Is it normall, to feel spirts.

So 9 years ago my beautiful grandma passed away. That night I felt a major change, I felt something there. I couldn't explain it and passed it off as depression. Years passed, and little by little the feelings got stronger and weird things would happen to/around me. I kept passing it off or writing it off as nothing. I never went to visit my grandmas grave, I had only been there when I was 11 to lay my grandma to rest. But I also had strong feelings and urges to go. I would dream and see her grave stone (something I never saw, it wasnt there the day we layed her down and my parents never showed me it). I always believed I had made it up. (but when I finally saw it it was exactly how I had pictured it)

Years passed and I started to notice that everything always happened around me, anyone who did me wrong was some how horribly injured or exposed only hours-days later. People always talk about how Karma will get you if you do wrong, I started to think I carried good Karma, and that those who did me wrong... got it bad. No thought of "spirit" ever came to me at the time, It was "Karma" what else could it be?

When I turned 18 is when I started seeing the spirts, and really feeling them and being able to interact with them. before this point I always assumed they were fake. Even at 18 I thought I was making them up, my eyes were playing tricks on me, or my brain was wanting them to be there. Anything I could think of as to why they would be there, why I would feel them so close and watching me.

Then when I was 20 I finally got the courage to go to my grandmas grave for the first time. THIS was the night that changed everything. I went late at night about 8:30pm I was on my way home from a friends house and got this strong urge to see my grandma. So I went to the grave yard. It was dark so I left my car lights on shinning toward her grave (Which I hadnt been to since I was 11... but knew exactly how to get to.) I walked down to it sat down, told her I loved and missed her, and wished she was still here. I got up to head back to my car, and in the light of he head lights I saw a figure, first I thought it was someone going to tell me I had to leave.... but then I noticed the person wasnt a person it was my grandma. I went to my car to leave... spooked as could be. When I sat down in my car I noticed that omg my car windows were open.... how did that happen??? So I rolled them up and while doing it in the review mirror I saw a gray light and chills down my back. Scared more then anything I went to take the 4 hour drive home. But decided to stop at the beach to "cool down" and try to analyse what had happened (trying to make it not true). The beach was super foggy. But I layed down and looked up, right above me the sky was super clear and the stars were brighter then ever. I stared at my "looking glass" to the stars for about 3 hours, the fog rolled around my "looking glass" never covering my stars. I then drove home, which felt like the safest ride of my life... After I was home I started noticing ALOT more activity around me.

I started noticing more shadows, and noises, and strange things. But mostly I started realizing I could "see". By see I mean I can sense what things are without looking now. Like in card games or dominos... I can tell you exactly whats on the card or domino. Which makes me win games by margins which are unbelievable. I have started to get strong feelings which may clash with my feelings when a spirt is near. I believe I am mostly followed by my grandma, but I think I have ran into other spirts.

Is this normal? Has anyone else been blessed with lost spirts? I find it to be a wonderful blessing now that I have accepted it. Once accpepting it about 3 months ago I have noticed I am directed in alot more ways. I would never say I'm haunted... just that they are with me, loving and protecting me. Its wonderful, and beautiful.

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65% Normal
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Comments ( 13 )
  • johnson87

    I have felt spirits too and I love the warmth and joy it brings to me. *smiles*

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    • Have you ever noticed that you are less "religous" because of it? alot of religons do not believe in spirts that are among us, rather that our spirts are in "heaven" They believe that our spirts raise after a certain time, or that only "evil" spirts are left behind. So I find myself guided less and less toward religious views that others hold... and I tend to follow what I feel that the spirts around me are guiding me too.... some might say that they are the "devils" speaking to me (some religons beleave this as well). But I think that my spirt(s) mean good.

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  • SeverusFan23

    I have felt spirits too.

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    • Positive or negative?

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      • SeverusFan23

        Neutral mostly. I've felt good presences too.

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  • IMissMary

    No I never lost anyone I loved.

    Yes I do feel spirits, always have.

