Is it not normal to go through gum fast?

I love gum and I chew gum alot and I'm convinced that gum losses flavor after the first five minutes. Is I normal to go thriugh a 14 piece pack of gum in two days?

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81% Normal
Based on 108 votes (88 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Quetzacoatl2

    I go through a 14 pack gum in three hours.

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  • billabongsport

    Yes, defintely normal.
    Happens to me all the time, it's annoying cause it's expensive, but its necessary! Haha.

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    • i5harry

      not normal, by my standards atleast... i hate gum rarely chew it

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  • PurpleMouse

    It is normal, but you should try & lay off since chewing gum causes cancer. Search this on the internet and you'll agree with me, too. I know this might come as a shock, but the maximum amount of pieces you should chew a day is 2, otherwise it's just WA-AY too much gum.

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  • OffTheWallFlower

    I go through it damn quickly too, but it's not good to do this a lot as gum has a laxative effect in large quantities.

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  • samson_bowbarrow

    I chew gum my self. my favourite is five gum because it lasts for hours on end. but I agree with purple mouse, my jaw is hurting like crazy so I"m going only chew it when nessacary. the best place and time to chew gum is after eating at a resturaunt, because when you chew the gum it tricks your stomach into thinking your still eating and you digest faster.
    learned this from a friend.
    but that aside. don't eat too much

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  • BirdyMojo

    I rarely ever get gum, but when I do... I go through one pack in about a day (2 days if I am being good) but whenever other people have packs of gum, it takes them like a WEEK to go through one pack... and then I get all self conscious... good to know I am not the only one. :)

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  • jrphotographer

    I can go through one in a day!

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  • Same with me but I can go thru a 20 pack in 2 hours XD

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  • i will kinda enjoy the taste of gum dont want to get rid of the gum so fast besides when i chew it outside with my axe chocolate deoderent the ladys think im intresting x) yah its normal

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  • SyC0Pathik

    i used to go through a pack of stride a day sometimes two mind you i might have gave a few pieces away but still i ate the majority

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  • pmack

    I know someone who chewed lots of gum, and she now has Jaw problems and had to stop chewin doctors orders. be carefuL!

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