarded babys is it possible in animals ? she doesnt learn anything we have two other dogs that picked up things quickly but she picks up nothing she doesnt seem to understand basic trianing that most dogs should and she still has accidents if we are not watching her every minute of everyday . However she is very very sweet one of our sweetest dogs but she is just not the brightest dogs and she doesnt seem reguluar stupid she seems really stupid it is so hard trianing her and she doesnt listen ever . she is a sweet dog but we kindve think she is slow .Also alot of retarded poeple are very sweet . So I dont know this was a group conclusion of all of us who own the dog but do you think we are correct is this possible ?

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Comments ( 38 )
  • Allistalla

    I still do not understand what i said that was wrong ? Anyhow no Our dog is no were as bad as the horse from family guy

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  • BigScaryRooster

    I will say normal. Your dog will eventually learn. She just needs more time then others would. I once had a slow chicken. She was always attacking trees. When she was a baby chick, she was always quiet. She didn't know how to eat at first, how to follow her mother, or even dig for worms. When she got older she never laid her eggs in the coop, She would lay them in a tree. She also crowed like a rooster and always picked fights with the roosters.

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  • charli.m

    Look up mental retardation. I'm ignoring the way you talked about "retarded people" and I'm going to pretend that your wording wasn't rather offensive - I'll just assume you know no better.

    Of course it's possible. Or it's just a dumb dog. If it really matters, ask your vet. We had a cat with brain damage (traumatic birth) and sometimes I swear my current dog is autistic.

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    • Allistalla

      I am sorry I was not trying to be offesive I was trying not too . I know a few retarded poeple and most of them were really severe ratarded and we tryed just to be nice to them and not stare at them . I auctually try make freinds with the slow kids becuase I feel bad how poeple luagh at them . I know that they are suppose to have a chromosone issue and diffrent combinations of that creates diffrent problems . however I do not know alot about animals to know if they can have mentelly retarded dogs . Also no i do not know alot about them im just try to be nice to them becuase poeple ususally treat them very mean and I find it rude .

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    • happy123

      retarted people are on the internet

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      • chp316


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        • happy123

          cause im retarted

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      • Allistalla

        Bold statement .

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  • Rainbow_Cookie

    Haha aww that's cute! One of my dogs is kinda slow too. She's the only one of my dogs that I couldn't train much, if at all... But I still <3 her :)

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  • denise1290

    Thats cute :)

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  • crazycatlady420

    It's totally possible to have a 'retarded' animal!!!! However, you've mentioned several times that your problem seems to be that your dog just doesn't listen....had it occurred to you that your dog might be deaf?!? In any case, I'd say take him to the vet to rule out any medical conditions (that's what vets are there for after all) and they may be able to give you some pointers on ways your dog may respond better to training

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  • Wh0Ar3YoU

    My betta fish is retarded.

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    • Allistalla

      well they say fish only have a memory of 3 seconds .

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      • Wh0Ar3YoU

        Well Im not sure if Thc is to blame here. It might of caused some damage in its central nervous system or its hippocampus.

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  • Stimpy

    Just as human parents can give birth to a baby who is labled as slow, so to can a dog or cat. It could do to interbreeding or the puppy did not get as much air or food while while it was still in the mother. Your dog could just act slow, but actually be smart, but on the safe side you should give this puppy extra attention and extra play time to learn your commands. Maybe only teach this pup a few simple tricks and love him all the more due to him being special. Have you checked is she can see and hear as well as the other dogs? Or you just might not have figured out what this pup feels is important.

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  • chp316

    What kind of Dog do you have? Smaller breeds of dogs are slower at learning.

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    • Allistalla

      its a pug

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  • Geldsmaggen

    Your dog could be retarded, autistic, adhd, or have a learning disability. I'm sure the same problems that afflict the human mind likely occur in animals in some way.
    Pet psychosis has even been documented and this can be linked to aggression.
    But mental retardation if its the case is unlikely to present with aggression in a dog.
    In any case, it's a dog. It doesn't have to go to school, get a job and work, or go to college. It doesn't have any real responsibilities, so it's nothing to worry about.
    Ironically, if your dog is retarded she may be more evolved. Not saying its a superior model but that domestication has been documented to lead to reductions in an animals intelligence, because it doesn't need it since we take care of it and as all abilities use up energy natural selection gradually drops anything a species doesn't need.

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    • Allistalla

      well, we can not get her to learn not to go potty in the house . our other dogs learned to tell us they need to go out if they need to potty or they learned scratch at the door becuase they do not need to be inside . our other dogs tell us they need to go out or atleast wiat till we let them out to go potty . she also never listens to any of our commands and we trained her like the rest of our dogs and she is the only one not learning she does not listen to our commands and she barely listens when we call her name . She is a very very sweet dog but she does not listen at all . Our other dogs listen to most commands unless thier in a fight than its hard to break them up but we do not know why this dog will not listen to any rules , any commands , is impossible to train . We do not know what we have done wrong with this one .

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    • Allistalla

      Also I am not labeling anyone the fact that mentel retardation is a fact we cant get around . I wasnt labeling anything .

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      • Ldizzy1234

        Was that meant for me? If it was, ok then. Good. Thats what I wanted to hear. Thats where I was wrong then. Its my mistake. I'm sorry, Allistalla. I thought you were labeling. I'm sorry. I get riled up over things like this. I guess I just feel like whenever somebody puts a label on someone, the person hears of their label, and pretty much becomes their label. I don't want someone to live their life thinking they're incapable. I don't know. Maybe I'm in denial, but thats why this subject gets me worked up. I apologize, and I'm sorry for being such a bitch in my comments.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    A lot of retarded people are very sweet? Haha! Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Dude, there isn't anything wrong with your dog. But there is something wrong with you.