    No it never goes away.

    No people will never believe you.

    Yes it gets annoying over time.

    No they won't tell you the winning lottery, advice on dating or anything else.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Iiiinteresting, espefcially on the cards and shit. Have you ever thought about doing one of those "psychic test" things? I'd be curious to see how you score if you're being completely honest about this.

    I've never actually seen spirits but I've felt and heard things, especially in the cemetary. I've seen shadows in the one near my apartment before, never anything definite and never during the daytime. It's a pretty quiet place but it's interesting. Last time I went there I wandered around for a while til an urge pulled me out to the edge, I literally felt maybe 5 peoples arms pulling me down, just sat there and communed with the feeling for a while... it was nice.

    Once at my parent's house I was leaving for class and I was downstairs turning shit off, I heard what sounded like a heartbeat, and it sounded like it was in the walls. I went all around the house, wasn't the computers, no TVs turned on, I got kinda freaked and ran out, totally forgot my cigarettes, and I swear to CHRIST I heard someone laughing. It was really weird. There were a few other weird experiences at my parents house, one may have been a dream. The other one I was laying in my bed stretching a bit, wasn't anywhere near sleeping, and I closed my eyes and saw... a vision? I don't know how to explain it. I saw people walking across a snowy field and in the middle of the field were the heads of two crows. Their eyes lit up and at that moment I opened mine, and I felt an *intense* pressure change in the room. I focused myself and pushed it out. That one just really freaks me because I'm pretty damn sure I was't dreaming, I wasn't tired and I'd only had my eyes closed for a few seconds.

    I really like how they explained it in Torchwood, I think I mentioned this on here somewhere else recently where I thought it was relevant. That human emotion is pretty much energy, and while you can't always see it or hear it you can feel it. That's kind of how I imagine ghosts to be... echoes of consciousness, traces of that persons essense still lingering in the vibratory and electromagnetic field. Your grandmother has moved on... but a little piece of who she was stuck around.

    Wow, I feel like this is a big step for me! I usually don't talk about this stuff on here because I kind of have a reputation to uphold and I worry what people will think. XD

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    • I think this is completely normal now. I think some people are just sheltering themselves to much from it and don't let themselves feel it. I don't know how much I believe a person has moved on "completely". I would like to believe that they are still semi here if that makes sense but I wont ever know for sure. This is a question I've wanted answered... do you find yourself less religous because of these "energies?" part of me wants to believe alot of the religons out there were people who believe that "this" was a feeling from god rather than what I beleive it is a feeling from pasted spirts? Idk how to desribe it I just find myself more and more strayed from the world wide beliefs and more following my own individual beat if that makes sense?

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I don't believe it. Never felt my grand-parents or my aunt or my previous cat. And my life sucks terribly.

    Comment Hidden ( show )
    • Maybe your too stressed to feel them? You should start taking time to relax and let yourself feel things.

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  • bemah

    That's really strange, I've never experienced that myself though.

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    • Have you ever lost someone you love? If so go somewhere where your all alone, normally the beach for me. And sit there for hours and let all your feelings out kinda like breathing out everything. And then just sit there without feeling... and close your eyes and listen for a while. If you spend long enough believing they are there and you open your heart for them to come in you will notice their pressence more. We so easily pass off the things that happen around us as things other than our loved ones protecting and loving us. If you believe that you can carry on ther spirt they will stay with you.... If you keep pushing them out they lose there ability. Like I can play card games now and I know that my lovely spirt is in my mind, I can see things I shouldnt be able to see. Just trust me they are stil among us, and if you let them they will be pleased to guide you. I think that after we die we are given the option to stay and guide our loved ones or be reborn. I would like to believe that there is no heaven, or hell. just spirts and when your ready to be you are reborn(erased).

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      • abominus566

        it is definatly possable that you are more sensitive then most. like myself i give my respects to you though for your loss, the only difference is that its different for me, but if you have a gift try to develop it it must have been given to you for a purpose

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