Is it normal yo gabba gabba creeps me out so badly ?
If any of you have watched Yo gabba gabba that that show is creepy. Its a show with a bunch of random monsters singing and dancing “yum yum lets be friends and eat your nutrients“. I mean ok I get it is a kid show but it creeps me out. It looks like someone was high and decided to make a kid show the one that scares me the most if the big green thing . I do not know when I watch it the whole thing feels like I am watching something someone on Acid invented . I mean that show is scary as hell. I think the toys are adorable by the way but the show and a person in a big green fluffy suit singing " I got carrots in my belly! there is a party in my belly now everybody NOW“! lets start some dancing. Is pretty creepy to watch.I was flipping channels one day and came across this show I watched it for a few minutes trying to figure out what it was and I was very disturbed by it. This show terrify’s me and no its nothing like fear of people in costumes and not clowns. I just find it all very creepy.