Is it part of anxiety to just feel so off all the time?

I have anxiety (they have fully diagnosed me with it) but for some reason I just can’t help but believe it must be something more. Like schizophrenia or something or the beginning of a psychotic break. I’ve been told anxiety can feel this way all the time, even if you’re not really directly worried about something. My question, is that spacey feeling normal.

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82% Normal
Based on 11 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • bleedingdiarhea

    I had a spacey feeling for a long time and it was due to anxiety and/or depression. Once I got better the spacey feeling went away.

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  • cipro

    If you don't hear voices, then its not schizophrenia.

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  • I have schizophrenia (diagnosed with psychosis but it's been reoccuring for the past 4 years).

    I have delusions such as the government is the one talking to me, making me feel shit because of things I've done (computer fraud, stealing from bank accounts) or thought about (like a sexual thought that isn't normal), or that I'm on a tv show, and that people can hear my thoughts.

    I also see evidence that supports these ideas, peoples faces will react if I have an unwanted thought pop into my head that would offend them, and the voice in my head says something and I won't quite hear what it says and then I'll figure out what it was trying to say (like when someone says something from a distance, you can't immediately understand them but when you think about it you know what they said)... I also get paranoia, such as thinking someone raped you whilst you slept (by gassing you), I now sleep with a motion detection camera app facing my door which uploads the video to Google Drive, and has a history which says if someone deleted the video (iSentry for anyone reading this who also suffers from the same/similar delusion).

    The voices don't sound real real, they sound like someone in the distance, or in the next room, and I can distinguish it from someone actually talking, except where it modifies a real voice.

    If that is starting to happen to you, seek a mental health professional, the meds will put a stop to it, the brain is overactive and the parts of the brain which reason are damaged.

    I've also had anxiety, severe anxiety to the point that I'm constantly shaking and doubting every action being unable to speak to people, it also would make me feel like I was in a place I didn't know and was unaccustomed to.

    Again, speak to a mental health professional, they can prescribe anti-anxiety medication.

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    • Drepet123

      Thank you. That helps a lot and gives more insight into me realizing that it’s just my anxiety giving me a fear. Hearing it from your perspective has been so helpful and I appreciate it. It’s just always been a fear of mine so I had worried and obsessed.

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  • Flawless

    you can never be too sure

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  • Nikclaire

    Normal most likely. I get spacey more when I am depressed. When it's anxiety I feel more of an impending doom.

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