Is it not normal to go through gum fast?
I love gum and I chew gum alot and I'm convinced that gum losses flavor after the first five minutes. Is I normal to go thriugh a 14 piece pack of gum in two days?
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I love gum and I chew gum alot and I'm convinced that gum losses flavor after the first five minutes. Is I normal to go thriugh a 14 piece pack of gum in two days?
Yes, defintely normal.
Happens to me all the time, it's annoying cause it's expensive, but its necessary! Haha.
It is normal, but you should try & lay off since chewing gum causes cancer. Search this on the internet and you'll agree with me, too. I know this might come as a shock, but the maximum amount of pieces you should chew a day is 2, otherwise it's just WA-AY too much gum.
I go through it damn quickly too, but it's not good to do this a lot as gum has a laxative effect in large quantities.
I chew gum my self. my favourite is five gum because it lasts for hours on end. but I agree with purple mouse, my jaw is hurting like crazy so I"m going only chew it when nessacary. the best place and time to chew gum is after eating at a resturaunt, because when you chew the gum it tricks your stomach into thinking your still eating and you digest faster.
learned this from a friend.
but that aside. don't eat too much
I rarely ever get gum, but when I do... I go through one pack in about a day (2 days if I am being good) but whenever other people have packs of gum, it takes them like a WEEK to go through one pack... and then I get all self conscious... good to know I am not the only one. :)
i will kinda enjoy the taste of gum dont want to get rid of the gum so fast besides when i chew it outside with my axe chocolate deoderent the ladys think im intresting x) yah its normal
i used to go through a pack of stride a day sometimes two mind you i might have gave a few pieces away but still i ate the majority
I know someone who chewed lots of gum, and she now has Jaw problems and had to stop chewin doctors orders. be carefuL!