Is it normally that i don't know how ride bicycle at the age of 20

Iam from india and live in india now iam 20 year old and I don't know how to ride bicycle, obviously I feel very much embracement when I was in my friend circle and I have don't any friend or family member who can teach me now .actually during my school days I experience severe migrane .do you think at age I can able to learn bicycle? any tips

Please choose correct option which you prefer.

no, you can't learn at this age but can live in a society 7
yes ,I can learn, please tell how 43
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Sunshine:)

    Just take it slowly and whenever you fall, just get back up and try again. It's never too late to learn anything!! :) Just focus on looking where you are going instead of looking down. Tip: The faster you go, the easier it will be to maintain your balance!

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    i don't know how to ride a bike either

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  • bigalka

    Dude your only 20, you can learn whatever you like, be it riding bicycle or big motorbike. You just need to practice slowly and in no time you are going to be a pro :).

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  • Teh4HorsMen

    I'm 30 and I don't know either.

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  • the_great_cunt

    Riding a bicycle is just like having sex: once you've done it, you never forget how. You're young, there's still plenty of time for you to ride a bike.

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  • i_will_not_eat_hats_again

    Yes, live in society you can. How can tell we will.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I would suggest that you do not try to learn anywhere that you might have other vehicles around. An empty parking lot after the shops have closed or even a school yard after hours would be preferable to trying to learn around other vehicles.
    Most likely, you'll fall off a few times, so some good clothes to protect you, like jeans and sweatshirts might be nice.
    I doubt things like helmets and knee pads are available in India, so just do your best not to get hurt. You should be fine; good luck.

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  • Riddler

    No, its not normal to not know at 20. Its not like you cant learn though.

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