Is it normall to be afraid of dolls?

I have a phobia of dolls, particularly old ones. I keep thinking they are watching me somehow from their cold, unblinking eyes. If I'm alone in the same room as one ( a situation I would try to avoid) I can't keep myself from checking frequently that it hasn't moved.
There's something about them that really freaks me out.
Does anyone else have this phobia, and is it normal?

Voting Results
79% Normal
Based on 85 votes (67 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • stacey_0125


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  • crazyitg

    Just remember, they can't hurt you if you're looking directly in their eyes.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    My sister used to tell me a story about a murderous China doll when I was little. It had me moderately freaked out by dolls for a while. I'd share the story with you, but you're probably freaked out enough as it is.

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    • King_Felix_IV

      I must say, that does sound interesting. I'm not the type to watch horror films, but nevertheless as a christian I have heard quite a few accounts of possession. What do you mean by murderous?

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      • myboyfriendsbitch

        I don't remember exactly how the story goes, but I know the doll ended up with a knife at the end of it. I'm pretty sure it was just a made up story, not something that anyone actually saw. I think I'll google it to see if it's a universal story or just the twisted mind of that generation.

        We also used to tell scary stories that involved various monsters scratching the back of someone and by the end of the story the "listener" who sat there, eyes closed and mind open to the "story-teller", would lift their shirt to see if the monster's claw-mark's showed up on their back. Sometimes we would have light red scratch marks, which was pretty freaky. These stories were my favorite.

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  • Dot123

    Dolls can come possessed with spirits.

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  • GuessWho

    I am watching you. They have cameras in their eyes that stream to the internet.
    For enough money, I'll share the link.

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    • Johnnytherat

      na dude certain dolls steal your soul & you turn into a silent grey skinned shadow of a human i think hes talking about those

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  • Shayla1Skye1

    I have this phobia, an example would be if I was at clothing store and see mannequins I would look at them and feel as if they have moved. Also I hate old dolls because I also recon they have moved. The fear is called Automatonophobia ✌️

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  • This_guy_is_normal

    i have never had such phobia. but you really introduced me to my new phobia. god scary is that. a empty dark room a barbie with only one leg and she is heclingy staring at me.

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  • joybubblz

    It's okay. I have the same thing, except I have it with robots and such as well as dolls, but only if they have eyes. The eyes give a lifelike quality to them.

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  • mpiparanormal

    Many people have this fear. And for similar reasons. Something lifelike that isn't alive....

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Child's play is a mental film.

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    • Middlefinger

      it's not scary, unfortunately -______- boring, yes. its the exact word.

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      • Terence_the_viking

        It would be scary if it happened in real life.

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