Is it possible?
I'm in love with a guy who is one year younger than me. But it's very complicated... If we got together; apart from the fact that we live apart; my friends don't like him and his friends don't like me much. Let's just say we are from very different backgrounds. But I'm so in love that I tell myself I wanna be with him every single second of my life. Even if I couldn't be with my friends; I wouldn't mind because all I want is to be with him. He makes me happier than anybody else in the world and I wanna say I love you to him every single time we speak. I imagine us being so happy and still havig loads to talk when we are 50 and have the most amazing kids. I have always gotten tired of people and never had a similar thought like this before. I keep telling myself it's bullshit because it could never work out - but I need opinions and somebody to tell me off! Thanks