Is it normall, to feel spirts.
So 9 years ago my beautiful grandma passed away. That night I felt a major change, I felt something there. I couldn't explain it and passed it off as depression. Years passed, and little by little the feelings got stronger and weird things would happen to/around me. I kept passing it off or writing it off as nothing. I never went to visit my grandmas grave, I had only been there when I was 11 to lay my grandma to rest. But I also had strong feelings and urges to go. I would dream and see her grave stone (something I never saw, it wasnt there the day we layed her down and my parents never showed me it). I always believed I had made it up. (but when I finally saw it it was exactly how I had pictured it)
Years passed and I started to notice that everything always happened around me, anyone who did me wrong was some how horribly injured or exposed only hours-days later. People always talk about how Karma will get you if you do wrong, I started to think I carried good Karma, and that those who did me wrong... got it bad. No thought of "spirit" ever came to me at the time, It was "Karma" what else could it be?
When I turned 18 is when I started seeing the spirts, and really feeling them and being able to interact with them. before this point I always assumed they were fake. Even at 18 I thought I was making them up, my eyes were playing tricks on me, or my brain was wanting them to be there. Anything I could think of as to why they would be there, why I would feel them so close and watching me.
Then when I was 20 I finally got the courage to go to my grandmas grave for the first time. THIS was the night that changed everything. I went late at night about 8:30pm I was on my way home from a friends house and got this strong urge to see my grandma. So I went to the grave yard. It was dark so I left my car lights on shinning toward her grave (Which I hadnt been to since I was 11... but knew exactly how to get to.) I walked down to it sat down, told her I loved and missed her, and wished she was still here. I got up to head back to my car, and in the light of he head lights I saw a figure, first I thought it was someone going to tell me I had to leave.... but then I noticed the person wasnt a person it was my grandma. I went to my car to leave... spooked as could be. When I sat down in my car I noticed that omg my car windows were open.... how did that happen??? So I rolled them up and while doing it in the review mirror I saw a gray light and chills down my back. Scared more then anything I went to take the 4 hour drive home. But decided to stop at the beach to "cool down" and try to analyse what had happened (trying to make it not true). The beach was super foggy. But I layed down and looked up, right above me the sky was super clear and the stars were brighter then ever. I stared at my "looking glass" to the stars for about 3 hours, the fog rolled around my "looking glass" never covering my stars. I then drove home, which felt like the safest ride of my life... After I was home I started noticing ALOT more activity around me.
I started noticing more shadows, and noises, and strange things. But mostly I started realizing I could "see". By see I mean I can sense what things are without looking now. Like in card games or dominos... I can tell you exactly whats on the card or domino. Which makes me win games by margins which are unbelievable. I have started to get strong feelings which may clash with my feelings when a spirt is near. I believe I am mostly followed by my grandma, but I think I have ran into other spirts.
Is this normal? Has anyone else been blessed with lost spirts? I find it to be a wonderful blessing now that I have accepted it. Once accpepting it about 3 months ago I have noticed I am directed in alot more ways. I would never say I'm haunted... just that they are with me, loving and protecting me. Its wonderful, and beautiful.