Is it possible for a puppy to die in its cage?

My married sister got a little puppy poodle in 2013. a few months later she got a divorce. a week after she left the house she moved into her 300lbs of muscle boyfriends apartment. she brought the dog along. the dog was quite annoying. one day my sisters kids (ages 5,7,11) called my mom (the grandma) saying the dog has been missing for a week. My mom then called my sister to ask her about it. she said the 6 month old puppy died in a cage. it somehow got out of the metal cage but got stuck on a lever and it peirced into its lung and it died. so they took the dog to a field and secretly buried it.. and told no one. i mean, that sounds super fishy.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • victorygin

    Do the sister's kids live with your sister (and boyfriend)? Why did they call your mom? Why didn't they just ask your sister (their mom) about it?
    Why was the puppy in a cage in the first place??
    YES, it sounds superfishy...

    But ignoring all the details, it's very hard to believe that could happen. (So yes, the boyfriend killed the dog and your sister is covering up for him). Don't quote me on that, brackets (parentheses) don't count.

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  • snarkygirl

    Ugh this post ruined my day. These people should not have pets.

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  • sexynsadistic

    little dogs are annoying as fuck. glad to hear that there is one less of them on this earth. lol

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