    If you're having that much of a problem training your dog, just bring him to a professional trainer instead of calling him retarded. The person training the dog has to be good at training as well. Maybe you're not doing such a good job training him. And even if he learns at a slower pace than your other dogs, that still doesn't mean he's retarded.

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    • Allistalla

      I dont know thats what the teachers and the doctor saisd if you wish to argue go yell at the doctor and poeple taking care of them . So are you to say all retarded poeple are bad ? Is that what your saying I dont think that someone is bad becuase they are slow and you apperently disegree thats what the nice speciel ed teacher siad . Case you were wondering , they said that they are not bad poeple and alot of them are sweet they are just really slow so the fact you wish to argue the piont that Retarded poeple are inheritdly bad I think you are the worst kindve person to think so , thier is apperenlty something wrong with you if you think are slow poeple are horrible thanks for stating that . Incase you didnt know thier is retarded poeple at every school I been too I auctully dont judge them becuase thier slow I stated already that we should be nice to these poeple and not judge them but according to you we should treat them like shit so before you start pionting fingures look in the mirror becuase thats the only thing bad for retarded poeple not me becuase you seem to hate them and hate anyone who see reatrded poeple as auctual ppoeple not just something you should luagh at thanks for being so shitty to the mentelly disabled you ass .

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      • Ldizzy1234

        I don't hate slow people. I was saying that, just because someone, or a dog in this case, is sweet, doesn't mean that they're slow. You're the fucking ass! And you know what scumbag? Labels aren't right anyway.

        And it is a fact that sometimes its not the dog that has the problem, but the trainer just isn't good at training. Thats what I was saying. Never did I ever say that I hate or laugh at the mentally disabled. You've completely turned what I said around. Its dumb to just chalk it up to say that your dog is retarded just because he takes a longer time learning. Thats where you're the ass, asshole!

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        • Allistalla

          I never siad that I never siad that someone being sweet indicates that they are retarded pay attetion for once . I just said that slow poeple are generelly sweet and poeple are generelly very mean to them in case you never seen a retarded kid also becuase thier slow they do not understand when poeple are making fun of them I know this becuase I have hung out with these poeple , I have been asked to help aid teachers with these kind of poeple and I am usually the person they ask to introduce the new students to school . So dont go hating becuase your to stupid to understand that thier is nothing wrong with retarded poeple and you apperently have never worked with retarded children or you would have noticed how they act what happens to them and how they are treated . Also some them are to slow to realize what is exceptable or unexceptable behavior so stop speaking about something you have apperently never been around and know nothing about .

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          • Ldizzy1234

            Thats still not at all what I was trying to explain to you. And I'm done with arguing over the internet. Its stupid, and again, I have no problem with the mentally disabled. I've never been one to laugh at them, or even treat them as though they do have a problem. Its labels that I have an issue with, and like I stated above, I really don't like when people are quick to put a label on someone over something as small as learning things at a slower pace. And it almost seems as though thats what you and your teachers(or whoever) are doing. I would never jump to call someone(animals included), retarded for learning at a slower pace. To diagnose retardation, it needs to meet the criteria of many other things to be confirmed. And you have no idea who I am, and I have no idea who you are. And yes, I actually know somebody who has a daughter who has mental retardation. I've known her my entire life, and she's currently 42 years old. I've never treated her any different from anybody else. To me, she's still human like all of us.

            As much as I still really want you to understand what I was trying to say, I'm not gonna pick at this anymore. I'm sorry if my first post appeared as though I was attacking you. Maybe somewhere I did misunderstand you, but I think you've misunderstood me too. It would be pointless for me to argue with someone online, especially when I don't even know you, so... moving on.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Makes me think about that "Family Guy" when he adopts the retarded horse.

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    • happy123

      everybody pee so he dosent fell self consios

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      • Allistalla

        you are so mean stop being so insensitive .

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      • KeddersPrincess

        Lol :D

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  • Avant-Garde

    She could be a slow learner or developed late in the womb. Ask the vet. Also, some breeds are smarter then others.

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    • Allistalla

      well its a pug versus a rotwiler , and a pomeranian and akita and poodle those are not dogs we have all at once but these are diffrent dogs we had at pionts in life and none ever so hard to teach as this one .

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      • happy123

        i love pugs

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        • RoseIsabella

          Pugs are adorable.

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  • XallycatX

    Yes it is normal, maybe she's just a slow learner. Don't come to that conclusion so quickly. Also, watch the way you refer to 'retarded people' please

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    • Allistalla

      Also how do you refere to them ? I siad mentelly retarded I thought that was the correct term ? I dont know how I was piliticlly in correct could you please tell me ? Also I am the only one who was ever nice to them every school I been to poeple luagh at them I do not try to be insensitive but I am not sure how I spoke outve context ? OO

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      • Mrman10

        Your spelling is retarded.

        Translation for Allistalla: ur spillin ess retadred.

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  • Moonbow

    It's normal for a dog to be retarded -- any animal, just like people, can be retarded. However, it is NOT normal that a normal person would adopt a retarded dog. Take the damn thing out in the back yard and shoot it!

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