Is it possible?

I'm in love with a guy who is one year younger than me. But it's very complicated... If we got together; apart from the fact that we live apart; my friends don't like him and his friends don't like me much. Let's just say we are from very different backgrounds. But I'm so in love that I tell myself I wanna be with him every single second of my life. Even if I couldn't be with my friends; I wouldn't mind because all I want is to be with him. He makes me happier than anybody else in the world and I wanna say I love you to him every single time we speak. I imagine us being so happy and still havig loads to talk when we are 50 and have the most amazing kids. I have always gotten tired of people and never had a similar thought like this before. I keep telling myself it's bullshit because it could never work out - but I need opinions and somebody to tell me off! Thanks

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Arm0se

    Do it! Take the chance!

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  • Shackleford96

    Either give it a chance, or live with regrets if you don't.

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  • chained_rage

    She was a girl
    He was a boy
    Can I make it any more obvious?
    He was a punk
    She did ballet
    What more can I say

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    • I dont get it,...

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      • chained_rage

        Meaning your situation kinda sounds like an Avril Lavigne song

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        • Oh i didn't recognise the song sorry! haha i dont know about that...

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  • jethro

    You are 50 and you actually are concerned what people think? Tell them to piss off. If they can't be supportive of you, regardless of their personal feelings then they can do something else. Time isn't on your side anymore. You should associate with people who support you,not hack you down. If the relationship isn't abusive, then whose business is it anyway. If your kids are OK with it then that is all that matters.

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    • wait, i'm 21 haha i dont have kids

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    • chained_rage

      She's not 50 =/

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