Is it normal when i freak out because someone touches me?
I have a couple of bad memories from when I was five and seven, and maybe I was never touched enough (you know, hugs and kisses and the like) as a kid, but I freak out when people touch me for any length of time. I think I'm getting better at dealing with it, but I mean I seriously panic. I feel like I'm about to cry when people purposely try to hug me just to induce that panic. I'll walk away and they'll apologize before it all happens again.
It doesn't matter if it's a handshake, a friendly hug, accidentally brushing against someone, or standing too close to me. I try to say nothing, if I can I'll back away, but there are moments when my reflex takes over and I just can't help making it obvious that I need to get away.
I don't hug people of my own volition, not even my own brother, no kisses, no hand shakes. High fives are alright sometimes 'cause it's only that one moment of contact.
I freak out when people touch me, and I don't know if that's normal. I think I'm a little bit of a hypocrite or something though, because as much as I hate it, sometimes I just really want someone to come over and hug me. Sometimes I just want someone to wrap me in their arms, to hold me, and never let go. Then someone random will try to and I'll jump away, or duck out of it, or swat at their arms or wave them away. Sometimes I'll just get as small as I can, lean as far away from them as I can, bite down that high pitched scream or squeal or whatever it is that I just want to let loose when someone tries to touch me.
A boy I liked once tried to tickle me, all in good nature, but I panicked and almost cried, and ran away from him. I felt so embarrassed and tried to apologize, but them he apologized for it and said he never would again.
I don't know what it is, why it is, if it's something about me personally or if it's just those two bad memories, but I can't stand it, and I don't know why. I'm pretty sure it's not normal, I just want some advice. An explanation would be nice too.
Thanks for reading through this, please help me out.