Is it normal zombies?

Ive played the games, I've read/seen the crazy bath salts guy's story. But I've never actually thought and realized how petrified I am of zombies. Zombieland was a great movie, but if it were ever to become true, I swear i'd poop myself. Is it normal to be this scared of zombies? Or even just the idea of them??

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76% Normal
Based on 25 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • cannibal98

    have u seen the walking dead?!?!?! if u watched that and were scared of it happening today you would like lay down and die! literally die, because you wouldnt know what to do!!

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    • Bmac17

      Get a s@#tload of guns and learn how to use them *before this happens, don't be naive either because it WILL end up happening because we f^ck with nature and diseases way too much, to be honest they probably have a remaining sample of the stuff locked away somewhere, from a previous outbreak.

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  • TerryVie

    the living dead in diverse forms are a lot older than hollywood :)

    If it was to be true, a lot of people would poop themselves, especially after realizing that the world they knew ceased to exist, most of their loved ones are now mindless instruments of death, and there's a good chance they'll die one way or the other(stockpiled food only lasts so long, and farming may be a little complicated)...many people play the though part because zombies are "mindless" things slaughtered in the dozen in many movies or games. But actually experiencing something like that, first hand, i bet you wouldn't be alone. To be honest, I'd probably join you in changing my pants.

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  • coolio75650932

    if zombies where real... well i would just get popcorn and see how it all turns out in the end oh and il have a camra so i can make a movie :3

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Zombies are awsome!

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